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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if Vegeta hadn't Killed Nappa
Goku vs Vegeta fight remains the same.After Vegeta leaves,the gang remembers
Nappa,but Goku urges them not to kill him.Instead,he is taken to the hospital
with Goku.Krillin,Gohan and Bulma leave for Namek.When Karin brings the senzu
beans,Nappa is healed as well.Goku tells him that if he does anything bad,he'll
kill him.Since Nappa knows that Goku is stronger than him,he agrees so.Goku asks
Nappa to travel with him to Namek.Nappa accepts,since he has nothing better to
do.While traveling,they train together in gravity room.This way,Goku increases
his strength faster,because he trains with someone else.When they arrive,they
both have a pl of 180.000(of course,Goku can go up to 1.800.000,with kaioken).
They meet the gang,who fight Ginyu Forces.Nappa kills all three of
them:Reacoome,Jeice and Burter.Vegeta and Gohan are senzu healed and get their
Then,they all go to Frieza's spaceship.Vegeta kills Frieza's soldiers and
procceeds to fight Ginyu.After being damaged,Ginyu uses swap and takes Vegeta's
body.Nappa attacks and Ginyu(still not knowing he can't use Vegeta's full
power)is confident.However,Nappa dominates the fight.Ginyu gets damaged and
tries to swap bodies with Nappa.At that moment,Vegeta bursts in and takes his
body back.Then,he yells Nappa to hurry up and finish off Ginyu.Ginyu is finally
either killed by Nappa or turned into a frog by Goku's "pass".Vegeta is taken
into Frieza's spaceship to get healed.The others go out to wait for Dende.
When he arrives,they summon dragon,revive Piccolo and bring him to Namek.After
that,dragonballs are turned into stone and Frieza appears.By using 10fold
kaioken,Goku kills him.Soon after,Piccolo appears(having fused with Nail).
Vegeta comes out of the spaceship(his pl is now 3.000.000).Believing he has
become a super saiyan,and with Frieza gone,all he has to do now is kill Goku and
his friends and rule the
universe.Nappa decides to have fun with the others(believing Piccolo is still a
weakling),but Piccolo knocks him out in an instant.Vegeta can't forgive him
twice for being humiliated and
kills him.Goku and Vegeta start fighting.Vegeta has the upper hand,until Goku
uses 20fold kaioken kamehameha killing him.
They all return to Earth.Goku achieves SSJ transformation during next year.From
this point on,timeline is diverged
Timeline 1
Goku dies from heart virus.Androids dominate the world and kill Z fighters.Since
there is no Trunks,Bulma goes back in time herself(see timeline 2).When she
returns,she deactivates the
androids.Cell kills her,takes time machine and goes back in time(see timeline
Timeline 2
Future Bulma gives the antidote to Goku.Nineteen and Twenty appear on the island
and Goku gets sick during battle.Eventually,the three other androids are
activated,Goku recovers,
androids are deactivated etc Future Bulma leaves for her timeline
Timeline 3
Future Cell arrives one year before Future Bulma.Androids' and Cell's saga
occur,but Cell is killed when in his semi perfect form by Goku.Goku goes to the
future with Future Bulma and
comes back three years later(see timeline 4).When Babidi arrives,Z fighters team
up and beat Dabura.Buu is not awakened.
Timeline 4
Goku dies from virus,androids kill z fighters etc Bulma goes back in time and
returns with Past Goku,who kills androis and Cell.Past Goku returns to his