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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if in the cell
saga gohan went in the chamber with trunks and vegeta with goku? By derik
When trunks and gohan came out of the chamber they would be a little weaker then
if they went in with their normal partners but would both be ultra super saiyans.
Gohan does not know the kamehameha he didnt go in with goku. Then gohan and
trunks would head off to the islands where cell was chasing 18 and vegeta and
goku would head into the chamber. When trunks and gohan get to the islands
trunks would fly ahead of gohan to get in front of cell. Cell would be surprised
by trunks and gohan would blast cell from behind and trunks would start punching
cell. By this time krillin would have arrived with the device to shut down #18.
Cell would angrily punch trunks fly to gohan start punching him and sends ki
waves to trunks. Trunks deflects the ki waves gohan fires a masenko at cell
which blasts cell back. Cell gets pissed and flys towards gohan charging a
kamehameha but before cell can fire trunks fires a burning attack stunning cell
for a brief time. Trunks yells to gohan now lets finish this and gohan flys back
a lil n so does trunks gohan fires a masenko and trunks a burning attack. Both
blasts hit cell head on and theres an explosion cell yells out YOU THINK THAT
WAS REALLY ENOUGH TO KILL ME. Gohan starts charging a masenko cell tries to stop
him but trunks charges at cell with ki blasts and punches eventually cell
manages to overpower trunks punch him a couple times and send him flying with a
energy wave that looks like a pink kamehameha. Cell turns to gohan and gohan
sends the masenko to cell but just in time cell fires a kamehameha to collide
with he masenko the blasts would be about even. After about 5 minutes trunks
recovers sees the beam struggle and fires a finish buster at cell which
distracted cel and gohan over powers cell and sends cell flying into a mountain
on the island and into the water. Krillin destroys the controller to shut down
18 and 16 n 18 heard that and look over to krillin and all 3 look up at gohan
and trunks. 16 and 18 wonder where gohan and trunks got that kind of power. Cell
has recovered by now flys up sees 18 and blasts krilling with vegetas gallick
gun trunks and gohan both yell no krillin. Cell flys up closer to the sun and
uses the solar flare blinding gohan trunks 16 and 18. Cell flys down to the
island punches 16 down and absorbs 18 and cell starts transforming. Half way
through cells transofrmation krillin gets up but is bruised badly and trunks
gohan and 16 recover from the solar flare. Krillin says weakly no cell got 18
and cell has finished transforming just stands there. 16 Charges cell but cell
knocks 16 back and used friezas death saucer to cut 16 in half and destroys both
pieces of 16 killing him. Cell grabs krillin and throws him up in the air and
lets him drop back down to the island knocking him out. Trunks and gohan then
crage at cell angrily they try fires ki waves at cell but cell just takes it
like it was nothing. Cell says you will have to do better then that. Cell makes
a challenge to gohan and trunks to fire their best attacks at him. Gohan begins
charging up a masenko and trunks a finish buster with gohan being in front of
cell and trunks behind cell. It takes about 5 minutes for trunks and gohan to
fully charge their attacks but after 5 minutes gohan fires his masenko and
trunks his finish buster. The masenko and finsh buster do a little more to cell
then vegetas final flash did. When trunks and gohan see what happened to cell as
a result of their moves they think they have won but cell says just kidding and
regenerates. Cell says you must have forgotten i have piccolos cells in me which
means i cant die uneless all of me is completely destroyed. Cell says thanks for
the warm up and kicks gohan in the gut hard and does the same to trunks then
cell throws gohan and trunks in the air and fires a kamehameha knocking both
trunks and gohan out of super saiyan and knocking them out. Then the supreme kai
appears and tells cell your not killing these 2 now. Cell replies saying i wasnt
going to yet i propose a tournament then leaves. SUpreme kai takes gohan and
trunks and krillin to the lookout with instant transmition. Once at the lookout
supreme kai says get these 3 sensu beans. Piccolo had a couple with him and
handed them out to gohan trunks and krillin. They recover and say what happened
where is cell? Supreme kai says he knocked you out and i came and he proposed a
tournament. Piccolo asks who are you? Supreme kai says i am the supreme kai i
rule above the other kais. Piccolo says in amazement the supreme kai. Supreme
kai says yes i came to make sure cell didnt kill these two yet. Supreme kai asks
where are the ones called goku and vegeta ? Piccolo says in the time chamber
training they wont be out until tomorrow. They all wiat around for goku and
vegeta to come out and after they come out after a day vegeta and goku both
acheived super saiyan 2. When goku and vegeta come out Supreme kai says are you
goku and vegeta? THey say yes and goku asks who are you? SUpreme kai says im the
supreme kai i came to earth after cell became complete and killed android 16 and
kocked out krilling gohan and trunks. Supreme kai said i used instant
transmition to get gohan trunks and krillin away after cell knocked them out and
proposed the tournament. Goku asks when is this tournament? Supreme kai says idk
he didnt say he just flew off i didnt fly after him because im not strong enough
to fight cell. Vegeta says cell is nothing me and kakarot are super saiyan two`s
we can destroy him like that. Goku says i can sense cell lets go take him out.
Vegeta says i dont need your help i can take him myself. Supreme kai says both
of you should go if cell uses solar flare again the one who isnt fighting or if
you both fight one of you can stop it so he wont get away. Vegeta says fine
kakarot lets go goku takes vegeta to cell with instant transmition. Cell says
ahhh if it isnt goku and vegeta. Vegeta says what baout us then charges in and
punches cell in the gut. knocking cell back. Then vegeta uses super energy wave
volley at cell and goku flys behind cell and does the same thing. When goku and
vegeta let up cell says what power where did you get thatt kind of strength?
Vegeta snickers and says from doing sit ups and drinking plently of juice. Cell
screams you smartass you will pay for that and chrages toward vegeta but vegeta
just sighs and punches cell and flys back a little and uses a gallick gun and
goku uses a kamehameha. Cell would be blasted to pieces but manage to regenrate.
Cell says no what strength i cant beat you what are you. Goku says we are super
saiyan 2. Goku says vegeta care to finish this with our move we came up with?
Vegeta says yeah that would be perefect to kill this insect. (By the way readers
in the chamber goku learned the galick gun and vegeta the kamehameha and they
managed the combine the 2 attacks as well) ( their attack is called the galick
ha me ha it starts by charging a gallick gun after you say gllick you switch
your position to the kamehameha position and finish by saying hameha) Then
vegeta kicks cell in the gut and goku and vegeta fly back a little, Goku and
vegeta both begin charging up and gallick haaaaaaaaaaaaaa meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Both gallick hamehas charge and hit cell and start
destroying him after about a minute cell is cmpletely destroyed. Vegeta says
that was easy and vegeta and goku go back to the lookout. When they arrived back
at the lookout goku says cell is dead. Supreme kai heads back to his planet
after saying goodbye and trunks heads back to the futurte.
7 years later after goten and trunks are born both acheving super saiyan 2.
Goten and trunks could already do super siayan by ages 3 and 4 since their dads
could b4 they were born. (in my timeline vegeta went super be4 trunks was born)
When trunks was 8 and gotne 7 they both went level 2 from training they were
allowed to train with each other and their fathers at the same time. Gohan
achieved super saiyan 2 also and goku and vegeta acheived super saiyan 3. After
the whole saiyaman saga the tournament starts.
Goten and trunks easily make it to the finals of the junior tournament they will
face each other in the final. Both trunks and goten start as super saiyan
2. Trunks and goten both fly towards each other punching kicking trying to get
an advantage. Trunks and goten end up punching each other in the face knocking
each of them to the ground. They both get up at the count of 4 and send energy
balls at each other. The energy balls collide distracting both goten and trunks
and amazing the crowd. Goten recovers first and flys around and hits trunks in
the back. Trunks says nice one but it wont work trunks sends a flame kamehameha
at goten and gotne uses a kamehameha. The two beams collide trunks starts to
pver power goten but goten fights back and boom. Both are knocked down for a 9
count. Then trunks asks want to finish this goten? Goten says sure. Trunks
starts charging a super flame kamehameha and goten a super electric kamehameha.
(the flame kamehameha is trunks attack on buus fury and the electric is gohans
but i gave it to goten) After about three minutes of charging trunks yells super
flame kamehamehaaaaaaa and goten yells super electric kamehamehaaaaaaaa. Both
beams collide and keep trying to push each other into the other. The electric
and flame kamehameha showdown lasted about ten minutes until both goten and
trunks yelled out ha again sending more power to the blast. The power from the
electric flame kamehameha sowdown sent goten and trunks flying into the stadium
walls both trunks and goten lost super saiyan 2. Trunks fell to the ground but
goten managed to stay flying making goten the winner of the junior division
Now the adult division starts WIth gohan vs kibito. The fight starts with
kibitio telling gohan he is a friend of the supreme kia. Then kibito asks gohan
to go super saiyan 2. Gohan is hesitant but piccolo and supreme kai tell him to
do it. Gohan says well you asked you it and gohan powers up to super saiyan 2.
But before the fight begins spoovich and yamu charge the ring jumping kibito and
spoovich grabs gohan and yamu starts sucking the energy. After a bit gohans
energy is completely drained. Spoovich and yamu quickly fly off to babidi.
Kibito heals gohan and supreme kai get goku and vegeta and tells them to follow
him. Goku vegeta gohan kibito piccolo and krillin follow the supreme kai to
babidis spaceship on the way there supreme kai tells them about babidi and majin
buu. They arrive at the ship and stay hidden for now. After pui pui kills yamu
and spoovich babidi and pui pui head into the ship and dabura flys up spits on
and turns kibito piccolo and krillin to stone. (yes in this timeline kibito is
turned to stone not killed.) Goku gohan vegeta and supreme kai head into babidis
ship and pui pui appears and explains the stage crap to the gang.(in this
timeline all damage is transferred to energy for majin buus energy.) Anyway
vegeta fights pui pui babidi sends them to puipuis planet and pui pui brags
about his planet having 10 times the gravity of earth. Vegeta says big deal i
was training at 450 times the other day. Then pui pui said shockingly your
lying. Vegeta says try me. Pui pui chrages vegeta but vegeta simply kills pui
pui with a full power energy wave. Then they all go to stage 2 and yakon appears
goku is up next babidi sends them to yakons planet. Goku goes super saiyan and
yakon starts sucking his energy. Goku realized that and powered up a kamehameha
and killed yakon. Then to stage 3 dabura is up next and gohan will fight him but
babidi sends them to the demon world. Gohan goes super saiyan 2 bcuz he sensed
dabura was not to be underestimated. Dabura starts by sending an evil impulse at
gohan. (Evil impulse is an attack by dabura on tenkaiich 3.) Gohan manages to
dodge but dabura charges at gohan punching him kicking him until gohan says
enough and starts punching and kicking back. Then gohan used a super energy wave
volley on dabura. Dabura grabs his sword flys at gohan with it gohan dodges
grabs the sword kicks dabura and throws the sword in the lava. Dabura yells out
angrily how dare you and fires ki blasts at gohan which gohan counters by
sending ki blasts right back at dabura. Dabura fries an evil impulse but gohan
firies a kamehameha. The evil impulse and kamehameha collide and after about a
minute and a half gohan overpowers dabura and dabura takes the full brunt of the
damage. Then gohan powers up a super kamehameha and flys to dabura and fires the
super kamehameha killing dabura. Then gohan powers down and all three head down
to where babidi is. Babidi says you may have killed my minions but majin buu is
at full power now. Majin buu begins to hatch from the cucoon babidi teleports
them all outside. Then shortly after majin buu hatches. Immediately babidi
starts giving out orders but majin buu didnt like that and just killed babidi.
Goku tells supreme kai to head to the lookout out while they fight buu. Supreme
kai does he flies by piccolo kibito and krillin and realizes they are no longer
stone and tells them to come the the lookout with him because goku vegeta and
gohan will be fighting buu. Vegeta and goku power up to super saiyan 3 and gohan
to super saiyan 2. Gohan starts off by charging at buu punching him goku
transmits above buu and starts kicking him in the head and vegeta goes behind
buu and starts firing energy blasts. Buu uses super explosive wave to send goku
gohan and vegeta away from him Gohan goku and vegeta each use a full power super
energy wave volley. The three full power super energy wave volleys blast holes
in buu eventually blasting him to bits but majin buu regenerates. gohan suddenly
taps into his hidden powers and goes super saiyan 3. Buu flys toward gohan
knocks him down then trys to go after vegeta but vegeta blasts buu and goku and
gohan do as well. Goku gohan and vegeta would each blast buu in the face then
fly back a little bit and beging charging up a move. Vegeta charges the final
flash goku the super kamehameha and gohan a super masenko. All three energy
waves collide toward buu and blow him into millions of pieces but buu somehow
survives. When majin buu regenerates he screams me buu kill you. Goku gohan and
vegeta say how could he have survived that. Buu then uses an angry explosion
causing massive damage to gohan goku and vegeta. Goku gohan and vegeta survived
the attack but were in their normal stages. Majin buu also had survived the
blast and started regenerating goku said grab on we cant win right now Goku
brings himself gohan and vegeta to the lookoout with instant transmition They
got away just in time because buu regenerated. Back at the lookout sensu beans
are givev to goku gohan and vegeta. Supreme kai calls out goten and trunks and
says im going to teach you 6 the fusion dance. Vegeta says 6 theres only five
right here. Supreme kai says i didnt tell you but using the namekain dragonballs
i wished to be able to talk to people in the future and got future trunks to
come here. Supreme kai then said i also convinced the namek dende to become the
new gaurdian of earth. Future trunks came out and stood by gohan future trunks
could also go super saiyan 3 now too. Future trunks said while you were fighting
majin buu i showed goten and present trunks super saiyan 3. Supreme kai says
ready to begin training they all agree even vegeta too surprisngly. The six
warriors began their fusion dance training. Back down on the planet buu made his
house and hercule went to buus house and made friends with him and buu healed
the dog and named him bee when the injured dog came around. Then the two gunman
came shot the puppy buu started getting mad but hercule beat up the two gunman
buu calmed down and healed bee. Back at the lookout supreme kai had goten and
present trunks go in the time chamber so they could become super saiyan 3, After
a day goten and trunks came out as super saiyan threes. (they were able to go
super saiyan 3 so soon because future trunks showed them it.) After about a
couple hours hercule was making dinner one of the gunman came and shot hercule
and left. Buu got mad and steam started comming out of the holes in his
head. Then buu healed hercule and told him to leave hercule did after buu yelled
it at him the second time. Hercule went and hid. Majin buu went outside
continued screaming uin agony and the grey buu or evil buu came out of good
majin buu. The two buus started fighting the good buu realized he was outmatched
and fired a chocalate beam at evil buu. Evil buu blew the beam back at Good buu
and turned him to chocalate. Then evil buu ate good buu and transformed into
super buu. Super buu then killed the 2 gunman but let hercule live. 3 days later
goku gohan future trunks vegeta goten and present trunks master the fusion
dance. Super buu sensed the power up at the lookout and flew up to the lookout
and absorbed piccolo krillin yamcha and tien. Then super buu says im here come
out or i blow this planet away. Vegeta goku gohan future trunks present trunks
and goten all come to the front of the lookout. Goku demanded Where are piccolo
yamcha tien and krillin? Super buu said i absorbed them. (dende and mr popo flew
away from the lookout.) Goku said how dare you majin bu you will pay for what
you have done. All 6 said fu-sion-ha. Goku and vegeta fused into gogeta future
trunks and gohan fused into trunkhan present trunks and goten fused into gotenks.
All three fusions powered up to super saiyan 3. Gogeta charged super buu first
punching buu hard in the gut then kicked buu away then flew around buu and
started punching him and blasting him. Super buu said no more i will win. Super
buu used special beam cannon gogeta managed to dodge trunkhan and gotenks dodged
too. Super buu charged trunkhan punching him kicking him but trunkhan just
blasted buu away. (gotenks main finishing move in this timeline is the big tree
hameha which is charged like a big tree cannon lafter you say big tree you
switch to the kamehameha position and finish the move by saying hameha.) (gogetas
main fiishing move in this timeline is the final flashing gallick kamehameha
which is charged like a final flash then to a gallick gun then to a kamehameha
the blast is utalized by saying final flashing gallick hameha.) (trunkhans
finishing move is the finishbusting kamehameha which is charged by starting a
finish buster then switching to a kamehameha position and utalized by saying
finish busting hameha.) Super buu used a super kamehameha but trunkhan and
gogeta used full power super energy wave volleys at super buu. But buu managed
to hold on and fired the super kamehameha at gotenks and gotenks fired a big
tree cannon and the two beams collided buu had the upper hand for about 15
seconds but lost his advantage because of the full power super energy wave
volleys. Gotenks overpowered buu and blew him into pieces. gogeta and trunkhan
stopped firing their full power super energy wave volleys. Then majin buu
managed to regenerate yet again then buu started to use angry explosion but
quickly gotenks gogeta and trunkhan got in front of buu but a good enoguh
distance back. Gogeta fires a a final flashing gallick kamehameha Trunkhan fires
a finish busting kamehameha and gotenks fires a big tree kamehameha. The 3 huge
blasts collided with super buus angry explosion and started overpowering buu
until buu started screaming out and powering up which started pushing the blasts
slowly back towards Gotenks gogeta and trunkhan. Trunkhan gogeta and gotenks
said in unison no buu your going to die here and said ha with a little more
power sent the blasts back to buu and the combination of buus angry explosion
and gotenks trunkhans and gogetas blasts completely destroyed super buu. Supreme
kai came out and said thank you you have destroyed majin buu. Gogeta said so buu
is finally dead? Supreme kai said yes he is you guys did a good job buu is no
more. Then the fusions expired and goten present trunks future trunks gohan
vegeta and goku reappeared. ( the reason the fusions wore off so soon was
because of the extra energy that was used battling buu.) After kibito comes and
heals the six warriors that faced buu they get the dragon radar collect the
dragonballs and wish their friends back that were killed when buu was killed.
Well thats what i think wouldve happened if trunks and gohan went in the time
chamber together and goku and vegeta went in together during the cell saga.
If anyone would like to tell me what they think email me at or