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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if different routes were
taken in the writing of DBZ? - Ptrunks19
off the bat, I know this sounds like a "what if such in such happened" article
that would result in a response such as, "If that had happened, the show would
end prematurely". Well this isn't that kind of article. I as well as many other
fans of DBZ and animated shows in general, believe that protagonists as well as
antagonists don't use enough friggin' common sense when it comes to certain
situations in their respective shows. For example, if Bugs Bunny had given Elmer
Fudd such a hard time then why didn't Elmer just call some experience hunters to
take him down? Here is a BIGGER example. Storyline wise, before the first group
of modern day M.M.P. Rangers (Tommy, Trini, Kimberly, Zack, etc.) got their
powers, the powers had lied dorment in the Command Center or somewhere. Zordon
and the older generations of Power Rangers had been duken it out with Rita, Zedd,
Dark Spector, & the rest of those goons for centuries before he decided to lay
the rangers' powers dorment. Now let's fast forward a few generations to the
season finale of Power Rangers in Space (Countdown to Destruction). Just by
watching those two episodes alone, struck a question in my nerves. Why didn't
Astronema, Dark Spector, Zedd, Rita, & the rest of the villians just destroy the
dorment ranger powers during the pre-Mighty Morphing era, instead of waiting
until the P. Rangers' technology were VERY advanced, to lead an invasion on
earth? Shouldn't the first couple season's worth of defeats been enough for Rita
& her hubby to call up Dark Spector and the Psycho Rangers, Serpentara, or
whoever they needed to to take care of the rangers? But NO, they waited until
the Rangers powers are advanced enough to create these Galaga looking spaceships
that basically make Serpentara (Zedd's personal zord) look like it's Megatron
fighting Unicron. As I said before, if not destroy the freakin powers when they
weren't being used, why didn't Zedd & Rita call an out invasion on earth, when
the rangers just had some robot Dino (Dee-No) and some prehistoric dinosaurs for
zords. I mean ONE SHIP could easily destroy Tommy's Dragonzord while it would
take 15 minutes for it to come out of the water.
Okay, at least the second example would result in a television show ending
(before it got started) but you get the point, But with those examples in mind,
let me give you part one of my DBZ what if. If these what ifs were actually
applied to the show, it wouldn't have ended it but would have taken an alternate
and more drastic route. What if in the DBZ Fusion Saga, had Super Majin Buu
remembered the exact powers that he had possessed after (still) possessing Goten,
Trunks, Piccolo, and absorbing Mystic Gohan in his being before fighting Vegeto?
We all know that in the show, after the SS3 Gotenks fusion had worn off after he
& Piccolo were absorbed, Buu was reduced to a mostly Piccolo based fusion in
terms of who Buu had absorbed had the greatest power out of the three. At this
time Goku felt that he no longer needed to fuse with Mystic Gohan, in which
Goku's SS3+Gohan's pratically SS3 abilities were to be more than enough to
defeat Gotenks/Goten & Trunks & Piccolo absorbed Buu (if they were to go that
far) before Buu's fusion wore off. At that point either Goku were to use SS3 to
beat Buu, or he was going to let Gohan defeat him, or both. Either way they no
longer needed fusion to beat Buu in his current state. Then Super Buu had
remembered that a piece of him was left behind, in which he had used to absorb
Mystic Gohan. Gohan's abilities alone included in Buu's being were enough to
pummel a SS3 Goku, before he had sensed Vegeta and fused with him. From then on
the saga was dragged unto one more saga where Goku & Vegeta fought Kid Buu and
where Goku eventually defeated Buu w/ the Spirit Bomb. We all know that Mystic
Buu was pratically cheese paste to Vegeto, who could have pratically defeated
him in his normal state, but what if.............
During the fight, had Buu remembered that Goten & Trunks' bodies could still
fuse and that at least Gohan had a tail when he was born due to his half Saiyan
heritage. I mean Buu had Piccolo's and Kami's "intelligence", but he didn't have
enough common sense to figure out that if he had fused Goten & Trunks' bodies
into Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and used those powers alongside Mystic Gohan's
(which is of SS3 caliber) and his owns, he could defeat Super Vegeto. If this
had happened Mystic Gohan/Super Saiyan 3 absorbed Buu would have forced Vegeto
to transcend to Super Saiyan 2. It would almost take the powers of the Potarra
earings and both of Goku & Vegeta's Super Saiyan 2 abilities to defeat him. Why
didn't Majin Buu think of this, while Vegeto was basically GIVING him, TEN,
FRIGGIN', SECONDS to come up with a clever tactic to defeat him, and instead of
absorbing Vegeto, which didn't go the way he had planned and would eventually
lead to the steps to Buu's powerlevel downgrade and demise at the end of the Kid
Buu saga, he could have done the alternative in which I had described earlier.
As I stated earlier Vegeto would be forced to turn Super Saiyan 2 (full power).
Then if the tables were turned once again on Majin Buu, he would quickly
remember from at least Piccolo's memory, that a Saiyan or half Saiyan's power
level increases ten fold (if he has a tail) when he is exposed to artificial
blutz waves. After doing so Super Buu would grow Gohan's tail back (which in
turn grow a tail on Buu) and in turn laugh during Vegeto's 10 second count down,
Vegeto would stop the count of course, then he would construct a power source
similar to blutz waves, and make it so he would transform, and so it happens. He
was able to do this without Vegeto's interference because he was abl e to solar
flare him while Vegeto was coming towards him to try to stop him. Which results
from the predicament is an unusual looking, pink great ape monster with Mystic
Gohans outfit and a shocking/golden aurora surrounding him. This new creature
had a power level 10 times greater than he had before, considering the fact that
he already aquired the mind & powers of Piccolo/Nail/Kami, Mystic Gohan, and
Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks, AND now that he was a great ape Vegeto would soon notice
after a brief fight that he was outwitted and he had no other choice but to turn
full power Super Saiyan 3.
After that Vegeto would notice that a battle of this preportions would easily
decimate earth and it's people, so Vegeto had made the desperate move of instant
transmitting him to the Supreme Kai planet while Old Kai & Kabito Kai had
quickly moved to the desert Kai planet (as seen in the Kid Buu saga). At that
point the fight would bare resemblence to the bout when Goku fought Great Ape
Baby at SS4 after Goku's powers were restored by the other saiyans. SS3 Vegeto &
Great Ape Buu's fight would battle to a bloody stalemate in which the fight
would be felt on Earth as well as around the universe and the afterlife. The
fight would draw out to a stalemate until Elder Kai had noticed Vegeto's fatigue
rising until he could no longer sustain Super Saiyan 3 and powered down to Super
Saiyan 1, due to Great Ape Buu's ability to quickly regenerate his wounds, and
his tail to keep him at Great Ape. Both Kais would soon realize that they would
need the power of the dragon balls to help Vegeto win this fight and stop Buu
from tearing Vegeto and the entire universe a new..........
So Elder Kai had ordered Dende and Kabito Kai to go to Namek to 1: Restore
Vegeto's strength to normal 2:regrow Vegeto's (Goku AND Vegeta's) tail back to
where it couldn't be removed or destroyed and 3:Restore all of Buu's victims
back to life after (if) Buu was defeated. By Vegeto's tail growing back, he now
realized that the only way to defeat Majin Buu was to fight fire with fire. So
after a few solar flares, Vegeto had enough time and distance to create an
artificial moon ball and threw it in the air. As Vegeto's heart started beating,
Buu started to shake the cobwebs out. As Buu woke up, Vegeto grew to where his
clothes had ripped off (no homo), then he stood up against Buu as Buu stood at a
far distance more shocked than when he saw Vegeto's tail instantly grow back
earlier. What appeared from this new transformation was a great ape resembling a
Great Ape Raditz with gold hair and aurora. This fight turned out WAY better
than in the series and the fight was similar to SS3 Goku & Janemba's fight but
more even until the point where Vegeto would get tired (figuritively speaking)
of the dragging fight and start to finish off Buu. While Buu was getting closer
& closer to defeat (and noticing this), he had finally tapped in his power (more
so Gohan's hidden anger) and as a result, started to turn to a shade of bright
goldish pink, and after his final wounds and scrapes had healed, he started to
Great Ape Vegeto stood shocked, as the Great Ape Buu was once again
transforming. Everyone who was watching the fight (whether it be the residence
of Hell, Otherworld, etc.) or who was even sincing Buu's energy stood shocked
and horrified as Buu finished his transformation. Majin Buu ability to
encorporate Gohan's hidden anger (as seen various time throughout the series)
plus his power, plus the power and basic technical instinct of Piccolo & Super
Saiyan 3 Gotenks resulted in this tall, but built & muscular form of Buu who was
covered in red fur and his pants appeared dark white (almost gray). As Buu stood
there, his attitude was reduce to almost nothing but serious and pure revenge.
At that point, after realizing that he had come close to death three times, Buu
had started to pummel the Great Ape Vegeto like no one would ever had imagined,
despited thier major size difference. Vegeto still had the power to stand up to
Buu but could barely manage a line of defense, unlike Great Ape Baby did againts
Goku. The fight would eventually go more in Buu's favor but Vegeto would remain
a great ape due to his indistructable tail. Buu would notice this but wouldn't
care much because he figured from Piccolo's knowledge that all of the Namek
Dragon Ball wishes were used much so Vegeto couldn't recover his energy like
before, and that it would take the earthlings some time to recover their dragon
balls for the second wish. Buu would also notice that Vegeto was tiring out from
the fight, so instead of being an idiot by dragging the fight further, he would
remember that due to the amount of energy spent as a SS4, Buu didn't have much
time left before the SS3 Gotenks fusion would ware off, pitting his power level
dead even with Vegeto's power level giving his opponent a better chance, SO Buu
would say that he had fun toying around with Vegeto, but all good things would
come to an end. "So I will end this the traditional way". Then Buu would fire a
huge, reddish pink kamehameha at Great Ape Goku and it would seem that the job
would be done.
But to keep tradition with the show (yawn), Buu would stand and laugh in victory
for about a minute or two forgetting about the moon ball that's pratically above
him, which would give Vegeto enough time in his little crater to look at the
artificial moon ball above and think about his family & friends and letting them
down and crap, then he finally snaps. By the time Buu notices this it would be
too late to try to stop this, because Vegeto was already and eventually
transformed (after minutes of glowing) for the first time, into a Super Saiyan
4. Buu & Vegeto's power levels at this point would be dead even
due to all of the physical punishment Vegeto received earlier in the fight.
Vegeto would get an early advantage due to the element of surprise, but Buu
would eventually get back into the fight. After about 15 minutes (two or three
episodes) the fight would be still even until the fight would stop and (similar
to the Gohan/Broly fight) Buu would shout out "I've had enough of this!!!!!" and
fly a few feet back and get in a kamehameha stance in full power, while Vegeto
would simply reply "this is it" and would power up in Kaioken while in Super
Saiyan 4 and do the same. Five minutes after a huge kamehameha struggle, Buu's
SS3 Gotenks fusion would wear off (leaving a mostly SS4 Gohan absorbed Buu) but
the struggle would continue because at the same time Vegeto was getting weaker
due to him holding up the Kaioken while at SS4 to where the Kaikon would wear
off giving Buu the advantage. All of a sudden Vegeto had powered back down to
Super Saiyan 3 after minutes of struggling. After many desperate minutes of
struggling from a confident Buu and a determined Vegeto, the scene would then be
shown to Shenron would have been summoned just in the nick of time, I mean right
before Buu was going to finish of Vegeto, and a wish would final wish would be
made to restore Vegeto's strength to normal and some heroic music would play in
the background while Vegeto would power back up to SS4 and finish Buu of,
disintigrating him. Afterwards Vegeto would power down and the Kai's would
return to their planet and heal him. Since potarra fusion is permanent, he would
return to earth as Vegeto for a year and wish for him to be seperated into Goku
and Vegeta, and for good Buu to return. King Yemma would hear Goku's plea to
reincarnate the evil Buu into a good person and do so with Super Buu but keep in
mind that this Uub would turn out a little different due to the appearance
differences between Kid Buu & Super Buu.
Other than that, everything else would turn out the same except that the Shadow
Dragons in GT would be a little stronger and Vegeta & Goku would be stronger due
to the fight with Buu. Bebi Vegeta would be stronger, but so would SS4 Goku.
Also note that Goku & Vegeta would have kept their tails after the Buu fight in
turn, Kid Goku would last a little longer against Baby Vegeta and he would be
strong enough to transport to the Kai planet at SS3 before the Revenge Death
Ball Hit Him, in turn he would have never met those rediculous looking board
game people and he would return to Baby (after getting healed) before he got the
chance to take control of the majority of the planet and use the Black Star
Dragon Balls. The fight would turn out similar until Baby would create the moon
ball. Both Baby Vegeta and Goku would transform into Great Apes with Baby having
the slight advantage due to Goku being stronger here than in the actual series.
The fight would pursue until it would pause when Pan would stupidly intervene
with this fighting has to stop nonsense and get obliterate by a flame blast from
Baby. This in turn would cause Great Ape Goku to snap. He would power up to a
point where Bebi would be knocked to a distance from Goku's energy and would
start to glow. Baby would already know what he's getting into but would just
stand there due to not really being able to stop him. He then has transformed
into a Super Saiyan 4 and before making a dramatic entrance giving everyone
enough time to glance at Goku's new form, Goku wastes no more time and angrily
powers up and charges at Baby with a Super Dragon Fist Technique. Shockingly
enough that attack didn't kill Baby Vegeta but just lied unconscious on the
ground. Goku noticing that Vegeta's tail couldn't be destroyed due to the wish
that was made during the Buu Saga, Goku destroys the moon ball, in turn turning
Baby Vegeta back to normal. Baby would then realize that he could no longer
stand a chance against SS4 Goku and would try to flee. Right before Baby could
even make it to the air Goku fires a huge energy blast, totally obliterating
Baby. Afterwards the Baby saga would turn out normal.