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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if Goku had senzu beans during the fight with raditz?
- Eddie
After piccolo
uses the special beam cannon on Goku and raditz,
piccolo would tell raditz that they would bring
Goku back with the dragon balls and then raditz
would say that his two comrades who are superior
to him heard this and would be on they're way to
avenge him, and then raditz cuts his scouter
off. While piccolo is telling raditz this, Goku
eats a senzu bean and gets healed up. He walks
over to raditz and tells him that if he fights
and trains with Goku that he would spare his
life. Raditz agrees and Goku gives him a senzu.
Goku would ask piccolo if he wanted to train
with them and piccolo would agree. So they go
off and train for a year with the Z-warriors. On
the day of the saiyans arrival this is they're
power levels,
Vegeta: 12,000
Maximum: 24,000
Nappa: 4,500
Maximum: 8,000
Goku : 11,000
Kaioken (self-taught): 18,500
Gohan: 3,600
Angry: 20,000
Piccolo: 7,500
Maximum: 8,000
Raditz: 10,750
Maximum: 11,000
Vegeta tells nappa that he can go
first so he scans for the weakest power level
and sees that gohan is the weakest. So nappa
fires a gigantic energy cannon at gohan and
nearly kills him. Gohan gets really mad and
fires a super kamehameha. Nappa dodges the
attack but his arm gets blown off. Nappa then
gets enraged and attacks gohan full on. As he is
about to finish him off with a Ki wave, piccolo
jumps in front of it and saves Gohans life.
Gohan gathers all his energy into a super
special beam cannon and it hits nappa dead in
the chest killing him instantly. Vegeta then
says its his turn to fight so he immediately
attacks gohan and blows him up with a Galick
gun. Goku sees this and gets so angry that his
power level shoots up to 50,000 and he hits
vegeta with every technique he has. Vegeta then
transforms into a great ape and attacks Goku and
raditz. He begins to crush Goku and raditz until
krillin arrives and uses destructo disc to cut
vegeta's tail off. Goku and raditz shoot off a
joint-kamehameha and nearly kill Vegeta . Since
Vegeta realizes that he's lost he calls his ship
to leave. Raditz tells Goku that they have to
kill him or he's gonna cause more trouble. Goku
says to let him go because he wants to fight him
again someday without any help. While oku and
raditz are in the hospital from they're injuries
from the fight, bulma and krillin decide to go
to namek to wish back everyone who was killed in
the fight. When they get there they find out
that frieza and Vegeta are also looking for the
dragon balls so they radio back to earth and
tell Goku of these troubles. Goku and raditz
eventually heal up so they can help fight them
and wish back they're friends. So Goku gets dr.
Briefs to make them a ship with gravity
training. Goku and raditz train with each other
in the month that it takes to get to namek.
Meanwhile on namek, Vegeta and krillin have been
working together to gather the dragon balls so
frieza can't use them. Vegeta agrees to let
krillin use a wish to bring everyone back to
life as long he lets him have the other two
wishes. Frieza then calls in the ginyu force I
take care of them. The battle starts and Vegeta
is fighting against recoome and getting smacked
around with no effort. Krillin has already
gotten his neck broken by burter. Goku and
raditz arrive and these are the power levels
after training,
Goku : 310,000
Kaioken X50: 700,000
Raditz: 265,000
Kaioken X35: 575,000
Vegeta : 100,000
Battle damaged: 45,000
Goku and raditz annihilate the ginyu
force with no trouble at all and the heal Vegeta
and krillin. Since Vegeta and krillin have
already gathered 6 dragon balls, Goku decides to
go steal the last one from frieza. So he's flys
into the ship while (frieza is out looking for
the dragon balls) and takes it. They soon summon
shenron and ask him to bring back all the people
killed by frieza and his men. Then as Vegeta is
about to ask his wish, elder guru dies and so
does the dragon. Frieza then shows up as angry
as ever and attacks Goku. They fight and it
seems that Goku is much stronger until frieza
transforms into his 2nd state. That's when
raditz jumps in and they try to attack frieza
together. They get the upper hand until frieza
gets so mad that he skips his 3rd state and goes
straight to 4th. Frieza then grabs krillin and
blows him up. Goku then gets so angry that he
transforms into super saiyan. He begins to
dominate frieza and begins to nearly kill him,
until frieza goes I to full power and begins to
be able to fight on an even level with Goku.
After awhile Goku decides to finish things with
a Super Saiyan Kaioken Kamehameha. The blast
obliterates frieza but then hits the planet and
it begins to explode. Goku , raditz and Vegeta
then take Frieza's space ship and punch in
random coordinates. They exit the atmosphere
just as the planet blows up and then fly towards
whatever planet they typed in. Meanwhile on
earth, with piccolo ressurected they use the
dragon balls to wish back krillin and the
namekians a new home planet. 1 year and a half
later, massive power levels are felt coming
towards earth. Krillin says that it feels like
frieza but only a lot stronger. So the
Z-warriors meet up at where the aliens at ever
to land. They are about to attack when a strange
kid shows up and challenges the man who steps
out the ship. The aliens name is cooler, brother
of frieza. The mysterious boy says that Goku is
not the only one who can go super saiyan. So the
boy powers up and begins to fight cooler. The
super saiyan is easily beating up cooler so he
decides to go ahead and end it. He kills cooler
and then tells everyone that goku, raditz and
Vegeta are about to land. So Goku, raditz and
Vegeta land when the mysterious boy tells Goku
who he is and then warns him of a threat 3 years
from now. He gives Goku an antidote to a heart
disease that he will catch a little later. Goku
then tells everyone of the android threat in 3
years and that they should all train as hard as
possible. So Goku , raditz, gohan and Vegeta all
train under an intense gravity routine of 550X
normal earth gravity. After three years the
power levels are,
Goku: 15 million
Super Saiyan: 250 million
Raditz: 12 million
Super Saiyan: 230 million
Vegeta : 14 million
Super Saiyan: 245 million
Piccolo: 8 million
Gohan: 5 million
Krillin and everyone else are around 900,000 to
1 million
The Z-warriors find the androids in
south city and tell them to follow them to a
suitable fighting place. When they get there
Goku and android 19 begin to fight. Goku is
clearly dominating the fight and then fires a
kamehameha. The attack hits the android dead on
and immediately kills him. When android 20 sees
this he immediately retreats back to his lab. As
the Z-warriors are looking for him, android 20
activates #16, #17, and #18. Then trunks arrives
and asks where are the androids. Goku tells him
that they killed one and the other ran off. When
trunks asks them to describe the androids,
they're description is completely different from
the androids in trunks' time. So they go off to
find the androids, who then appear to them and
ask to fight Goku . Goku quickly obliges and
they begin to fight. While goku and #16 are
fighting, Vegeta fights #18, and raditz fights
#17. #16 is about to kill Goku when gohan steps
in and knocks his arm off. Piccolo joins in as
well and distracts #16 while gohan is charging a
devastating attack. He fires it and completely
obliterates #16. While this is occurring #18 and
17 have paired up and are beating Vegeta and
raditz senseless. Then a strange power comes
flying to the battle scene. The fighting stops
and the new foe announces himself as cell, and
that he's here to become a perfect warrior by
absorbing 17 and 18. Since everyone is weak by
fighting cell easily manages to absorb the three
androids. Cell becomes super perfect and invites
everyone to attack him with everything they've
got. Goku, vegeta, raditz, gohan and piccolo all
attack cell with all the power they have. Cell
takes the combined blast dead on and takes no
damage at all. Cell decides that since he wants
a challenge then he will give everyone 2 weeks
to train. As everyone is flying away goku
suggest that they try the hyperbolic time
chamber where you can fit years of training into
only a couple of days. Goku goes to the lookout
and asks kami if he can create 2 hyperbolic time
chambers. Kami agrees and creates another time
chamber, he even upgrades it to where 4 can go
in at a time. So goku, gohan and piccolo go in
one chamber while vegeta, trunks and raditz go
in a different chamber. After 2 days on earth
and 2 years in the chambers, goku and everyone
else emerge. Power level:
Goku: 50 million
SS: 370 million
SS2: 600 million
Gohan: 20 million
SS: 275 million
Raditz: 40 million
SS: 390million
Vegeta: 50 million
SS: 370 million
SS2: 595 million
Trunks: around Gohans level
Piccolo: 45 million
Cell: 950 million
Everyone else is still about the same.
They all fly off to battle cell. When they get
there trunks wins a drawing to fight cell first.
Trunks powers up to his limit and attacks cell
with everything he's got and is effortlessly
flicked aside by cell. Next up is piccolo.
Piccolo gives cell a little bit of a harder time
then trunks did but is still ultimately
outclassed. Then raditz decides to skip everyone
else and fight cell first. So raditz begins to
fight cell and actually lands a few lucky
attacks. But then raditz charges up a new attack
that blows cell away. Everyone is excited that
raditz beat cell but vegeta and goku know
better. Cell then regenerates and kills raditz,
and piccolo with a scatter shot type attack.
Goku gets enraged and powers up to super saiyan
2. He and cell start fighting with goku starting
to overpower him because of the blast that cell
took from raditz. Goku then delivers a powerful
punch to the stomach. Cell decides to fight at
full power and then begins to beat the crap out
of goku. Goku is half dead before gohan
intervenes and attacks cell while someone gives
him a senzu bean. Gohan is holding his own until
cell fires a gigantic kamehameha wave and nearly
kills him. Since they gave goku the last senzu
bean gohan is just laying on the ground near
death. Goku gets a small power up from the senzu
bean and attacks cell. From all the fighting
cell is a great deal weaker but still able to
fight with goku on an almost even level. While
goku and cell are fighting, vegeta and trunks
decide to use a combined final flash on cell. So
they charge up their energy and wait for the
right moment to kill cell. They find an
opportunity and fire, but right when they fire
cell dodges the attack and it hits goku full on,
completely obliterating him. Gohan sees this and
gets extremely angry and attacks cell but to no
avail. Cell breaks Gohans arm and puts him out
of the fight once more. Vegeta who gets angered
by his actions attacks cell at full power which
is a little bit stronger than cell is at that
point. Vegeta begins to wipe the floor with him
and is about to finish him off when gohan
suddenly transforms into super saiyan 2 and
obliterates cell with a kamehameha. Vegeta and
gohan then travel to namek to find a new
guardian for earth who can recreate the dragon
balls. They find dende who agrees to be the
guardian and they fly back to earth. After
they've wished everyone back, goku and raditz
decide to stay in the other world and train.
Everyone then goes their separate ways.
7 years later...
Chichi has a son named goten that was made
before goku died. For 7 years vegeta and gohan
have been training. Gohan trains with his little
brother goten and vegeta trains with kid trunks.
Gohan then decides to go to school where he
meets videl who persuades him to enter the world
martial arts tournament. Goku then
telepathically tells gohan that he and raditz
get one day on earth. So gohan tells everyone
and they all begin lite training. After they
meet up at the tournament power levels are
Goku: 200 million
SS: 550 million
SS2: 800 million
SS3: 1.3 billion
Raditz: 175 million
SS: 400 million
SS2: 745 million
Gohan: 80 million
SS: 250 million
SS2: 660 million
Goten: 30 million
SS: 270 million
Vegeta: 200 million
SS: 575 million
SS2: 800 million
Trunks: 30 million
SS: 280 million
Everyone else is sill the same from cell saga.
They all enter the tournament and watch the kids division
first. Goten and trunks both make it to the
final round. They start off as super saiyan and
begin a very intense fight. They're blow for
blow until goten fires a small spirit bomb
technique taught to him by gohan. Trunks doesn't
expect his attack and takes it dead on. The
blast is so powerful that it weakens him out of
super saiyan state. Goten then reverts to normal
as well, so that it can be fair. They begin to
get bored fighting in such a small ring so they
fly off to the mountains to fight. The announcer
disqualifies both of them and the adult division
soon starts. The group then meet the supreme Kai
who tells them that he needs they're help after
the tournament. The preliminaries begin and the
group qualifies along with Hercule and might man
(goten and trunks in disguise). The first match
begins with spopovich vs videl (spopovich is an
evil minion of babidi which is whom the supreme
Kai needs help with). Spopovich is beginning to
kill videl in which gohan gets enraged and
attacks him. Spopovich gets him in a headlock
while his comrade yamu sucks Gohans energy to
give it to babidi. They then fly off to babidi.
Supreme Kai tells the goku, vegeta, raditz and
piccolo to follow him while gohan gets healed.
Supreme Kai then tells them the story of how
babidi's father created an incredibly powerful
monster named majin buu. He said that babidi is
in earth trying to revive majin buu which is why
they took Gohans energy. They find babidi's ship
and are then attacked by his henchman dabura.
Dabura then turns piccolo to stone and kills
kibito Kai (supreme Kai's assistant). Dabura
then prompts goku and the other to follow him
into the ship if they want a challenge. On the
first floor babidi sends out broly who he
brought back to life with his powerful magic.
Babidi also revived cell, frieza and cooler.
Goku takes on broly, vegeta takes on cell,
raditz fights cooler and gohan fights frieza.
With all these fights majin buu's full energy is
restored to his kid buu state. The saiyans
manage to kill babidi's warriors but are then
faced with the kid buu opponent.
Kid Buu: 2.5 billion. Gohan and vegeta attack
him first in their full power. They manage to at
least give goku and raditz a chance to fuse.
They then fuse into super saiyan 2 Radku. By
using this much power goku and raditz' time on
earth is cut to 1 hour. Radku and kid buu then
begin to fight. Radku is much more powerful than
buu but because buu can regenerate it seems
nothing can stop him. Radku's fusion runs out.
Kid buy then begins a rampage which almost kills
vegeta and gohan. They all manage to escape to
Kami's lookout where they find that goten and
trunks sensed the trouble and brought all of
their friends and family so that they wouldn't
be exterminated with the people of earth. Goku
and raditz begin to try and teach gohan, vegeta
and goten and trunks how to fuse so that maybe
they can stop majin buu. When they're time on
earth is up goku and raditz give the fusion
teaching responsibility to piccolo. Goku and
raditz decide to leave with supreme Kai to his
planet so they can try and pull the Z-sword from
the ground. Goku manages to get the sword out
and begins to train with it. When raditz blocks
a powerful hit from the sword it breaks and old
Kai is brought out of the sword in which he was
sealed. The old Kai asks the supreme Kai why
there are mortals on the sacred planets and
supreme Kai tells him the story of majin buu.
Old Kai tells him of porterra fusion and then
gives the porterra earrings to goku and raditz.
While this is going on kid buu has destroyed
most of earth by looking for strong warriors.
Vegeta and gohan have mastered fusion and go to
fight kid buu. Vehan and kid buu are almost
even. It seems like kid buu is about to finish
Vehan when goku and raditz appear fused as
Goditz right time kid buu absorbs Vehan. Kid buu
almost doubles his power and decides to attack
Goditz. Kid buu dominates and decides to also
absorb Goditz. He manages to do it but sense the
porterra fusion is stronger than he doesn't get
completely absorbed and then goes off to find
gohan and vegeta. They find them and cut them
from buu's control. They manage to escape from
buu's body. Buu gets extremely angry and decides
to blow up the planet. So goku uses instant
transmission and teleports all the Z-warriors to
planet of the Kai's. goku, vegeta and raditz
decide to fight buu alone so they raise they're
power as high as possible to attract buu to the
planet. Soon buu teleports to the planet and
they begin to fight. They power up to they're
maximum and begin to fight majin buu. Goku
decides to try a super spirit bomb and asks for
vegeta and raditz to hold buu off for as long as
possible. Goku then begins to gather energy from
all across the galaxy. He launches the spirit
bomb and it's catches buu by surprise. It's
finally kills majin buu and the threat is over.
10 years later power levels are,
Goku: 750 million
SS: 1.7 billion
SS2: 2.4 billion
SS3: 4.5 billion
Gohan: 200 million
SS: 500 million
SS2: 900 million
Pan: 30 million
Goten: 450 million
SS: 800 million
Raditz: 640 million
SS: 1 billion
SS2: 2 billion
Vegeta: 700 million
SS: 1.4 billion
SS2: 2.1 billion
Trunks: 300 million
SS: 680 million
Bad guys
General rildo: 3 billion
Baby: 1 billion
Baby vegeta: 5 billion
Full power: 7 billion
Super 17: 18 billion
Shadow dragons: 10 billion
Omega Shenron: 30 billion
After pilaf uses the black star dragon balls for
eternal life, piccolo tells them that if they
get them back within a year then the earth will
blow up. So goku goes to find the dragon balls
that were spread across the galaxy. He finds
them with ease up until he makes to the metal
planet. There general rildo has the dragon ball.
Goku decides to fight him for it. Goku powers up
to super saiyan and begins to fight general
rildo. Goku is getting pounded so he powers up
to super saiyan 2. He begins to wear general
rildo down but is still being beaten. Goku
transforms to super saiyan 3 and them finally
begins to beat general rildo. But since general
rildo is made of metal and apart of the planet,
then he continues to regenerate. General rildo
eventually traps goku into metal and sends him
off to dr myuu. When he gets there dr myuu then
re-animates goku so that baby could take control
of him. But goku recovers faster than expected
and he kills dr myuu. Goku then gets in his ship
and flies off for the next dragon ball. Baby
then takes a ship directly to earth so that he
could become stronger and get revenge on the
saiyans. By the time goku gets to earth everyone
is under baby's control. So goku drops off the
dragon balls to dende and goes home. He notices
that everyone is acting weird. He senses that
vegeta is flying towards him and goku goes
outside preparing for a fight. So baby arrives
and tells him about his plan for revenge on the
saiyans. They begin fighting and goku is getting
completely defeated. They fight on into the
night and baby delivers the final blow. As goku
is laying there ready to die, he gazes at the
moon. During the fighting, his tail actually
grew back so as he looks at the moon, he
transforms into a golden oozoro and rampages
until he comes to his senses and finally
transforms into a super saiyan 4.
Goku at super saiyan 4: 8 billion.
Goku then begins to dominate baby vegeta. As he
is about to deliver a final blow, baby leaves
vegeta's body and tries to fly away in a space
ship but goku fires a kamehameha and blows baby
into the sun. They begin to distribute the holy
water to rid everyone of baby's evil power.
1 year later..
Goku: 1 billion
SS: 2 billion
SS2: 4 billion
SS3: 5.2 billion
SS4: 17 billion
Vegeta: 975 billion
SS: 1.8 billion
SS2: 3.6 billion
SS4 (with Goku's help): 16.5 billion
Goku and his family are eating dinner when they
hear a knock at the door. Trunks stumbles in
half beaten to death and is mumbling "android
17". They ask him who did this and he says
android 17 randomly attacked him as he was
flying over. He says that there wasn't something
right with him. Like there was something
controlling him. Then a massive hole opens in
the sky and a bunch of powerful foes begin to
fly out of it. Goku feels an evil Ki coming from
the hole so he flies in it to see what's causing
all of this. Back on earth broly, super saiyan
nappa, frieza, cooler, king cold, cooler and
many other foes from Goku's past appear and
begin to wreak havoc. While the Z warriors
battle these foes vegeta goes off to find #17.
By the time he gets there the 2 android 17's
have fused to become super 17. Vegeta turns
super saiyan 4 and starts to fight him. At some
point it is believed to be even until 17 kicks
vegeta unconscious. By this time goku has made
it out of the hole and found 17. So he powers up
and begins to fight him. 17 is winning and goku
begins to think of a strategic way of beating
him. Goku then uses a destructo disc to cut off
android 17's arms and legs. He achieves this and
then fires a gigantic kamehameha x10. Goten and
trunks begin to gather the dragon balls so that
they can wish back everyone who was killed in
the chaos. When they do this, the shadow dragons
are released and then begin to create even more
chaos. Goku and vegeta spread out to go and
combat the shadow dragons. Goku eventually comes
across syn shenron. Goku then begins to fight
Syn and isn't doing to bad. Syn then decides to
absorb the dragon balls to go to full power. He
absorbs them and then begins to smash Goku
around effortlessly. Vegeta eventually arrives
at the battle scene and tells goku that they
need to fuse in order to beat omega shenron.
They do this and become gogeta. They begin to
completely dominate omega shenron. Then as
gogeta is about to finish him off, the fusion
splits. Because the fusion used so much power,
goku and vegeta revert to normal and omega
decides to finish them off. He charges the
negative energy sphere and releases it. Goku
takes the blast full on and is at the bottom of
a deep crater. Vegeta becomes extremely angry
that omega killed goku so he channels all his
power into one punch and omega takes it directly
in the face. Omega simply shrugs this off and
kicks vegeta to Goku's crater and tells him that
he will put him in the same grave as goku.
Vegeta then says it isn't over yet and passes
out. Right after that goku slowly begins to rise
out of the crater holding a universal spirit
bomb. Goku tells omega that this is his ultimate
punishment for all the pain and suffering that
he's caused. Omega then begins to panic and
tries to kill goku with ki blast. But goku
merely absorbs these blast and then finally
finishes the spirit bomb. He fires it at omega
and completely annihilates him. Without even
being called good shenron appears and revives
goku. He tells goku that it's time to go and
that he can say his goodbyes. Vegeta then asks
goku if he's going off to train. Goku simply
says "shh" and then falls asleep on the dragons
back as he flies away.
100 years later..
Tournament announcer (In a rather loud tone):
folks it's time to start the 65th world
tournament final match. In one corner we have
son goku jr.!! I know what your all thinking
folks, he's a dead ringer for the world hero who
saved earth from omega shenron over 100 years
And in the other corner we have vegeta jr, son
of the president of capsule corporation!! AND
Goku Jr. And Vegeta Jr. Begin to fight. It's a a
dead even fight until vegeta jr powers up to a
super saiyan. Then goku jr says he can do this
as well and they begin to fight again. They both
fire Ki waves at each other and the two attacks
meet which creates a blinding light...
The End!