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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
Courtesy of James K.
1. Piccolo had escaped the battle with the Androids in the future and then fused
with Kami?
I believe if Piccolo had fused with Kami after escaping the battle with the
Androids, he would have had a power level (because he was weaker than his main
timeline counterpart, and since the androids had a power level of 20,000,000
each) around 27,000,000. First off, Vegeta, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien & Chaoutzu, He
would have first fought with 18 as shown in both the flashback and in the Trunks
Special and would've defeated her without much difficulty. He then would've
taken on Android 17 and defeated him too. Then he would go to Bulma with Gohan
because he survived the battle too, and take the spaceship that Vegeta used
during the Garlic Jr. saga and travel to Namek. Also, because Elder Moori
re-created the Dragonballs after the fight with Frieza, Porunga would've been
able to revive all of the Androids' Victims. He would also For the wishes
1. He would first restore the damage to the Earth that the Androids caused.
2. He would revive all of the people that the Androids killed.
3. Then I'm not sure on whether Porunga (or Shenron for that Matter) could
revive somebody if they died of natural causes. If he could then he revives Goku
and goes home in the spaceship. if not, then he and Gohan (and Dende because
they need a new guardian) would wish for Porunga to have them and the spaceship
instantly return to Earth.
They train and all get much stronger and the storyline goes the way it did in
the Main timeline except for the fact that Goku never meets Pikkon and that King
Kai doesnt die. To assure this wont happen again, the Z fighters (excluding
Vegeta cause of his arrogance) go to Dr. Gero's lab and destroy the unfinished
Cell and Gero's lab in general. They live in Peace until the Buu saga.
2. The antidote had been invented in the future before Goku encountered the
If the antidote had been available when Goku got the virus, he would've survived
and Android 16 would've been forced to be created specifically to kill Goku. The
storyline would go normal except that Goku would've killed all three Androids.
In the fight with the much stronger Android 16, Goku would create an Enormous
Spirit Bomb and would destroy 16. They, again would kill the unfinished Cell and
Gero's lab again.
3. All the Z fighters had spent the maximum # of Days in the Hyperbolic Time
Chamber during the 3 Year break between Trunks' arrival and the arrival of the
I think Dr. Gero would know of what was going on via Tracking Device and
ultimately make Androids 16-18 much stronger around 50,000,000 for 17 & 18, and
make 16 Around 68,000,000.
Here's How the Z Fighters Would Stack Up
Goku = 26,000,000
Super Saiyan Goku = 70,000,000
Vegeta = 25,000,000
Super Saiyan Vegeta = 67,000,000
Piccolo (Minus Kami) = 35,000,000
Piccolo (With Kami) = 69,000,000
Gohan = 22,000,000
Super Saiyan Gohan = 64,000,000
Trunks = 23,500,000
Super Saiyan Future Trunks = 66,000,000
Tien = 23,000,000
Yamcha = 18,000,000
Krillin = 24,000,000
The fight would be MUCH MUCH different from the beatdown the Androids put on the
Z fighters. Vegeta would fight 18 and go Super Saiyan and win, Trunks would
fight 17 and do the same as he beats 17. The Gohan and Goku would both fight 16
and launch a Father-Son Kamehameha and destroy 16. Then they destroy all of
Gero's unfinished androids and destroy his lab too.