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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Unspeakable Freak
Reviewed August 22, 2006
Constructed: 1.3
Sealed: 1.7
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Sephiroth |
This lovely looking creature, can definitely
mess with your opponent's
strategy if they're relying on their creatures
to maintain points in cells,
or even good field presence. Being able to
Warpstrike an opponents monster
can always be very advantageous, especially if
your opponent can't
Although I do have to say that I LOVE the
Warpstrike set of creatures, and
how they function, the "Unspeakable Freak" has
to be the most lopsided or
"Freaky" creature of the bunch. A nice 5-Power
for 10PPP definitely isn't
too shabby whatsoever, but in the long run, we
can easily see where this
creature can become very expensive. Having to
pay 7 Spawn Points during your
spawn face can definitely be a tough task; but
not only must you pay the
cost, you have to be in a scoring cell, which
normally doesn't happen for
long in Madness due to the low defense of most
of its creatures.
But how does this guy function with the rest of
his freaks from Madness?
Well when you think about it, not too well. With
Scissors running around in
most, if not all, Madness warbands; and all of
the Madness creatures being
near indestructible, you won't be getting much
bonus spawn points, now will
you? This makes it even more tough to obtain the
"extra" points needed to
pay for the cost of the Freaks Warpstrike 7
With a power that's normally too tough to invest
in, and stats that can be
considered worth the spawn cost, I consider this
guy average; but because he
doesn't create any synergy with the low defense
of Madness, I can't exactly
rank him that high up on my list.
Overall Constructed: 1.5/5
Overall Sealed: 1/5
Artwork: 3.5/5 (Freaky!!!....)

Charninja |
I will assume that you all have checked out
Rolf's very nice PDF spoiler and therefore do
not need me to explain this guy's stats and
effects. I will however, give you the wikipedia
explanation of what Euclidean geometry actually
IS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_geometry
Short version: It's the basis of the stuff you
learned in the 8th grade.
While I understand it, that doesn't mean I
respect it either.
This is probably Madness's big creature,
alongside Windborne Blademaster.
The choice really depends a lot on your play
style. Obviously, if you go with Mr. Freak here,
you A.) Have a TON of spawn points to spend and
B.) REALLY like Warpstrike. Which is fine,
because I like Warpstrike a lot too.
Doomsinger is one of the best monsters in the
game just because of that (Though the decent
stats help too, be sure of that).
However, as I said, you need a LOT of spawn
points. 7 would be enough for Nevret
Screamtrooper, or Faceless Stalker, or THREE
Spellbound Scissors. And to top it all off, you
need Freakazoid to be in a scoring cell. I guess
that wouldn't be TOO hard, especially if you
have some Valor figs (Scarab Warcharm, anyone?)
to bolster your forces and get people moving.
And god knows, 7 power attacks are... very, very
good. Add it in to the fact that you can hit ANY
nonlocal enemy... and yeah. This guy EATS sniper
As is typical with the expensive figures though,
his power rating is a bit too low for comfort.
As is typical of Madness figures, he is weak on
defense, but 12 life is not shabby. That's at
least four 3s, so it's definitely going to take
a couple of guys to take this guy out. Problem
5 defense, is very easy to disrupt, and it is a
guarantee that he will just be shunted off to a
far corner where it might take a few turns to
get back to a scoring cell and start sniping
again. And I just cannot get over that 7 spawn
point cost either.
To recap:
+Acceptable power-to-cost ratio
+Awesome Warpstrike strength will either kill or
shunt anything but the
biggest critters
+Perfectly nice life
-Pitiable defense
-Needs to be in a scoring cell to get its
ability off
-7 spawn points is just, to my mind, to high of
a cost for something that doesn't automatically
kill a decent sized creature or get every single
one of my units exactly where I want them to be.
-Sculpt, while admirable in a technical sense,
isn't all that inspiring.
He's like a Salvadore Dali painting.
Constructed: 3/5 I guess if you really want, he
would be fine in a Madness band, but compared to
Scissors or Faceless Stalker, or even other
warpstrikers like Doomsinger, he isn't all that
Sealed: 2/5 Good if you don't get something
better for the cost, but unless you pull quite a
few Madness figs, you may not even get him out.
king atlantis |
Ok- my first
'mini of the day'. awsome :-)
today we have Unspeakable Freak, from the base
lets look at his stats, shall we?
It costs 10, with an aspect cost of 3 madness,
so youll probably be bringing him out later in
the game. He has 5 power- not something to shake
at. He has a defence pretty low :-(, and a 12
life. I like 12 life, but i see this getting
disrupted. Allot. And then theirs its effect...
Its a score effect, meaning you MUST be in a
scoreing cell for it to work. Bleh. thats gonna
take a bit. Then its a 7 spawn ability. This
effect is you get to make a 7-power attack
against a non-local enemy. Meh again. first you
gotta spawn it, then you gotta get ti into a
scoreing cell, and after all that, you still
have to spend 7 spawn points, which you could
you's to bring out something else.
constructed: 1/5 theirs just WAY better minis.
neat effect, just to many restrictions.
limited: 2/5 for the fact that its got high(ish)
mold (art): 3.5/5 looks like a weird chtulu.
awsome :-)
~*The King*~
like my reviews? think im completely off
ballance? find me on pojos forums, as "king
Atlantis" or e-mail me at king_atlantis@earthlink.net