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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Horrid Poltergeist
Reviewed August 30, 2006
Constructed: 3
Sealed: 3.33
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Horrid Poltergeist
One of the best uncommons and Fear's weaker
version of Scarab Warcharm, we have Horrid
Poltergeist. Why is he like the infamous
Warcharm? I'll get back to that. For his 6 cost,
we see 3 - 4/7. Pretty weak defense, as a
character as weak as Cannibal Pariah can have a
chance of disrupting it. The life is also a tad
weak, but not as understated as the defense. As
for its power level, 3 is fairly average for 6
drops. Now back to the Scarab Warcharm deal.
Reason I said it is because of its two effects,
Expel and Scare, are the equivalent of Scarab's
Skirmish and Advance, respectively. Although
Scarab has Advance as a Multi-Blade instead of a
Single Blade, the Poltergeist is the closest
thing to Scarab. While the Warcharm can navigate
its warband around the Dreamscape with ease, the
Poltergeist is the man at controlling the
opponent's actions. If you're running a Fear
warband , run this guy.
Constructed - 4.5/5 , having options is a big
plus. being able to have them when having
control of opposing pieces is even better.
Sealed - 4/5, if you have a good pool of Fear
minis with guys from 2-4 to fill the aspect
cost, then run Poltergeist
Artwork - 4/5, got the creepy zombie look that
represents Fear, but the detail lacks.
Sephiroth |
Continuing our "Cookie-Cutter Week", we have
another creature included in
the "Chessmaster" warband. For me and my
friends, he is best reffered to as
"the Scarab Warcharm for Fear". Although not
quite as tough, or just plain
as GOOD as the Warcharm, this Horrid creature
can still easily get the job
done when it comes to maintaining field position
and keeping your opponent
on their toes.
Although he is easily disruptable by many
pieces, he can still serve a great
purpose. 3 power definitely isn't too shabby for
a 6-cost type of guy, and
if you happen to have initiative, you normally
won't need to worry about him
being disrupted. You'll normally want him to be
used for a shift-strike
rather than having him occupy a cell to tie up
your opponent's creatures, as
he won't be doing that job all too well.
In my opinion, this guy isn't quite good enough
to include 2-3 of in your
warband, but hey; I've yet to win a 1K yet. =P
As far as I'm concerned I
could be 100% wrong with everything I say, but
until then I'll keep writing!
Overall Constructed: 3/5
Overall Sealed: 3.5/5
Artwork: 4/5 (Actually not too bad....the
transparency makes it look

Charninja |
Ahh yes. Isn't this guy based on the movie with
the haunted house and little girl or something?
Eh, before my time.
Poltergeist actually isn't horrid at all, truth
be told. Not attractive mind you, but certainly
not horrid. His abilities pretty much make him
Fear's Scarab Warcharm, only difference being
that he doesn't have multiblade scare. He is
also rather more expensive at 6FF, and has
slightly better power. Life is equal, but
defense is a bit short.
As for actual playability, well, our
alternatives are (with a converted spawn cost of
8) Knight of Autumn Gate, Genteel Husk, Carrion
Spiker, and Blight Rat. Of those, the only
alternatives to Horrid Poltergeist are KoaG and
Carrion Spiker, and both because of their quite
hefty stats (or, in the case of Carrion Spiker,
possibly hefty stats). Quite frankly, I can
understand why someone would play those over the
big P, but for the time being at least, he holds
rather more favor just because of his two shunt
To Recap:
+Scare AND Expel
-Rather weak stats for his cost, compared to the
other favorites for his spot, but those are both
straight up beatsticks, so...
Constructed: 3.5/5 For the time being, movement
abilities rule. Scarab Warcharm gets you where
you want to be, and Horrid Poltergeist gets your
opponent where he DOESN'T want to be (i.e.
straight into the swirling scythe of a Fleshless
Reaper, or into the maws of some beatsticks, or
off to a far corner of the map...)
Limited: 2.5/5 I only take off a point because
he doesn't have the stats he really should,
because in a sealed game, every unit must be as
efficient as possible. It is still certainly
good, just not AS good.

Rolf the Ruf |
P: 3
D/L: 4/7
Blade: Scare
Blade: Expel
Reviewed by Rolf the Ruf
My first Mini of the Day review – YAY!
Unfortunately, this one is a no brainer. It has
been previously established in game reviews, on
message boards and in light of tournament
results, that movement abilities are the single
biggest factor in determining victory in the
current environment. This in turn makes Valor
and Fear the strongest sets, since they possess
the vast majority of figs with movement
abilities. It basically comes down to the four
most significant abilities: Two that move your
own pieces (Advance and Skirmish) and two that
move your opponent’s (Scare and Expel). So here
we have a mini who possesses two of the top four
movement abilities, each for single blade
activation. I’m sure you’ve heard all the hype
about Scarab Warcharm as like the Holy Grail of
the Valor set, and arguably the best piece in
the game. Certainly if price guides are any
indicator the Warcharm is the top mini.
Regardless of you view of the Scarab Warcharm,
it is undeniably an extremely powerful piece
with an amazing cost to benefit ratio. Well this
creepy little guy (Horrid Poltergeist) is
essentially the Scarab Warcharm of the Fear
aspect. Okay, it doesn’t have quite the same
cost to benefit value (6FF as compared with 4V),
plus one of the Warcharm’s abilities is a
multi-blade… Alright! It’s not as good! But
he’still pretty sweet. He’s got solidly average
stats in Power, Defense and Life – virtually
identical to the Jack of Blades, who can only
Expel, but cannot Scare. So assuming you
maintain a reasonable Fear presence in the
Dreamscape, you can expect to spawn this guy for
just one point more than the Jack of Blades and
get double the blade effects. In a game that
turns on movement and position, the Horrid
Poltergeist has to be a staple mini in your Fear
bands. He’s not the kind of bargain that will
earn him real honors, but simply a piece that
cannot be overlooked.
Constructed: 3.5
Sealed: 4.0