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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Virtuous Maiden
Baxar's War
Reviewed December 05, 2006
Constructed: 4.3
Sealed: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Continuing 10k Superstars week, we have a 4 drop
rare to compete with Scarab. Is it better? Not
really, but it can still be powerful in the
right warband. She's a 2-5/6, which is ok in
some books. but then again, it's double aspect
makes it harder to play early on. Now it has a
pretty useful effect that has seen use in almost
every Aggro warbands during the 10k. It can gain
Enrage 1 by paying a spawn point, which then
gives everyone around it and adjacent to it an
extra +1 power. In Aggro (which for those
unfamiliar with the term, refers to swarming +
alot of strength), this guy can easily add 2-3
extra dice in to multiple attacks without
actually being in the attack. Thing is, she
doesn't get the chance to gain an effect if a 1
is rolled, and she becomes a pretty understated
piece. Still, the benefits of her effect more
than make up for that, and it has shown with
mild sucess over the past few weeks.
Constructed - 3.5/5 - It can be good in
multiples, but it takes skill to position it
correctly and move it around, and luck in the
sense that no ones come around.
Sealed - 2.5/5 - She's not a piece you want to
play if you can't get rid of her aspect cost
early on. In a band with alot of low cost minis,
she can do fine.
Artwork - 1.5/5 - Kitsune's cousin, the Horse

Charninja |
Virtuous Maiden
The reason this lovely lady was included in 3s
in many warbands at Gen Con should be
immediately apparent to anyone with half a
Firstly, at 4VV, 2 5|6 is actually pretty dang
good. For a low cost creature, she's right at
the curve. Add in her one Spawn Point ability
and... yeah, we're looking at 5/5 material here
For those of you who haven't heard of her, for a
mere one spawn point, you get to give all local
and adjacent allies one more power. That may not
sound like much, but a 4VV with 3 power is good,
as is any number of weenies that are suddenly
one heck of a lot better. A lot of Valor
creatures would be soooo good with just one more
point of power, and that's exactly what this
chick does. Hawk-Eyed Instigator and Raging
Vanguard are now 5, Lunar Handmaiden, 4, Angel
of Sunrise, 6, Kitsune, 5, and Virtuous Maiden
herself, 3. We are talking a major advantage
when it comes time to smash face, people, and
it's at a pretty cheap price too. Somebody at
Wizards is on crack, I'm sure of it.
There really is no way to screw up with Virtuous
Maiden. She is a simple, easy, quite simply
perfect piece, right up there with Scarab
Warcharm and Baxar the Soulstitcher. If you
aren't getting the message, quit Deamblade NOW.
Constructed: 5/5
Limited: 5/5
I really shouldn't have to explain why any
king atlantis |
Ok! today we
have a nother star of the 10K!
Virtuos Maiden (!)
spawn phase(1): gain enrage 1
power: 2
defence: 5
lif: 6
ok, i realy like this fig, but lets break her
down ;-) 4VV...hmm...what other fig fits this
slot? o yeah- scarab warcharm....so lets see how
she stacks. 2 power, and 5/6. thats not ALL that
bad- but it is when compared to warcharms 2/6/7
and all the movement abilitys....
but she has a special power...enrage 1! all
local and adjacent allies have
+1 power....this is especially powerful the
first few turns, and im
devastateing with DHC.....i like her, she fits
well into aggro bands, and im trying to get 3
atm ^_^
constructed: 4.5/5
limited: 4.5/5
sculpt: 3.5/5 (pretty, but im not to keen on the
horse/goat like head...)
hey1 liked my reviews? have some questions?
e-mail me at king_atlantis@earthlink.net ,or
find me on pojo's boards as king atlantis!