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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Greenlife Dryad
Base Set
Reviewed December 08, 2006
Constructed: 2.5
Sealed: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Charninja |
Greenlife Dryad
I always thought nymphs were supposed to be hot?
I mean, there are naiads, nymphs of of springs
and wells, oreads, the nymphs of mountains,
nereids, nymphs of the sea, oceanids, nymphs of
whatever bodies of water weren't taken by naiads
and nereids, and of course, the dryads, nymphs
of the trees. All were supposed to be highly
attractive... but I gotta tell you, I just ain't
feeling it for this chick. Eh, if you're into
that sort of thing, whatever.
As for the Dreamblade figure... she is kinda
nifty. First off, her stats are not too shabby.
7P gets you 5 5|7, and like most of Passion, the
power to cost ratio is excellant. Of course, she
probably won't be sticking around for very long,
because 5|7 really just isn't very long lasting
in this game. I suppose it is possible your
opponent may try to milk her effect along with
you for a bit, but probably only until he can
get something to cut her down. Most people
aren't going to let a 5 power creature that can
be hacked to pieces with a weed whacker stick
around for much longer than they have to.
Of course, that extra 3 spawn points you get
every turn (especially if you have say, a Heart
Thief to really capitalize on the massive spawn
you'll be getting with few Temples) will help
considerably. Temple Good Stuff IS a band to
contend with, and Mrs. Treant here could be the
high priestess of pain.
Thing is, nobody uses her. I haven't seen a
single T8 band in any of the 10ks use her. Maybe
they're stuck in a cookie cutter mindset, maybe
they are just stupid, but if Sam Black and Jon
Siadek and what have you aren't playing it...
you really need to look at why you are.
Underused piece or just a piece of filler? You
Constructed: 2.5/5 Eh. If she gave me the 3
points and just gave my opponent one or two,
sure, absolutely, but since it goes to both of
us... nah.
Limited: 3/5 If nothing else, thwack some stuff,
Orthanc style. If you don't know what that is,
look it up.