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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Marian, Bound to Pain
Baxar's War Set
Reviewed November 01, 2006
Constructed: 3.5
Sealed: 2.3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Ok so here we go again, more new minis to dive
into. Today is queen of the new lineage,
Stitched. Not sure of the actual story line, but
I think she was the first creation of Baxar.
Either way, if you run a Stitched warband, you
will run her. 10M -5- 6/14 is decent stats for a
Madness piece of her size, and her low aspect
cost makes it so you can splash her and her
Madness groupies with the Fear creations of
Baxar. Now she is also unique, so unfortunately,
you only get one on the dreamscape at a time.
Her effect: Grave Harvest. Being to bring back a
Stitched ally when anyone near her dies is
CRAZY. You can essentially have an immortal army
that you can keep re-recruiting. For this,
however, you need to position her in the action
to get her best use. And unfortunately for her,
her defense will often lead to her being
disrupted if given the wrong initiative. I have
yet to see her in action, so I can't give an
honest opinion, and also, I personally don't
like Madness. So Madness guys, no hating on me,
cause I know they can have great late game
Constructed - 3/5 - A great effect, but the
amount of times you are able to pull off the
ability are limited greatly
Sealed - 1.5/5 - The rating goes down a bunch
because there are so few amounts of Stitched per
pack that it depends on the other guys you pull.
Otherwise, she's a vanilla rare. It would suck
even more to pull two of her.
Artwork - 5/5 - Reminds me of Change of Heart
from YGO, which might tempt me to try and get
one anyway.
king atlantis |
Today we have a
stiched of a suprise for you....Marian, Bound to
power: 5
d/l: 6/14
unique marian
Grave Harvest
I love this minis sculpt, and the art for her on
the boosters.
Shes beautiful o_0
in anycase, shes got pretty good power, and very
good d/l for a madness critter. But thats NOT
why you would play her.
You'd play her for Grave harvest (whenever a
local or adjacent stiched ally is destroyed, put
a diffrent stiched creature from your graveyard
to your reserves). realy, i like this ability,
asspecialy becasue of the corpse-built ability
on *a few of* the stiched.
And she shouldnt be going anywhere after you get
her out- her stats are quite good.
limited: 3.4/5 (if you dont get more stiched, at
least shes a beater :-/ )
constructed: in a stiched band, 5/5. any thing
else, 2.4
sculpt: 5/5 (i like her 0_o)

Rolf the Ruf |
Marian, Bound
to Pain
Power: 5
Defense: 6
Life: 14
Grave Harvest
Today we look at Marian, the schizophrenic
dangel. This is a pretty cool mini. Granted
Baxar is flat-out better. But you may want to
run both of them together and Marian has a few
things going for her. Here stats are quality in
the Madness style, with a Life score that make
her about as unkillable as anything out there.
Grave Harvest allows you to move a Stitched
creature from your graveyard to your reserves
whenever another stitched ally is destroyed. All
by itself, this ability makes the Stitched one
of the first truly viable lineages. The ability
to cycle your stitched creatures back into
action means that you can play more aggressively
with Madness -- which has not been a Madness
strongsuit in the past. In addition, it makes
the Corpsebuilt hindrance found on some Stitched
creatures much more palatable. One of the really
nice things about the Grave Harvest ability is
that there is no activation requirement. It
automatically kicks in whenever a Stitched
creature (other than her) is destroyed. Playing
a Stitched warband entails running Fear and
Madness, which is something many players have
been hoping to pull off competitively. Whether a
Stitched warband can truly be competitive in
tournaments remains to be seen, but I see some
nice possibilities here. The sculpt is cool,
although I was a little disappointed in the
detail -- the box art version of her is way
Constructed: 4/5
Sealed: 2/5 (You have to get pretty lucky to put
together an effective Stitched band in the
Limited environment.)
Artwork 3.75/5 (Could have been higher, but her
face on the sculpt looks a bit mannish.)