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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Pearlthorn Gargoyle
Baxar's War
Reviewed November 20, 2006
Constructed: 2.5
Sealed: 3.0
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Charninja |
Ahh, the architect is definitely getting a bonus
with the check for this little addition. That
castle can always use something to liven it up.
Anyway, here, we have a... decent Valor piece.
There isn't much Valor has to pick for the 10
slot, just this, Steelborn Griffin, and
Inscribed Axebeast. Thing is, at 10V, Gargoyle
qualifies as a heavy, and as such... meh. Angel
of Sunrise can get away with her lower than
average power because of Haste 2, and Noble
Dragon because of Payback, but all Fluffums here
can do is gain weight and not muscle... not all
that good. If he had Bodyguard or Protect he'd
be very good indeed, but since he doesn't... meh.
His base stats are 5 9|11, and with Flux Ward,
max out at 14|16. Very nice, and truth be told,
5 power IS good for the cost, considering how
figures several points higher typically only
have 6... but for me at least, this kitten is
just kinda boring... Virtuous Maiden is cheaper
and oodles better because she lets you kill
things... this dude just sits there and takes
hits. Odds are, he'll be either ignored over
more pressing pieces (like Virtuous Maiden), or
shunted down to the 1 point cell with Scare,
Terrify, or Expel where he can be dealt with
considerably more easily. I could see this guy
in a straight Valor band... but what would be
the point? There are plenty of upper cost
critters in Valor that are just... better. If it
had Bodyguard or Protect it would be PERFECT for
teaming up with allies because unlike most
creatures with those abilities, it's power is
actually worth a darn... but since it doesn't...
oh well.
Constructed: 2.5/5 Valor only, got that?
Limited: 3/5 if you don't pull any other
creatures of similar cost that are much, much
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Ok, so welcome back. Got back from an exciting
1K in Somerville MA that I managed to get in 2nd
at. Considering thats my first 1K, thats my jump
start in the right direction (especially since I
won more money there than I've spent on
Dreamblade all together). But anyway, onto the
Today we pull a rare that I did experiment with.
Gargoyle seemed like it had potential to be
amazing, but first, stats time. 10V for 5 - 9/11
seems pretty average, but maybe a little low for
Valor. It works for me anyway. The effect, Flux
Ward. depending on where he's attempting to
score, he gets +X/+X, where X is the amount of
points for that scoring cell. So if you get him
to the middle, he can be either 10/12 or 11/13
which just beats Angel and N. Dragon, but for a
10 cost. Pretty efficient. And you know what?
His max potential, if you can get him on the
opposing 5 cell, makes his defensive stats
14/16. Thats gonna take alot to break that stone
wall, as that's the best stats in the game. FOR
A 10 DROP!!
So why not use him? Well my reason for not
running him, and maybe other people's reasons,
is that Fear is still a threat in the popular
warbands. Thunder Sultan, Voodoo, and all those
Scare/Expel tricks, and even Lure from Passion,
can kick Gargoyle off his throne. Another reason
is that while he's an amazing defensive piece,
his 5 power doesn't compare to N. Dragon's 6
with Payback (which killed Ragedrake *sad face*
). His effect also isn't relevant to helping
push for the win, such as the Gambit with Angel
(which seeing my friend play, I have respect for
now). Really, he's much more useful in Sealed.
Constructed - 3.5/5 - a solid filler, but you
might wanna consider something that can help you
win rather than be a sitting duck if you can
help it.
Sealed - 4.5/5 - Not as much crazy control
abilities to worry about that can't be dealt
with. 5 power can still wreck. 1 aspect makes it
a nice splash as well.
Artwork - 4/5 - Pretty cool looking I must say.