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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Flame Harrower
Reviewed October 11, 2006
Constructed: 3
Sealed: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Rolf the Ruf |
Flame Harrower
Power: 5
Defense: 4
Life: 7
Ability: 3: Assault 5
Reviewed by Rolf the Ruf
Today the Human Torch meets the DreamScape. The
Flame Harrower is one of the cooler looking
minis in the set, looking convincingly like a
walking bonfire, wearing some kind of tempered
steel armor that doesn't melt. As stats go, his
5-4/7 is not exactly stunning. Even among
Passion pieces his defense and life are average
at best. Once again, the value in this mini
comes down to his ability. For a 3-spawn
activation he makes a 5-die attack on target
local enemy. I have spoken before on the
advantages of spawn abilities. As they go, this
one is slightly pricier than most, but 3 points
is still on the modest side and helps you to use
up those stray points when all of your cheap
creatures are gone. The net effect of his
ability is that he gets to make up to three
5-die attacks in one turn. Even without the help
of Faceless Stalker's rerolls, this gives you a
pretty good shot at smashing face on whatever he
may be up against. Now to be fair, as much as I
like this guy, I have had less than brilliant
success actually running him in warbands. My
experience with him has been that more often
than not, my opponent targets him as soon as he
moves into action. Often he ends up toasting
marshmallows in my graveyard before he can make
his first assault. The ability would be more
effective if it was a warpstrike which would
prevent him from having to engage. I still think
this is a piece worth playing, but he definitely
has his drawbacks. Personally I think the
designers should have reconsidered this piece
and allowed him to self-imolate upon destruction
and double his deathblow. That would be awesome.
Constructed: 3/5
Sealed: 2.5/5 (Spawn abilities are always good,
but this is offset by his double aspect cost.)
Artwork 4/5 (Flame on!)