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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Falcon Soldier
Reviewed September 07, 2006
Constructed: 1.75
Sealed: 2.35
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
More Valor pieces for yah today. This week has a
few of the more underappreciated rares. How can
I say that with no recent reports from tournies?
Simple. Me and the King have been playing with
them for a while and we have seperated the
game-breakers from the fairly average. Fear not
though, because they do have their uses.
Now on to Falcon Solider..He is competing with
three other 5-drop minis for your warband. Funny
how while this guy is the rares, he is the most
understated. For his cost, he has 2 power. Its
fine although two of its rivals have greater
power (3 for Twilight, and 4 for Knight of S&J).
Unfortunately, he has horrible "staying power".
4/6 for a 5-drop is like whoa...might as well
run Zombie Enforcer for cheaper. Being the
weakest of the bunch, his final point of
interest is a handy Crit 2 Multi-Blade ability.
While not as supported in Valor as Skirmish or
Advance, its a nice idea to experiment with this
guy as he can help face the mirror matchup.
Valor capitalizes on very high "staying power"
(ok, my term for a character's stats based on
its cost on how likely it is not to be killed).
This guy can make useless Skirmishs, Advances,
or extra blades into the damage needed to kill
off the big guys. A good piece, you decide,
cause here's my ratings:
Constructed - 1.5/5 - The other 5-drops are
better for doing what Valor does best, which is
unrivaled moving abilities. Still a good filler
Sealed - 2.5/5 - He gets a better rating here
because odds are you will have to also use
Passion or Fear which have higher powers, which
makes rolling +2s even easier.
Artwork - 1/5 - Pidgeon Head :o
Sephiroth |
This week is "Valor Week", as we'll be reviewing
3 Valor pieces that are not only Valor, but also
all rare. You will notice that these next pieces
aren't exactly "top-of-the-line" though.
We start off with "Falcon Soldier" for this
week. Now, what's the basic lay-out for a Valor
creature? Well....low power, high defense,
normal life, and if blade effects are involved,
they will normally be movement abilities.
Keeping that in mind, let's take a look at the
With 2 power for 5V, it seems as if it is a
normal Valor piece. Where it goes wrong on the
other hand, is with the effect and its
Firstly, it's effect isn't that of which would
be classified a "Valor specific effect".
Something like trible-blade "Crit [2]" would
normally be found on a Passion creature. In
fact, there are only 4 creatures in addition to
Passion that have the "Crit [#]" ability; all of
which aren't of much help to their selected
But hey, I'm not complaining about the fact that
he has "Crit [2]", I'm just saying that it's a
bad sign as he doesn't have much synergy with
the rest of his fearless buddies.
Next, we look at his raw stats. This is where
everything just goes plain wrong. For a 5V-drop
for Valor, 4|6 is actually some pretty horrible
statistics. There are 3 other 5V-cost Valor
creatures: Twilight Scout, Knight of Tomorrow,
and Knight of Strife and Joy. Their
defense/life's are
5|7, 7|8, and 6|7 respectively. All of these are
considerably better
can make a difference) than the Falcon, and only
one is rarer than a common; KoSaJ.
In conclusion, the Falcon soldier just isn't a
great choice for a Valor warband. It just
doesn't fit in with all of the other Valor
Possibly a "Bloodcut" warband, but then again
"Falcon Soldier" isn't even "Bloodcut".
Overall Constructed: 1.5/5
Overall Sealed: 2/5
Artwork: 1/5 (Pretty dull if you ask me....)

Charninja |
Falcon Soldier
Ahh yes. There are two kinds of abilities that
are good in this game. Movement abilities, such
as Advance and Scare, are probably the major
forces for the time being. The other good
ability is Crit. Especially when it is
multiblade. And even more so when it does more
than one extra damage. So yeah. Falcon Soldier
definitely has that down pat. 2 power may not be
all that much, but combined with one or two
other figures to add in some blades, and you can
easily wreak some havoc. Stats in general though
are a bit low for her cost, and here is what
else you could play in Valor for a converted
cost of 6:
Knight of Strife and Joy
Knight of Tomorrow
Steelborn Lion
Twilight Scout
Now, most of those are actually quite good,
because of their movement abilities, and, truth
be told, just about all of them have better
stats. Crit 2 IS a good ability, it really is,
especially as a multiblade... but frankly... Ms.
Hawkhead doesn't really cut it quite so much
compared to the competition. Even on defense and
life, she loses out to most of those guys, and
that just isn't very good for her. If she had 3
power or a few more points in D&L I would
recommend her... but compared to the
competition, I don't feel she really cuts the
Constructed: 1.5/5 I mean, come on, crit 2 or
Limited: 2/5 Hey, gotta do what you can with
what you have.
king atlantis |
Falcon Soldier
p: 2
multiblade: crit 2
ok, im back. and with a valor piece.
its a girl with a falcon head, who could do some
major damage. if you pair her with something
that can get a lot of rolls, like noble dragon
for instance. her cost could be good for a spawn
curve, here 4/6 defence/life is fairly average,
and crit 2 is a nice multiblade.but i wouldnt
run it. but, meh, ive never won a 1K =-I if your
lucky, you could get 4 attack with your attack-
but i doubt it. thats my short review.
constructed: 3/5 (average ish...)
limited: 3/5 (same as above)
sculpt: 4/5 (looks cool...)
welp, its short but i think it works...till me'
next review, audiue,
~*The King*~

Rolf the Ruf |
Falcon Soldier
P: 2
D/L: 4/6
Multi-blade: Crit2
Reviewed by Rolf the
Okay, this is a piece I have tried
very hard to like, but I keep coming
up with more reasons to drop her out
of my warbands than I can think of
for keeping her. I guess I think a
falcon-headed babe with a sword and
shield is just kinda cool, but when
you look at the numbers, she keeps
coming up short. As blade abilities
go, crit is middle of the road --
not too bad, not too great. The
higher crits (5 or more) can really
work as fatty killers. Crit2? Not so
much. This is offset by the fact
that she has multi-blade. But to
really make this payoff, you need to
roll lots of dice, and she only
contributes 2 to the attack --
pretty weak. So to get her to start
working for you, she has to be
paired with a fatty. Beyond that,
when you look at the Valor group as
a whole, you expect to find a nice
high Defense number -- this is where
Valor really excels. Not so for the
Falcon Soldier. She sports numbers
more in line with the Passion group,
but without the high power number.
Her middling cost is low enough to
make you want to give her a second
look, but in the end, Falcon Girl
just doesn't fly.
Constructed: 2/5
Sealed: 2/5
Artwork 3/5