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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Ego Cannibal
Reviewed September 13, 2006
Constructed: 3.65
Sealed: 4.15
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Ok so I've just started school last week and am
going to have to take time away from my TCGs and
Dreamblade for a while, but at least I can
review some more base set pieces before the next
set, Baxaar's War arrives. Today is Ego
Cannibal, a Madness rare. Its a 5 drop. For
fives, the aspect cost can sometimes be an
issue, but since Madness has access to Spellboud
Scissors, it probably won't be too much of a
problem. Now, for 5 spawn points, you get a
2-5/10 character. 2 is somewhat average, and his
low defense/high life is expected being from the
Madness aspect. So now comes the reason that
makes his rarity. Ready? Its called Copy
Enemies, and it makes it so the Cannibal can use
any blade abilities the opposing locals might
Facing a Warcharm or Poltergeist? Options baby!
This guy can basically do what every your
opponent does, maybe even better. A good way to
abuse it is by teaming him up with a high power
piece. Jack in the Box anyone? Might be a cool
guy to mix in a Janus Warband to have access to
more blade abilities. Otherwise, maybe the next
set will give him more to toy with.
Constructed - 3.5/5, decent stats with a
somewhat useful ability. I really think only one
is needed, but whatever works.
Limited - 4.5/5, honestly, this guy is an
excellent piece to drop in a limited match.
Madness are good to draft, and this guy can
truely make an impact by making up for lack of
blade abilities in your warband.
Artwork - 2.5/5, meh, not as cool as some others
but I have respect for it.

Charninja |
*Grins* Fun fun funny fun fun.
To date, Ego Canibal is the only piece to have
the "Copy" ability. That means it doesn't have
an ability of its own, but rather the blade
abilitIES ( emphasis on the plural) of all the
enemy critters it is fighting. Generally, that
is a very good thing, because that means it
could easily have three or even four abilities
depending on how many of what it is going
against in a cell, and even if the abilities may
not be that good, just having so many gives you
quite a bit of leeway in what you can do. Even
better, there are not many critters with a
negative blade ability, as most of those are
passive. While there a few bad ones, mainly
Fumble, which is only on TWO creatures, and
Windborne Blademaster's Dissipate, well,
everything else is fair game and I would be very
surprised if they hurt.
Stats are a slight issue though. 5M for 2 power
is decent enough, but not Relentless
Eviscerator's 3 power. However, Ego Cannibal
DOES beat that... thing on both Defense and on
Life, if only by one point. If you are very
aggressive, then the 3 power and regenerate will
be greatly appreciated, but if you are on the
more passive or strategic end of things,
Cannibal is probably the way to go, if only
because it is that much harder to get rid of.
Constructed: 3.5/5 Definitely worth it in a
Madness band, and I would consider running two
for the slot, or maybe Relentless Eviscerator
along with one, since they have the exact same
Limited: 3/5 Hey, could pull hella worse, and
using the best of your opponent's abilities is
always gonna be fun.

Rolf the Ruf |
Ego Cannibal
P: 2
D/L: 5/10
Copy Enemies
Reviewed by Rolf the Ruf
Today we look at one of the most underrated
minis in the game. I say underrated, but maybe I
should say underutilized. Most people will agree
this guy is a good mini, but I just haven't seen
him showing up in too many warbands. This may be
more a function of that fact that he is of the
Madness persuasion while Valor and Fear dominate
the tournaments at the moment. This is one
funky-lookin' freakazoid. Kinda reminds me of a
foot-pedal trashcan on steriods. Let's break
down the numbers. A power of 2 is pretty darn
meager, but this is perhaps the Cannibal's only
weakpoint. A 5/10 Defense and Life is huge for a
5-spawn. Only Valor has 5-spawns with higher
Defense numbers and there is no similarly-costed
creature in the entire set with a higher Life
total! That brings us to his ability. How about
a creature that can have every blade ability in
game! The sheer flexibility of this guy makes
him almost impossible to overlook in any Madness
warband. He can move allies against Valor; move
enemies against Fear; lay down a major Crit
beatdown against Passion; and Warpstrike against
Madness. What's not to like?
Constructed: 4/5
Sealed: 4.5/5 (The flexibility of this piece
makes it a natural in sealed.)
Artwork 3/5 (Freaky!)