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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Axemorph Demon
Reviewed September 15, 2006
Constructed: 3.25
Sealed: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
TGIF folks, as we round off the week with our
other 12 drop. While also having 6 power,
Axemorph is slightly weaker in his "staying
power". 8/11 is sorta on the weak side, but hey,
its a Passion guy, so what do you expect. Now
while the Dragon had payback, which normally
could do up to 6 extra damage for a single
blade, Axemorph has a double blade ability for
Crit 10. Gasp! Crit 10!! yeah, but thats with 2
blades, which the odds of rolling don't favor
too much, since you have a 1 out of 6 chance of
rolling a single blade. Basically what I'm
getting at is his ability will rarely be useful
unless he attacks with a non-Loner mini. That
way the odds favor it and you can wipe out alot
more guys with him. I'm not a huge fan of him,
but he's the big Hellbred baddy, so give him a
shot. I suggest only a Passion or Hellbred
warband, since 12 guys are hard to splash.
Constructed - 3.5/5 - weak stats for that big of
a guy hurts, plus the fact that his ability will
be really situational.
Limited - 1.5/5 - yeah Passion isn't one of the
best guys to draft, but if you get alot, plus
him, the odds are the opponent won't have to
many guys that can challenge him.
Artwork - 4/5, again: perty sick stuff.

Charninja |
Axemorph Demon
Like smashing stuff?
I'll take that as a HECK YEAH!
Axemorph Demon is Passion's answer to
Unspeakable Freak, Noble Dragon, and Dreadmorph
Ogre. And while Big Blue has the win on staying
power, and Snakeback Mountain has the best
effect, and Euclid's greatest enemy is, hands
down the most Dahlian of every figure currently
released, Axehand Morgan here does one thing,
and does it very, very well. Can you guess that
what is?
Little tip: It begins with "W" and ends with "recking
large buildings."
Double Blade Crit 10. My god. My effing god.
That is ON TOP of the already rather large 6
power. This guy could do a maximum of 22 damage
ALL ON HIS OWN. That's enough to take out a
Noble Dragon AND a Brighthammer Avenger. With
one shot. One massive shot that levels forests
to the ground.
But, sadly, It is rather unlikely that he would
roll four 3s and two blades for that kind of
damage, but the fact remains, an extra 10 damage
will kill or disrupt a VERY large amount of
things, even if he misses or gets 1s on the
other four rolls. Considering that he costs 12PP
though, he WILL be teaming up with other passion
creatures, and when that happens, cities BURN.
Teaming him up with something like Boneblade
Serpent or Heart Render means that everything
that can die WILL die, or you could just add in
the other major Passion beatsticks like
Bladehound, Flame Harrower and Forgeblind
Punisher. That's what passion is all about baby.
These guys scare emo highschoolers. These guys
make 350 pound inmates cry for mommy.
Except for one little thing: Passion's glass
If you can wipe out a cell and somehow keep your
opponent from moving in, you can clear the way
very, very quickly. Thing is, 8|11 D&L is pretty
low for 12 and a double aspect cost. So far,
there aren't many locations or abilities that
really pump those stats up, or at least not ones
that are particularly GOOD. Most Passion
figures, including Axemorph Demon, need at least
2 or 3 extra points in Defense and Life before
they become anything more than a one or two shot
cannon, because it is a given that your opponent
WILL try to avoid combat altogether until it is
there turn to lay the beats down. And they have
to be confident they can score for a six feet
under beat down too. Valor will just juke and
jive around and out, while Fear will scare and
shove you out of the way. Madness, on the other
hand, will try to take you out from a few cells
away with Doomsinger and Book of Nothing, and
with the low D&L, they probably will succeed on
their sniping mission.
Granted, Valor and Passion work oh so well
together. Scarab Warcharm can focus your rage
and make sure you get where you need to go, as
do... most of the other good Valor pieces in
general. Fear doesn't work quite so well, but it
can force enemy figures right into your waiting
axe of a limb.
Constructed: 3/5 Need some heavy artillery? Here
you go. Please avoid slaughtering innocent
bystanders as you walk merrily down the street.
Limited: 3.5/5 Have a list of names in one hand,
and a bag of tushies in the other. Might need a
minion for that though, because of the whole
hand condition.