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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Eater of Hope
Reviewed September 22, 2006
Constructed: 4
Sealed: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Charninja |
Eater of Hope
I have always wanted to know what hope tastes
like, but I am kinda afraid to ask him. I guess
that is rather the point...
So let's see... massive stats? check. Nifty
sculpt? In my opinion, check. High cost? Double
check. Sounds like major beatstick material to
And... that's it. That is all he does. Nothing
else. The only reason he might be better than
Axemorph Demon is because he can actually take a
punch, and even then, it really depends on your
play style. Most people are just going to opt
for the Ogre, because, as I am quick to remind
EVERYONE WHO WILL LISTEN, multiblade expel makes
God whimper.
There is something else though. Since it is
HIGHLY unlikely you will be paying 10FF in the
first few turns, you will most likely have a
Cannibal Pariah or Zombie Enforcer (if not both)
who is just kinda wandering around, seeing if
there is an open cell to take and just being a
general nuisance. Once you do get the points to
summon him, you can make that weenie do
something useful like, like give Mr. Kobayashi a
quick little snack before he proceeds to wreak
death and destruction upon all who dare to
challenge him and his master. Add in Carrion
Spiker from last week, and maybe Knight of
Autumn Gate for even more feasting, and we have
a pretty good team of people who excel at
smashing faces in.
Could it stand against Chessmaster? Anecdotal
evidence says yes, but I have yet to hear it
taking a major tournament. And honestly, I would
be rather pleased if it did.
Constructed: 4/5 Obviously, you don't just put
this guy into any ol' warband. I mean, you
could, and he might actually be helpful, but he
would be SO much more helpful if he teamed up
with Carrion Spiker and KoaG like I said.
Limited: 4/5 Yeah, yeah, same score, but the
fact remains, you are gonna have something
wasting space by the time you get to summon him,
and once you do, he is gonna be laying waste so
well, you won't care what his score was.

Rolf the Ruf |
Eater of Hope
P: 7
D/L: 10/15
We shift gears to close out the week and look at
the fattest fatty in the game. Holding that
title is Fear's aptly named Eater of Hope. I say
aptly because when you sit this bad boy down in
a juicy scoring cell, your opponent's hopes
quickly begin to fade. There are two essential
components to winning this game -- seizure and
control. You seize the field by establishing
presence (i.e., get your pieces into scoring
cells and force your opponent's pieces out). You
control the field by maintaining presence. The
simplest ways to do this is to stake out a
crucial piece of real estate and refuse to be
moved. Eater of Hope is one of a very few
creatures that are extremely difficult to move,
and with the biggest life total in the game,
nearly impossible to kill. Only three creatures
(all Valor) have a higher defense and only one
point higher at that. Only the Malborn Croc
equals the Eater's 15 points of Life. But not
only does this Titan hold its ground, it also
throws down a 7-die attack -- which goes a long
way toward clearing its cell of pesky enemies.
The price for all these outrageous numbers is an
appease cost, but with a Cannibal Pariah and 10
spawn, he costs no more than the Noble Dragon.
And appease can be turned to your advantage by
throwing in a Carrion Spiker or two. So grab
yourself one of these fatboys, invade and
occupy. One word of caution however, if you see
the Dragon coming your way, run! Big Blue is a
true giant killer. The best way to deal with
that nasty buzzkill is to swarm him with smaller
Constructed: 4/5
Sealed: 3/5 (Fatties are harder to manage in
Limited and his double aspect doesn't help.)
Artwork 3/5 (Looks like a giant caterpillar
whose attempt to become a butterfly went
horribly wrong!)