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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Night Queen
Reviewed September 25, 2006
Constructed: 3.25
Sealed: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Charninja |
Night Queen
Ahh, here we go. Pretty widdle night queen, one
of the niftier Hivelings and Fear monsters. I
don't know about you guys, but I'd tap that.
And that's another visit to my therapist...
Anyway, the fig herself: 6 is acceptable for 3
power, though 6|9 D&L is a little bit on the low
side. The triple Fear aspect cost is definitely
something to pay attention too, because you
simply do not GET aspect costs higher than
three. However, it's generally accepted that
spawn points net you stats while aspect costs
net you abilities, and that's definitely where
Night Queen comes into her own.
Plainly put, Purge is AWESOME. It's kinda like
Needle Worm in Yugioh, in that while it doesn't
directly affect the field, it steals from your
opponent's future options. Deprive them of their
fatties so they can't deal with your EoH or
Ogre, or take out their weenies so they are
forced to just waste spawn points because they
can't summon much of anything. I am reasonably
confident that you don't get conquest points,
but I'm also pretty sure that your opponent
doesn't get spawn points either, so it evens out
pretty well. Yes, it's a double blade, but hey,
you'll be teaming this little lady up anyway so
it's highly unlikely that you won't be sniping
the reserves nearly every turn, and after you
take out a few pieces, your opponent will be
cursing you, your family, your friends, and your
unborn children. That's ok, unless you are
matched against a gypsy, in which case I highly
recommend you forfeit. It just ain't worth it
man, it just ain't worth it.
Oh yeah, if you see your opponent has a Carrion
Spiker... pray they forget about it.
Constructed: 4/5 Gotta be a Fear heavy band
because of the casting cost, but god knows it
would be worth it.
Limited: 3/5 Little harder to use because of the
casting cost, but it's still entirely likely
that you will get a few other Fear pieces, in
which case, woo-hoo.

Rolf the Ruf |
Night Queen
P: 3
D/L: 6/9
Double-Blade: Purge
Reviewed by Rolf the Ruf
We begin this week with the Queen of Fear. This
Black Widow is so scary she can send your
opponent's creatures off in body bags before
they even set foot the DreamScape. When I first
saw the Night Queen before ever having played
the game, I thought she was pretty cool and
would be a powerful piece. This view didn't
really pan out. In the 6-drop slot, she has an
average Power and a fairly decent Defense and
Life. These numbers (6 Defense, 9 Life), are
actually some of the better stats among 6 spawn
creatures in the game, so far. Still, with a
huge aspect cost of 3, she needs to offer
something more than half decent staying-power to
make the cut. Her ability, which I alluded to
above, allows her, for a double-blade roll, to
move any creature from your opponent's reserves
to his graveyard. This is actually kind of a
cool ability, but it plays as more of long-term
strategic move and does nothing to help you in
the immediate tactical situation. On the plus
side, it can remove key problem pieces from your
opponent's arsenal before you ever have to face
them. This can be particularly useful against
warbands that rely heavily on key pieces. Take
out an Eater of Hope or Carrion Spiker from an
Appease band and you may effectively declaw it.
But if your opponent already has a Spiker
running amok in the DreamScape, placing another
beastie in his graveyard only fuels his fire.
What this all amounts to is that Night Queen is
a highly situational creature. On the downside,
you have to cough up two blades to basically
limit your opponent's future options. Meanwhile
you've got a battle going on right in front of
you and can probably think of a few good uses
for those blades to help you gain the upper hand
in the immediate situation.
Because the Night Queen can really hinder your
opponent's long-term plans in certain
situations, it make her tough to grade. In most
cases, I think you are going to want something
that can help you win on the field. I predict,
that she may gain some value in light of the
upcoming release of Baxar's War. The
introduction of new powerful pieces into the
current environment is likely to create more
situations where players are relying on just a
few key pieces to make their strategy click.
Time will tell.
Constructed: 2.5/5 (Against certain bands and
certain situation, she may grow considerably in
Sealed: 2/5 (In Limited, players are less like
to have multiples of key creatures, so she could
prove effective. But that triple aspect cost is
just nasty.)
Artwork 4/5 (Cool sculpt -- got that whole
creepy vs.sexy thing goin',) |