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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Book of
Reviewed April 10, 2007
Constructed: 2.00
Sealed: 1.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Chen Wan Lee |
Book of Nothing
Well, it looks like I was wrong about being
solo; That Guy That Plays Dreamblade came back
to keep us all company with his views =D
Anyway, today’s miniature is the great Book of
Nothing (abbreviated BoN), a rare from Base Set,
and incidentally, my first DB rare ever. As
usual, lets look at the stats; 4MMM for a 1 1/4.
Wow *sarcasm*. Alright, so the stats are just
plain bad. What about its ability? Multiblade
Warpstrike 3. Ok, wow *not sarcastic*.
This piece takes the word “glass cannon” to an
all new level. It is insanely fragile, but it
can also be insanely brutal. Anyone who has seen
me use this would be able to vouch for me when I
say 18+ dice on Warpstrike damage is not funny.
This does become problematic; the BoN soon
becomes target numero uno!
The huge problem with this piece is the fact
that it is very much a “finesse” piece. You have
to somehow figure out a way to keep it alive and
with a bunch of high-powered pieces. This is
difficult, more so if your opponents use a lot
of Scare/Lure/Expel/etc. pieces. If and when you
pull it off, it WILL hurt. I’ve had games where
I was 1 round away from losing, only to be
turned around by a massive BoN nuke.
That said, the BoN doesn’t work often. A lot of
times your opponent will find ways to somehow
either pull it into their Fleshless Reaper, or
Warpstrike it, or otherwise render it utterly
useless. Sometimes, you just can’t use it,
because you don’t have the other pieces out yet
(i.e. the high attack ones), or those pieces
have already died. It also for the most part
needs a band built around it – either
mono-Madness, which is a default considering its
triple aspect cost, or Madness/Passion, with
Passion for the extra firepower. The BoN also
goes well with a lot of negative Blade pieces
like the Iron Thug, Buzzkill Clown, and even
Ouroboros, all of which have respectable attack
values for their cost.
Overall, the BoN falls short of being average in
the hands of most players because, very simply
put, you probably won’t get much mileage out of
it against an experienced player if you do not
know how to use the piece very, very well
yourself. However, if you actually do build a
proper warband around it and figure how to use
it, it can easily become your warband’s MVP, if
and when it works.
Constructed: 2/5. Its 2/5 because 1/5’s are
reserved for things like Stag Zealot or
Shimmersword Mercenary.
Sealed: 1/5. You’d probably be paying a lot for
this due to a lack of good Madness pieces.
Sculpt: Part of me wants to give it a 5/5 just
because he looks a little like Einstein, but
otherwise its really kinda crappy. “2/5” crappy.