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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

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Reviewed April 27, 2007
Constructed: 3.50
Sealed: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Chen Wan Lee |
Today’s review is one
of the most popular rares in Chrysotic Plague;
Octorilla. Being a Madness piece, one cannot
help but expect poor stats for its cost; the
Octorilla certainly delivers. It has pretty
subpar stats, and the usual Madness trademark of
an utterly-abysmal defense stat (of 4, in this
case). Anything that can kill a Cannibal Pariah
can disrupt this 11-point piece. Good going.
To make matters
worse, not only does a great number of tourney
bands not run Madness, but the other aspects
also give fantastic drops for 11 points;
Dreadmorph Ogre, Caged Grawlth, World Eater,
Angel of Sunrise, Elite Gladiator and Pearlthorn
Dragon Knight to name a few, where all of which
are big fatties with solid abilities (except the
Grawlth, but then again its stats are pretty
Therefore, to make
up for its terrible stats in an unappreciated
aspect, the Octorilla has to have a
bordering-on-godly ability to make it into a
tourney warband. Does it have something good?
Yes. Utterly fantastic? No.
Brainblast, itself,
is damn good. For a mere 3 spawn points, you get
a column of fiery psychic death. Although one
may stop and wonder how many pieces there may be
in a column at once, be assured that in many
cases, a single column in the middle three
columns should have a good number of targets.
The problem, however, lies in it being
Brainblast "5". As many know, rolling 5 dice
would give you an average of about 5 damage.
What made the Fleshless Reaper and Brighthammer
Avenger so good, however, was their 6-power
abilities (in addition to the great synergy some
pieces gave them).
Short to say,
5-power attacks are considered a little subpar,
since a lot of people want their ability to be
able to at least disrupt a Scarab Warcharm on an
average roll. Still, 5 dice can sometimes yield
fantastic results if you get lucky; just because
the average is 5, it doesn’t mean a 15 is
impossible (though, admittedly, highly
unlikely), and a mere 6 or 7 against a Warcharm
is not too difficult. The fact that Brainblast
allows you to hit non-locals without having to
engage is also a good thing, since the Octorilla
has really poor survivability.
Overall, the piece
itself is playable, but I doubt it’s a
tournament-quality piece. It is, however, a very
fun piece to play with, and can definitely be
powerful given proper utilization and some good
dice rolls.
Constructed: 3.5/5.
If I’m not the only reviewer today, I’m pretty
sure someone would give it a 4/5 or (maybe)
higher. However, in my opinion, its just a very
slightly above average piece that happened to be
Art: 5/5. I love
gorillas. I love squids. Put them together and
you get a funky thing that appeals to me. Would
probably appeal to Cthulhu fans too, but I’m not
too big on those kinds of stuff. |
"Thespian" Gatner |
What do you get
when you cross a gorilla and an octopus? A
paranoid opponent! The Octorilla is one of the
most promising high-end pieces that madness has
access to, and if you find yourself across from
one, you certainly change the way you play. You
can’t afford not to.
Brainblast 5 is the Octorilla’s bread and butter
and it has the ability to change the game
against an unwary opponent. It allows you to
spend a mere 3 spawn to make a 5-power attack
against EACH enemy in the column. It certainly
has the capability to do a ton of damage. Of
course, a player isn’t going to play one in
constructed without his trusty Darkheart
Cottage, which can boost that Brainblast 5 up
and beyond a Brainblast 10! With an ability like
that, you only need to do it once. Consider the
fact that there are no deathblows during the
spawn phase and this ability can be a game
Now the bad news - against a seasoned player,
you will be lucky if you get to use it at all. A
smart player knows that it is a bad idea to hang
out in the same column as an Octorilla unless
they are prepared to take the 5 dice worth of
power. You can often times dictate what is
available for the Octorilla to target and ensure
that they are beefy enough to take at least six
damage. To compound the bad news, the stats are
not what you should expect from spending 11
spawn. Five power is barely worth it and four
defence is pitiful. To summarize, if you can’t
make the Brainblast work reliably, then you
shouldn’t use it. Besides, the meta is chock
full of valor and the movement available to them
can allow them to strike and scatter out of the
way. The Probability Walker can ruin your day as
well, making sure you spend half the game in the
corner pocket.
With that disclaimer out of the way, don’t
underestimate the value of forcing your opponent
into non-optimal cells. If he or she is afraid
of moving into the entire middle column, you
have been able to force them into making plays
that are non-optimal. Forcing your opponent to
avoid cells can actually win you the game if you
can capitalize on the positional advantage that
you have created for yourself. Besides, if you
have nine spawn to spend and you have the
opportunity to drop a Darkheart Cottage and make
the blast, you may have done enough damage to
win the game anyway. It is a risky piece that
takes a bit of finesse and luck to make him work
effectively. In the end I have found that either
you win big or lose big, but either way it will
be a fun ride!
Top 5 figures to play with Octorilla: Darkheart
Cottage, Pearlthorn Castle, Aviax Firebrand,
Chaos Puppeteer, and Infernal Bomber
Worst 5 Matchups: Eater of Hope, Probability
Walker, Whirling Dervish, Scarab Warcharm,
Stormwatch Siren
Constructed: 4/5 – He is a piece without the
right kind of support yet – tier two for sure.
Limited: 5/5 – There is no reason to NOT play
this guy.
Artwork: 4/5 – Who knew that an Octopus and a
Gorilla would work so well together!
Dream On!
Wilson |
Octorilla -
Duncan Wilson (vorebane LOCATED hotmail
It's a gorilla. With an octopus on its head. I
don't know what to say. Let's move on.
Octorilla is one of Madness' heavies, at 11MM,
and fits the established Madness stereotypes -
low defense, high life, damaging ability.
Brainblast is basically an area of effect
version of the Madness signature ability,
warpstrike. For 3 spawn, the Octorilla drops a
five power attack on EVERY SINGLE ENEMY FIGURE
IN A COLUMN. That is a lot of potential smacking
going down.
However, this is offset by a great big cost, and
a (typically) measely 4 defense and a
not-so-great-for-its-cost 10 life. 5 power is
pretty good, but still, for his cost, and
considering he doesn't need to be stuck in to be
useful, he's best to keep back.
Now 5 power, by itself, (since spawn abilities
happen in the spawn phase, Brainblast damage
won't stack with strike phase damage) will deal
5 damage on average, which is barely enough to
kill small figures, making Octorilla a great
space clearing tool. The problem is, at 11
spawn, by the time you've put it down, most of
those weenies have already bought the farm, and
using Brainblast to deal with the heavies that
have been put down since is possibly, but iffy.
Octorilla will work well with anything that
moves your opponents pieces - Expel, Scare,
Lure, anything that gets those pieces in one
place so Goripuss here can melt their mind with
his sheer wackiness. If you check out the forums
here, the consensus was that Darkheart Cottage
makes Octorilla rock - and they're quite right.
If Octorilla just stays safely in the back, it
gets an automatic +1 power to its Brainblast
attacks. For every other figure not stuck in,
that's another power. If Doomsinger is a dreamy
sniper rifle, and Unspeakable Freak is a
bazooka, Darkheart Cottage rapidly turns
Octorilla in a rapid-fire laser guided sniper
bazooka that shoot smaller, yet deadlier
bazookas. Of doom. For instance, if Octorilla
manages to clear a contested space with
Brainblast while Darkheart Cottage is up, it
will get extra power for future attacks
thereafter within the same Brainblast. That's
pretty scary, and it's pretty clear that
Octorilla is far and away a lot nastier than any
of the warpstrike figures out there.
I haven't played or seen an Octorilla,
unfortunately, so this is all theory, but it's
pretty clear that Octorilla can make for some
fun warpstriking action. The ideal place to use
him would probably be a Madness/Passion warband
with Darkheart Cottage, Heartsblood Temple, some
warpstrikers, some passion glass jaw beaters,
and a little bit of Lure.
Constructed: 3/5 A hefty, but hard to use, part
of a warpstrike focussed band
Limited: 1/5 For 11 spawn, and a fragile
beatstick, I'd think this guy is just too hard
to make use of in limited.
Sculpt: 5/5 It's a gorilla! With an octopus for
a head! Or eating its head. Try to not think too
hard about it. |