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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Aviax Firebrand
Reviewed April 3, 2007
Constructed: 4.50
Sealed: 3.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Chen Wan Lee |
Aviax Firebrand
I don’t really need to review this miniature to
convince you its good, but heck I’m going to
anyway =P
Quite simply put, if you currently play
Dreamblade, there is no way you are not
acquainted with one of the best pieces in all of
Chrysotic Plague; it being uncommon just
sweetens the deal. Unlike most Passion figures,
the Firebrand has a very, very low attack value
of 3, which ties with the 3P-cost Boneclan
Hunter; not a very good start for our 9P-costed
figure of the day. Its life and defense values
are rather respectable and on the higher end of
the spectrum for Passion, but are still
lackluster as compared to most other miniatures
that share its cost from different aspects; even
those usually have a higher attack value.
However, what truly makes this miniature tick is
its amazing spawn phase effect. Although highly
costed, this ability has a myriad of uses in the
current environment, and there are bound to be
more to come soon. You can use it to dump
everything into your Reapers. You could use it
to retreat or advance your entire army. You
could use it to bunch your opponent’s figures up
to deal a deathblow with something huge like
Unsated Ragedrake, or heck you could even get a
straight column just to set off Octorilla’s
You could also go crazy and combine it with
other spawn-phase movement figures like Crypt
Worm, Lunar Handmaiden, Thunder Sultan and so on
for a massive and potentially devastating
relocation of figures across the board.
Either way, if you pull this effect off
properly, it wins games.
Constructed: 4.5/5. Only reason it didn’t get
5/5 is because its stats aren’t that fantastic.
Sculpt: 4/5. Its an owl-man that looks like he
is preaching. The main figure isn’t that cool,
but the funky cloud makes up for it ;) |
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
I've been doing alot of catching up in school,
but I'm back for more reviewing. Becoming one of
the more favorite pieces of mine is this fella,
the Aviax Firebrand. Trumping his rare cowboy
cousin, he is a solid 9 drop that has seen
competitive play. For one, he has more defensive
power than almost every Passion piece released
thus far. 7/9 is pretty great for his cost. His
power is what is the best part of him though.
Warcry has the most combo potential in the game,
and is a very devastating ability. For 3 points
in a scoring cell, you can choose a cell around
the Firebrand or in the cell he is in currently,
and shift as many people from both groups in
without breaking stacking limits. Now
considering you choose the order in which pieces
move into the cell first, it be used well in
unison with other great effects. Brighthammer
and Reaper come to mind when refering to
universal spawn phase movement. It also can be
used to pull your guys up in order to trigger
abilties that occur only in scoring cells. It
also can be of help in the action phases
following that. You can group your guys together
with Firebrand so you can strike/shift. Pulling
in Ragedrake, Warcharm, Bloodhawk, and the Aviax
will lead to devastating board advantage, and
all it costs is 3 spawn in order to basically do
what it would normally take you a whole action
phase to do. Definitly a piece worth
Constructed - 4.5/5 - not good alone, but it has
seen powerful results when used with
complimentary pieces.
Sealed - 2.5/5 - Not the best, but it still
functions in much the same way. Very little to
work with however that actually makes a
difference and usually isn't worth the cost.
Artwork - 2.5/5 - The cloud around it is cool. |