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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Chrysotic Plague
Reviewed April 6, 2007
Constructed: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Chen Wan Lee |
I seem to be facing the same problem the last
main reviewer had; doing a solo job. Doing solo
reviews is pretty dull. I know there are a lot
of players out there, and I really doubt it
would hurt to put in 10 minutes of your life
twice to three times a week to write a decent
review, would it?
Anyway, this week’s review is Seraph, a Valor
common from Chrysotic Plague.
Its essentially a Cannibal Pariah that costs one
extra spawn point for multiblade Advance. There
are, however, a few problems with this figure.
Although Advance is good, it forces you to move
your unengaged figures. Now, that isn’t a bad
thing, especially since its multiblade, but this
means that you cannot move the pieces currently
in combat which would then enable them to see
more combat for that phase, unlike Clawclan
Scout, its biggest competitor for the 3-cost
slot in any warband. Sure, the Advance ability
on Seraph is a multiblade, but I prefer Skirmish
in most cases.
The other problem with Seraph’s ability being a
blade is actually getting the Seraph near an
enemy. It is really, really soft, even softer
than the Clawclan Scout. Just add one spawn
point and you can get a Scarab Warcharm, which
hits just as hard, but is far tougher and with
Skirmish in addition to multiblade Advance. Yet
ANOTHER issue is the fact that the Lunar
Handmaiden and Pearlthorn Castle, both of which
see pretty regular play (especially the castle),
pretty much give Advance during the spawn phase,
adding to the redundancy of Seraph’s ability.
With all that hammering, does that mean that the
Seraph is bad? It isn’t. It does, however,
suffer from the fact that in a lot of cases,
some other pieces in its range are simply
superior to it. Still, in casual this piece can
easily see play, and occasionally in tournament
Constructed: 3/5. Average.
Sculpt: 5/5. I really like it. Reminds me of
Gundam Wing Zero in the Endless Waltz OVA when
it was activating, for those who watched the
anime. |
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Final piece of the week, Seraph is said to be
the worst of the 3 drops. When Runetagged
Brawler was released, it was played by the
masses. Same for Clawclan Scout. Seraph follows,
but it did not see much play aside of some Valor
rush bands. Of course there is Thrice Crowned as
well, but he does not seem to get play outside
Janus bands (maybe not even in there...). Seraph
is persumably weaker defensively, but packs
Multiblade Advance. The next guy up to pack this
is none other than the Warcharm, so if you can't
afford one of those bad boys, he's your runner
up. Advance is an amazing ability to have, and
no matter what the size, it can be the key to
pulling off some cool combat tricks in the
action phase. Not to mention the weak stats
allow it to die early on, giving spawn points to
a aspect that has no way of gaining spawn
outside perished allies.
Constructed - 3.5/5 - It works, but most people
would agree with me in saying Clawclan Scout
beats it, seeing as Skirmish > Advance.
Sealed - 4/5 - It helps cancel out negative
blade abilities, its a low drop, and it helps in
a format with little movement abilities. Use it
if you have the Valor to support it. Otherwise,
its a risk dropping it at 4 spawn.
Artwork - 2/5 - its just wings, but they are
well done. |