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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Chrysotic Plague
Reviewed February 6, 2007
Constructed: 4
Sealed: 2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Welcome back. Still going through with some
rares from the latest set. Today is Slaughtwheel,
which in my opinion, is another one of those
archtypal based creatures, sorta like Carrion
Spiker, that does its best in a warband that
supports multiple copies of it. It has a solid
body for a Madness piece, with 5 - 5/13 I
believe on it as a 9 drop. Its ability makes it
a gem though. Deathrip allows you to use any
single blade abilities on creatures in your
grave as one of his. Thing is, the ability
absorbed only lasts for the phase. Wait..so how
does that make him archtypal? Key word there was
combat, and in case your brain isn't ticking, it
means that it can absorb more abilities if there
is a way to use it in mulitple combats during
the same phase. Well, maybe I should run it with
Valor then. Think again, why not just get the
Valor pieces you want in the graveyard and then
pop him out. Brilliant. Abilities like Skirmish
Self (Munjina) and Skirmish 2 (Knight of Strife
and Joy) will keep it buncing around with some
of your other guys in order to generate enugh
blades. Of course, not always guarenteed a
certain amount of blades. He works well with his
other Stitched friends, like Equitar and
Butcher. The cool thing is that you can splash
any piece with an ability you want, dump it with
Butcher, and then use it with Wheel. Maybe try
World Eater's Crit2&Trample, or Valkryie
Moonrider's Cleanse. The possibilities are
endless...well to a degree.
Constructed -4/5- It could be one of the best
madness pieces out there not. I think people
will definitly improve upon an idea of abusing
him in future sets.
Sealed -2/5- Only got one single blade ability
in my sealed pulls at the Prerelease. It really
depends on your pieces, but he's still a decent
body if you get him out early.
Artwork -3/5- Wheel of Misfortune...oh I am soo