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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Chrysotic Plaque
Reviewed February 9, 2007
Constructed: 5
Sealed: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Ok we saved a treat for today. Its Chyrsota
herself. She basically makes Hiveling a playable
warband type. Well her and Hiveling Overlord,
but Chyrsota is more important. She is also
unique, and because of her powerful abilities,
is weak, and makes her a prime target. 3 - 5/7
is not cool for an 8 drop. However, aside from
being unique, she has the first ever Channel
ability, this time only dropping the cost of
Hivelings by 1. This is very good, and makes
alot of the pieces better for their cost.
Aspects aside, it makes their three 3 drops into
2 drops, and makes all those 8 cost guys into 7
drops. You probably won't want to run anyone
over an 8 drop so you can keep the swarm coming.
Speaking of swarm, group attacks are a main part
of swarming. That's where the Queen tips her hat
off again in the form of Hiveling Frenzy.
Basically, anytime there is a group with one or
more Hiveling attacking, you can chose to reroll
ALL the dice from that attack one more time.
While this can sometimes be a gamble, the odds
are if you roll horrible the first time, the
second time will be alot better. So as simple as
that, 2 great abilities on a fragile unique
body. A very balanced piece that gives what
appeared to be a weak lineage alot of power.
Constructed - 5/5 - She makes Hiveling possible.
Run two, or maybe one and Chyrsalis Spinner from
Core Set
Sealed - 3.5/5 - Although fragile, Frenzy works
on her own attacks, and lowering the cost of any
other Hivelings you picked up can make field
presence for you more favorable.
Artwork - 4/5 - Cool art. Cooler Jello Body!