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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
All-Seeing Mage
Base Set
Reviewed January 15, 2007
Constructed: 2
Sealed: 1.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Charninja |
All-Seeing Mage
Today we start Janus Week, to comemorate the
lineage that shall be challenging the Hivelings
in Chrysotic Plague. As anyone familiar with the
back story can tell you, the Janus Legion is
basically a privately funded swat team for the
dreamscape, though whether their ultimate goals
are benign is anyone's guess. As is clear to
anyone holding a Janus creature, the most
obvious mark is the fact that they have two
heads or faces, or, in some cases, are split and
mirrored down the middle. A lot of Janus
Legionnaires really do have eyes in the back of
their heads.
Now that think of it, I wonder if some of my
teachers were members.
We begin with All-Seeing Mage, a creature that
is, for all intents and purposes, the sniper of
the team. Stats are lackluster, however, but the
ability will, especially with the advent of
several more Janus Legionnaires, doubtless be a
powerful warpstriker. 7M getting 3 power is
pretty sad, and the D&L aren't much better. 2
Defense is, even for a Madness piece, outright
abysmal, and while the Life score is
considerably higher, it's still rather low for
the cost. Another one or two would have made
things so much better.
Janus Warpstrike (times two, even) is the reason
this creature is spawned at all, and truth be
told, it is a good reason. There is in fact one
piece that sees regular play that would feed
this ability very well, even though it hasn't
really meant much. Spellbound Scissors, what is
arguably the most perfect weeny we have, backs
up Mage quite well. We also have the upcoming
Pearlthorn Dragon Knight, exactly what the
doctor ordered to pull whatever other Janus
figures are in the area to help him out as well.
With proper board positioning, All Seeing Mage
could easily be popping off two 6 or 7 Power
warpstrikes at a time. If Sir Glorious is one of
those guys helping out, the synergy increases
further, bringing Mage up to a more respectable
(for Madness at least) 4 Defense, while, of
course, adding to the over all power.
Sadly though, that is a good deal of work,
especially for what is otherwise a pretty weak
creature. I do fervently hope that Janus gets
some more support along the lines of PDK,
because god knows they are going to need it. On
its own, A-SM is entirely useless, but with
luck, it, and the Janus Legion, shall grow with
Chrysotic Plague.
Constructed: 2/5 now, 3.5-4.5/5 depending on the
quality of Janus creatures and support in CP. As
I've said, he's weak now, but he definitely has
the potential to grow.
Limited: 1.5/5 You have next to no chance of
pulling many other Janus creatures, aside from,
maybe, a Scissors, and his stats certainly don't
merit playing on their own. Curse the gods of
Dreamblade booster pulling gods if this is one
of your uncommons.