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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Unspeakable Brothers
Baxar's War
Reviewed January 19, 2007
Constructed: 3
Sealed: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Charninja |
Icky. I'm glad most (otherwise) normal siamese
twins aren't that messed up, otherwise we'd have
some real problems on our hands.
Until the release of Chrysotic Plague and
Pearlthorn Dragon Knight, these brothers are the
Janus Legion's big beaters. 12MM buys you 6 6|12
(notice a mathematical theme here?) which,
really, isn't that bad. Wednesday's Sir Glorious
Bolster's these two to 8 Defense, which
definitely makes them better, but just looking
at them, you can tell that defense is not their
preferred play style.
As it turns out, the Unspeakable Brothers are
really nothing more than a larger, more
consistent All-Seeing Mage. Same amount of
blades gets you the same amount of warpstrikes
for roughly the same power you could expect in a
well built Janus warband, give or take one point
of power, depending on the band and your luck.
Cost wise, it does balance out, because for 5
more spawn points and an extra aspect point
cost, you are trippling your defense and are
just under twice the life total, as well as
doubling the raw power. Maybe they are
unspeakable cousins or something, I don't know.
Thing is, Warpstrike hasn't proven to be a
particularly good ability. I can't think of any
major recent warbands that use any warpstrikers
at all, so it's either (1.) a case of the people
not seeing what's in front of their eyes, or
(2.) it genuinely not being truly good. While it
does make for a great casual band, warpstrike
simply hasn't proven itself tournament viable. A
pity, but that's the simple fact of the matter.
I would like nothing more than to see a
warpstrike band beat the Temple Good Stuff and
Kitsune Beats/Rage bands that are doing most of
the winning, so if someone is in fact doing
that, do please contact me.
Thing is, this guy is already obsolete, at least
in a Janus band. PDK is pretty much guaranteed
to snatch the high spot on the spawn curve when
he comes out. Not exactly surprising, really.
Constructed: 3/5 Janus in name and appearance
only. The other two major pieces actually help
the rest out. This guy doesn't. Now if he had
multiblade Janus Warpstrike or did some other
fun thing like Chaos Puppeteer, he'd probably
have been pretty good. But he doesn't, so he
Limited: 3.5/5 Definitely the big beater of your
team, unless you luck out and grab an Angel of
Sunrise or some such thing. The same thing that
makes All-Seeing Mage and Sir Glorious neigh
unplayable in limited actually makes him decent
there, because he isn't reliant on having other
Janus allies.