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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Thrice-Crowned Androgyne
Chrysotic Plague
Reviewed January 26, 2007
Constructed: 2.5
Sealed: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Ok last piece of the weak introduces some new
Janus guys to compliment that Pearlthorn Dragon
Knight. This guy is a rare too, so hopefully its
good. Plus it fills a spot Janus needs for early
game. So is it worth it? Maybe I'm just
disappointed by the lack of Janus support at
whole, but this guy doesn't add too much to
Janus. A 3 drop with 1 - 4/4 is low stated for
Valor 3 drops, being slighty better than Ardent
Zungar, but no where close to Clawclan Scout, or
the teammate everyone forgot about, Runetagged
Brawler. So why a rare? Wizards figured Exile
would be enough. With a well set up board, this
guy can be. Exile basically sends any person you
could only disrupt in a combat with him to a
cell with minis in it, which you normally
couldn't do with the Disruption mechanic before.
You can throw it back in a cell with their other
pieces, but why do that when you can throw it
with your guys. Basically bounce it to another
group of your guys to attack again. This guy is
essentially the king of second chances. And this
ability is multiblade!! So trigger it on any of
their local pieces if you can. I see combo
potential with Ghost of the Key's Phantom
ability and 6 power and this guy. We'll have to
wait and see if Janus can support this guy, but
I could see this being used in any beatdown
based warband. The stats hurt, but Exile is
pretty darn sweet.
Constructed - 2.5/5 - I honestly think this guy
is too weak to be useful. A better late game
piece. You can also use abilities in this set to
copy this ability when he's in the grave. Combo
Sealed - 2.5/5 - Slaughterwheel is the comboer
of choice for this guy. Other than that, you
have to work on keeping this guy alive to
achieve any results. Depends on play style.
Artwork - 3/5 - Weird sculpt for the name, and
kinda lame attempt to satistfy Janus' two face