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Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from
Chrysotic Plague
Reviewed January 30, 2007
Constructed: 2
Sealed: 1
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
That Guy That
Plays DreamBlade |
Ok, welcome back to some new Dreamblade reviews.
After getting my case of the newest set along
with the Warcharm from the release tourney, I'm
all set to dive right in to reviews. I managed
to pull this Madness location from the case. Its
a 5 drop with double aspect, which usually means
you have to sport at least 6-7 madness pieces in
your warband in order to not overpay for this.
Madness already has a bomb location in the form
of Darkheart Cottage, but depending on the
build, this could be pretty nice. The ability is
it makes the scoring cell its in gain 3 more
conquest points. While this can benefit greatly
in close games, it can help your opponent if not
placed properly. Reason being is the 1-2-1 area
is scoring area for both players, and it makes
it a risky investment seeing this is an area
that could go either way based on field presence
and initiative. To be on the safe side, it is
best to put it where they cannot benefit from
it, being the 5-4-3 closest to the opposing
spawn row. Now, this combos well with the 2
current Flux abilities. P. Gargoyle gains +3 to
both defensive stats, while Freakazoid can
reroll even more dice. However, being closer to
the opposing spawn row makes it harder to
protect seeing as your opponent can plant forces
very close to it. Its a risky investment, but it
can play off in a specific warband made to
benefit from it.
Constructed - 2/5 - DHC is much better for pure
Madness bands. I still see this becoming better
in future sets.
Sealed - 1/5 - With many location hate abilities
available in this set, and the fact that this
doesn't improve your board much at all, I'd pass
on it.
Artwork - 3/5 - very cool looking indeed.