Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Ruby Grass Base Set
Date Reviewed: 4.09.04
Average Rating: 1.875
Limited Average Rating: 2.65
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
Multiple M:TG Pro Tour Appearances |
In limited, any
blocker is good. You need to be able to hold
off your opponent long enough to get situated and go
on the attack, or simply stop that large attacker
trying to kill of your fattie. It gets points
just for that. Being able to untap it is very
nice as well. When you can whack something
small and then untap long enough to play defense,
it's good. In
constructed, I think you'll generally find better
cards at the cost. Maybe in a more budget
deck, but not overly tournament worthy.
Limited: 3 |

game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Ruby Grass
I originally thought Ruby Grass was a lot better. As
I've played more games, it turns out that it is just
OK. The ability to untap at the end of every turn is
good, but it's not that great on this guy. With only
a 3000 power, it doesn't live through many combats.
Not a bad card to have in your deck, but it's also
not going to be your first choice.
Rating: 2

Ray "Monk"
Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's
Edge) |
Ruby Grass
Ruby Grass is a card I would love a lot more if it’s
power was 4000 for four. The idea of it untapping
makes it do double duty on attacking tapped
creatures and still being around to block, but the
power of 3000 makes it too likely to simply die in
the first battle it is involved in, making its untap
power fairly irrelevant. It’s a good idea, but the
implementation seems poor.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 2
Limited: 3
Hydromorph |
Ruby Grass
If you haven’t noticed by now, Light’s plethora of
creatures with blocker
follow a particular pattern or order. You pay a
certain amount of mana,
let’s say 3, and you get a 4000 blocker out of the
deal, pretty good. It
usually lets you keep up with tempo since every
blocker usually compensates
it’s inability to attack shields with an additional
1000 power from the
Ruby Grass isn’t the case though. You pay 3 for a
3000 dude with blocker,
which is right on par with the normal attack to mana
ratio. As a matter of
fact, it’s an exact copy of Emerald Grass, except it
costs one more and
untaps after each turn. Personally, I don’t really
think this justifies the
cost of adding one more mana, since most early game
blockers will only be
used to escape fast beat down strategies.
I’d rather have Emerald Grass as an early game
savior to the loads of
sugar-hyped kids playing every big and fast red
creature they can get their
grubby little hands on. If light’s your only color,
give it some
consideration, not too much.
In Draft, blocking is good, and so is the extra
ability. It should see more
play here.
Constructed - 1.5/5
Limited - 2.5/5

Otaku |
Ruby Grass
Starlight Tree
Blocker (When an opponent’s creature attacks,
you may tap this creature to stop the attack.
Then the two creatures
This Creature can’t attack players.
At the end of each of your turns, you may
untap this creature.
Base Set, #17/110, Uncommon
Hate to sound like a broken record, but here
goes-currently, aside from basic game mechanics,
the name, type, and creature are mostly
meaningless. It has a cost of 3 and a Power of
3000, which sounds about right. But will it stay
that way?
This creature has 3 “abilities”, one limiting, and
two beneficial. First, it is a blocker, which is
always good. Second, it can’t attack players,
which isn’t too great. Third, it can
untap at the end of
your turns. The two good ones outweigh the bad
one in my opinion.
This card is mainly meant for a cheap
blocker/semi-attacker. Hit a weak creature,
then it can
untap to also block.
Pretty straight forward.
Newbie Format:
3.5/5-Good here, since blockers seem more
important in my experience here, as do extra
attackers to take out opposing blockers.
2/5-Only used to fill out a light deck if need
be. On its own it isn’t bad, but compared to the
other blockers, this seems unbalanced. Of our
other choices, we can get a non-attacking blocker
of the same Power one mana
cheaper, or for the same mana with 4000
Power. Neither
untap at the end
of your turn, but that really doesn’t matter.
3.5/5-again, blockers are important, and sheer
numbers seem to work well here.
Remember the saying: ”Jack
of all trades, master of none.” This card
seems to prove that.
Stegyman |
Blockers are good;
real good.
Ruby Grass: Light Creature, 3-Mana, 3000 attack,
Blocker. Seems bland, huh? The text on this card
says that you cannot attack your opponent, and you
can untap [Ruby Grass] at the end of your turn, if
you want. Yeah, I'm interested.
What makes this card good? Well, it's a fairly cheap
Blocker, and Blockers are extremely important. You
can also untap this card at the end of your turn,
but that is only useful when you have just attacked
with Ruby Grass. So, you are able to destroy one of
your opponent's weak creatures, then be ready to
block one of your opponent's creatures when it
attacks. That is a very important thing to have in a
deck, and I would look into this card.
Pros: Blocker, only 3-Mana, untaps
Cons: only 3000 attack
With only 3000 attack, Ruby Grass can only survive
one or two blocks. I would probably rather play
Emerald Grass since it costs 1-Mana less, even with
Ruby Grass having the untap ability. In Limited this
card is better, since an attacking Blocker is good,
and rare.
Tournament: 2/5
Limited: 3/5