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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Garkago Dragon

Rampage Expansion Set

Date Reviewed: 8.02.04

Constructed Average Rating: 2.75
Limited Average Rating: 2.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Rob Miller Garkago Dragon-Fire Civilization, 7 mana, 6000+ attack, and “Double Breaker. This Creature gets +1000 for each other fire creature you have in the battle zone. This creature can attack untapped creatures.”

This and the card for Wednesday are the only worthwhile SR cards from this set. This card basically says, “You know what don’t worry about that Gatling Skyterror, I can be much better.”

If this card had cost one less mana it would be so much better. This makes it cost the same as Gatling Skyterror, and you almost get the same effect. But then, ah ha, you notice its other ability to gain attack for other reds…and what is red known for doing? Rushing, that’s right. Which means you almost always have another creature on the field making this at least equivalent to Gatling. But if you play your deck right you can have a stronger creature. If your red deck is consistently having its creatures decimated, use Gatling…if your red deck is consistently doing its job of having a plethora of creatures to wield, then this card is your better choice.

Constructed: 3.5/5- This card can take out some big creatures when it needs to.
Limited: 5/5-Since it reads “All other fire cards” his power isn’t restricted by lack of a certain type.
Knives101 Garkago Dragon

Cool Picture. This is basically Gatling Skyterror. Only this card is from a better race, and it has a nice pump effect, that allows it to take down really big creatures. In a Nature/Fire deck this could see play as early as turn five. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if this card became Fire/Nature's turn five bomb. This and Gatling Skyterror are best in multiples. Anyone that has managed to get two Skyterror's into play knows this. Unlike Gatling Skyterror this card can potentially beat many other turn seven drops. Put four of this AND Gatling Skyterror into a Nature/Fire deck. Then watch as your opponent runs in terror. Sure your opponent can bounce it or destroy it. But the insane mana gain of nature will allow you to put multiples of him and Skyterror into play faster than the opponent can kill them.

Final Rating: 5 (Great for Nature/Fire)

Limited: 3 Not so great. It costs too much mana for one thing.
Stegyman Garkago Dragon

Ew.. cool picture ;x

Garkago Dragon: Fire Creature, 7-Mana, 6000+, Double Breaker. This creature also gets +1000 for each Fire creature you have in the battle zone, and it can untapped untapped creatures. Not bad.

Is this card good? Only in Mono-Red, pretty much. I think this card is trying to be both Bolshack Dragon and Gatling Skyterror. I prefer Bolshack Dragon as my beefy Fire creature personally, but I can see Garkago Dragon doing pretty well. I dunno, I guess it's on preference for this card.

In Limited this card is decent. Seven Mana is not too bad, but it is really high for Draft decks. The odds of having many Fire creatures aren't that good, but it is possible. It is a Super Rare, so the odds of pulling it are,well, slim to none. It can pull if off, but can you pull it? XD

Tournament: 2/5

Limited: 2/5
Garkago Dragon (Armored Dragon) - 7 / 6000+

Mono-Fire is going to be the BOMB! But do I want to spend 7 to get this dragon on the board, or do I want to use that same 7 to get Braid Claws, Vorg, Gett, and Zyler on the board? Or evolve to Valdios or Groblav? Maybe the people in your area play slower than in my area. Why just a couple of Saturday's ago, I was killed Turn 4 by a Red Rush deck. There are better Fire creatures and especially Spells coming out in Rampage that I would want in my deck instead of this dragon.

Constructed - 0.5 / 5
Limited - 0 / 5 (let the rare drafter have it)
The Antman Garkago Dragon- Super Rare- #S4 Rampage of the Super Warriors (at least its not as weird as Evo Crushinators of Doom)

Hey people sorry I havn't written a review all summer. I have been very buisy with trips and conventions like Origins. Well Im back and ready to do some more reviews.

Well this day we have the 4th Super Rare from the new set, Garkago Dragon. This card reminds me of a simmilar card not made too long ago named Bolshack Dragon because of his fire pumping ability. Even though Bolshacks pumping ability is better I think Garkago is better just because he can attack untapped creatures Which can be very valuable. You can attack all those annoying elf-X and other support creatures on the field, then when your opponet is helpless just attack thier shields with the double breaker.
With the current speed of the Fire Civalization you should have no trouble having a multitude of creatures out by turn 7. When Garkago does come out it should be at least a 9000 creature. Garkago has two weaknesses though, The first one is that he is a creature and like all creatures he is easily destroyed by creature distruction. The other weakness is his high cost. By turn seven the opponet should have a huge creature out too or has some other means of getting rid of getting rid of your Garkago. That is his big problem, his cost. For a deck to be made with him in it, it would have to swarm with a bunch of little creatures than on turn seven play him making him as big as possible.

Constructed- 3.5/5(in mono red deck) He can be very good here since you can build your own deck around him. just remember to be fast
Limited- 2.5/5 he may be a double breaker 6000 but the chance that you would build a mono red deck is very small =/ he would have gotten a 1 if he wasnt double breaker.

Final thought- if you use him dont put him into play unless you have either a good reason to or you have a multitude of red creatures
& Chips
Hey everyone! Fish here reviewing Garkago Dragon from the Rampage set. By the way, if you own a Nintendo Gamecube and even remotely like RPG's, get Tales of Symphonia. It's excellent. Anyway, Garkago Dragon. It's a more powerful Gatling Skyterror. With +1000 power for every fire creature in the battle zone (note I wrote every), It can quickly become a hazard in mono red decks. But it's not so good when you think about the general strategy of red. Your normally supposed to get out a lot of creatures, not one big one. Overall it's pretty good.

Constructed: 2.5/5 With red you mostly have to destroy your opponent before you get seven mana.

Limited: 2.5/5 Slightly better, because you don't get Terror Pit, but worse because you can't choose the red cards of your choice as well.

Chips' Review

This card is good in mono-red decks but not in red rush because the point of red rush is to defeat your opponent quickly. This card is definetely not as good as Bolshack Dragon but it's good enough taking 7 mana for a 6000 power creature with an effect of this creature gets +1000 power for every fire creature in the battle zone that's yours and your opponent's creatures and it has Double Breaker.

Pros: Strong, Good Effect, Double Breaker

Cons: Takes too much mana

Constructed: 3/5 Stick with Bolshack

Limited: 2.5/5

Garkago Dragon
Ew.. cool picture ;x
Garkago Dragon: Fire Creature, 7-Mana, 6000+, Double Breaker. This creature also gets +1000 for each Fire creature you have in the battle zone, and it can untapped untapped creatures. Not bad.
Is this card good? Only in Mono-Red, pretty much. I think this card is trying to be both Bolshack Dragon and Gatling Skyterror. I prefer Bolshack Dragon as my beefy Fire creature personally, but I can see Garkago Dragon doing pretty well. I dunno, I guess it's on preference for this card.
In Limited this card is decent. Seven Mana is not too bad, but it is really high for Draft decks. The odds of having many Fire creatures aren't that good, but it is possible. It is a Super Rare, so the odds of pulling it are,well, slim to none. It can pull if off, but can you pull it? XD
Tournament: 2/5
Limited: 2/5



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