Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Deadly Fighter
Braid Claw
Base Set
Date Reviewed: 8.12.04
Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Knives101 |
Deadly Fighter Braid Claw. Well creatures for one
mana are very rare. D.F.B.C. is very useful. You can
cast him on your first turn. This is crucial in a
rush deck. Ok ok. Everyone knows that Claw is just
plain good. There's no point in going into any
further detail.
Rating: 5 (Duh)

Monte Eads
a.k.a. NFG |
Hello Pojo People! This will be
my first of many reviews for
cards in this wonderful new game
Duel Masters! I hope with my
"expertise" on these cards will
help you decide if they are
worthy of being in your great,
powerful, I never lose deck!
Well, on to the review:
Deadly Fighter Braid Claw -
Constructed - 2/5
interesting card..it really does
require its own deck. Nowadays,
the only deck that this thing
really fits in is those Red /
Black Suicide decks. This card
does get "owned" by stuff like
La Ura Giga and other cheap
blockers. But still, by making
your opponent drop that cheap
blocker, then they have missed a
turn of attacking..so it kinda
balances things out. I still
really don't suggest this unless
you're running a Suicide deck.
Limited - 3/5
limited this can be a pretty
nasty card. Though there are
still the blockers to be afraid
of, you really dont need to
worry about an opponents shield
trigger all that much.
Cecillbill |
Deadly Fighter Braid
Although Deadly Fighter Braid Claw is forced to
attack each turn when able and packs a paltry 1000
power, this 1 mana drop has more "deck-ability" than
most players give it credit. Deadly Fighter Braid
Claw is Fire's "little engine that could."
#1. Rusher. For 1 mana you get a hitter than can
take out a shield on turn 2 if your opponent isn't
rocking 1-2 drop blockers or early removal. Dropping
two or three of these guys out against a
slow-starting deck can spell mucho trouble for your
#1. Forced To Attack Each Turn When Able. If there
are any untapped blockers in your opponent's battle
zone when it's time to attack, then Deadly Fighter
Braid Claw is toast.
#2. Low Power. Any creature can kill Deadly Fighter
Braid Claw and every removal spell can slap it
except for Critical Blade. That's almost complete
Deadly Fighter Braid Claw is well-suited for Rush
and mono-Fire decks that apply rapid and constant
pressure. In fact, that's the whole idea behind this
creature. Deadly Fighter Braid Claw will be seeing
increased play now that mono-civilization decks join
the ranks of top tier decks. Even so, using Deadly
Fighter Braid Claw entials viewing it as an
expendable hitter since it's card text often sends
it slamming into a blocker. Usually that means
dropping it 1st turn or at the random moments when
your opponent's field is blocker-less.
Constructed: 3/5. Deadly Fighter Briad Claw can fit
into the most popular deck builds that employ Fire--ie.
Fire/Darkness Rush, Human Rush, Armored Dragon,
mono-Fire. Don't get attached to Deadly Fighter
Braid Claw if you deck it, but don't necessarily
ignore it if you're running Fire.