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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Bone Spider

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 8.27.04

Constructed Average Rating: 2.85
Limited Average Rating: 3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Knives101 Bone Spider is pretty good. Three mana for 5000 power is a nice trade off. Rampage has given us something better though. That better card is called Wailing Shadow. Wailing Shadow has slayer so it can kill any creature out there. Wailing Shadow evolves into Jack Viper. Bone Spider might still have a use in decks that like to use Vampire Silphy though. Bone Spider is not killed by Silpy's effect. Well anyway Bone Spider is good, but there's a better card out there that does the same thing.

Rating: 3

Monte Eads
a.k.a. NFG
Bone Spider

Constructed - 1.5/5

Meh. I don't like this card, but I have a person at my tourny make it work. So yeah. I dont like it, I guess it's all in your flavor of play. I'll just run one of my little Bronze Arm Tribes into it after it's attacked..and then that "threat" is gone. =/

Limited - 2/5

It's fast, but I would rather run the Onslaught Tricep in it's place. At least Onslaught Tricep stays on the field to get the job done, while this guy gets owned but Blockers.

& Chips
Hey everyone! Fish here reviewing Bone Spider. At 5000 power, 3 mana seems like a low cost, right? But then you have his effect. He (or she) gets destroyed after it wins a battle. Whether you win or lose, Bone Spider goes to the graveyard. He suddenly seems less attractive. I can't recommend Bone Spider. It just seems like a waste to destroy him if he wins. He's horrible against a light deck. Not a good black card.

Constructed: 2/5

Limited: 1.5/5 Worse here. You need all that you can get.

Chips' Review

Hello all this is Chips reviewing Bone Spider from the Base Set. This is a good 3 for 5000 tradeoff but the effect is to destroy it when it wins a battle. That's not a very good effect. Your opponent could attack it with Deadly Fighter Braid Claw and defeat it because of the effect.It gats destroyed easily just don't use it.

Constructed 1.5/5

Limited 1/5



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