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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Sword of
Benevolent Life

Card 53

Date Reviewed: 12.17.04

Constructed Average Rating: 2.5
Limited Average Rating: 3.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Fish &
Chips won't be able to do it today, he's studying for a test.


Hey everyone! Sword of Benevolent Life is an interesting card. Unfortunatly, you need to run Light to use this card. 2 mana is very cheap for the effect, but chances are, if you're running a Light/Nature mix, about half your creatures on the field when you play this card will be Light blockers, giving this card little effect in the long run. The power boost is nice, but I feel that this card is too limited in it's effect range. An average card.

Constructed: 3.5/5

Limited: 3.5/5

The Antman
Sword of Benevolent Life- Rare-#53(DM-04)

Short review today people, sorta wish it could be longer but it cant.

Ok card, this could be the main card in a nature/light deck, this thing would kick *censored* if it was a creature.

constructed- 3/5 like I said it would have kicked *censored* if it wasn't a spell
limited- 4/5 light has the most cards next to darkness so this should be pretty nice
Knives101 Sword of Benevolent Life

All your creatures get power attacker +1000 for every Light creature in the
Battle Zone? Well this card isn't totally useless. In a Light/Nature deck it
can give all of your creatures power attacker +4000 for a turn. Even so I
don't think that's such a great combo. I wouldn't exactly throw this thing
into the garbage bin just yet. Newer cards are always coming out, so a good
combo could emerge one day.

Rating: 2
Sword of Benevolent Life

This is an interesting card, but, in my opinion, isn’t playable. Giving power attacker to all your creatures is nice, but power attacker is only needed when taking out giant creatures or overrunning big blockers. You’ll need to swarm with your light creatures to make this effective, and you’ll need to hope that most of your opponent’s creatures are tapped to make use of this. It’s pretty worthless.

This is added support to nature/light, but simply isn’t effective enough. If you can tap your opponent’s creatures and set this thing off with a nice +4000/5000 effect to clear your opponent’s field, you’ll be set with a huge advantage. Unfortunately, I see this thing being dropped into mana a lot.




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