Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Miar, Comet
Rampage of the Super Warriors
Date Reviewed: 7.27.04
Constructed Average Rating: 1.75
Limited Average Rating: 3.43
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Kane |
Miar, Comet Elemental
(Angel Command) - 8 / 11500
Although the power curve of the creatures keeps
getting turned up for each release, I have yet to
see the need for anything this costly or powerful -
especially in Light. There is no "comes-into-play"
effect, there are no cards yet that give cool stuff
to Angel Command creatures. Double Breaker isn't
enough to make me want to play it. 11500 - big deal.
If I need to kill a creature on the field that is
littler that Miar, then I'll use Terror Pit. When we
only had the Base set, I was able to pay 8 to get an
Aqua Sniper on the board -- but the environment got
faster with Evo, and Rampage has done very little to
slow down Fire or Nature.
Constructed - 0.5 / 5
Limited - 0 / 5 (let the rare drafter have it)
Rob Miller |
Miar, Comet Elemental-Light
Civilization, 8 mana, 11500 attack, and “Double
At first glimpse you may think this
card is great. Well, its not exactly great, but
then again its not bad. This card has the now
highest base attack in the game, the title formerly
held by the behemoth known as Ultracide Worm.
I like this card for one reason, no
creature can withstand an attack from this, not only
that any blocker your opponent tries to use against
it isn’t going to survive. This card does have a
downside. That is the fact that it cost 8 mana.
Now unless you run a Nature/Light deck, which most
people don’t, this creature is going to have a hard
time finding playtime, especially should you happen
to draw him before turn 5. I would personally not
run this card in a constructed contest. This card
is king in limited however. If you pull this in
Limited snatch it quick and then grab a good bit of
filler light cards. This creature could very well
win you the game in limited due to the lack of
creature removal cards found there.
Constructed-2.5/5: This card isn’t
all its cracked up to be I mean it looks good and
seems as though it would work, but it doesn’t end up
doing that.
Limited-5/5: This card, since there
is no pre-requisite, can totally decimate your
opponent when you bring it out, especially if you
have been using yellow blockers up to that point to
keep your shields intact.
Knives101 |
Miar, Comet Elemental
This card is just horrible. For starters eight mana
is such a high price tag that you'll probably only
see this in Light/Nature decks. If you want, you can
put this thing into play. Then I'll just cast Terror
Pit, Death Smoke, Chaos Worm, Natural Snare, Spiral
Gate, Corile, Teleportation, Aqua Sniper, or Unicorn
Fish. This card is just junk. If you pull it, then
you need to trade it to someone else.
Final Rating: 1 (Never use this. NEVER!)
Limited Rating: 4 Fatties are better in limited,
because they are harder to deal with. Not everyone
is going to pull a destruction spell. If they don't
then this card will run them over.
Cecillbill |
First, thanks Christine Gerhardt for snagging copies
of the SR's from Rampage of the Super Warriors at
the SD Comic Con, thus facilitating this week's COTD
reviews. Your gain is our gain. woOT! Second, this
next expansion set makes my deck building trigger
finger itch for the playable Water and Fire cards
coming to us August 6th. I'm biased to those
civilizations-mono-Fire Rush really takes off in
Rampage and Water's Emeral is just so darn nifty.
Hum.I'm getting ahead the scope of this review, so
more on that stuff later. Rampage introduces huge
creatures that probably will become chase cards for
the "legion of Deathliger and Bolshack fans"
lurking in the murky depths of the tourney scene.
This brings me to my review the Light civilization's
huge "chase" foil--Miar, Comet Elemental.
Double Breaker. Check.
Huge Power. Check.
Angel Command creatures' trademark
"Holier-Than-Thou" card art. Check.
Those are the good things about Miar in a nutshell.
Miar is Hanusa's older brother, the Angel Command
with the bigger weekly power allowance of 11,500.
Attack-wise it can take down anything (that's not
ridiculously pumped)-provided you can keep it on the
field past its' summoning sickness.
If your opponent has no effective way to deal with
super huge, nasty creatures, then Miar can be an
okay asset.
Not much about this card piques my interest. You pay
8 mana to get a Hanusa with 2000 extra power. At
least Ladia Bale can attack the same turn and
moonlight as a blocker. Miar's card text might as
well read: "Pay 8 mana to have this creature get
Death Smoked or Spiral Gated next turn." Ideally an
expensive creature should come packed with some
killer effect that triggers when it's summoned, or
with speed attack or something that doesn't make me
feel like I've fallen victim to the "shinny foil
syndrome." Huge base power and double breaker
ability sans attack-same-turn-summoned just doesn't
cut it for the Post-Evo "gotta deck it now" player.
Miar, Comet Elemental is the height of vanilla (no
text effect) raw power; purely a big body that makes
your opponent quickly scramble for his removal or
the nearest untapped blocker in his battle zone. If
I had to play with Angel Commands at this point in
the game, then I'd stick with choosing Hanusa
because it's partically the same thing for less mana.
Even then I'd be hard pressed to include the Angel
Commands in a deck-until their race gets the
evolution creature that prohibits players from
casting non-Light spells or until the Angel Command
support cards are released. One of the beautiful
aspects of Duel Masters is that being a big shinny
creature doesn't necessarily equal greatness. Miar
is a prime example of that aspect.
Constructed: 2/5. Miar, Comet Elemental is expensive
and gives ho-hum earnings compared to the double
breaking big bodies that come into the game at 4-6
mana. If you're playing mono-Light and just want a
lot of scary-as-heck creatures in your deck, then
Miar qualifies.
Limited: 3.7/5. Huge guys are cool pulls
(collection-wise) and hard to deal with when played
in draft. Here Miar's a bit easier to keep on the
field with destruction not being as rampant. |