Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Amber Piercer
Evo Crushinators of Doom
Date Reviewed: 6.22.04
Average Rating: 3.0
Limited Average Rating: 2.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Gordon Kane |
Amber Piercer - a
card with so much potential.
However, it isn't quite the right time to see it in
"Prime Time" decks. The makings of a combo are there
- Darkness creatures that sacrifice a creature when
they come into play. Amber Piercer (and Dark
Reversal) are ways to get that creature back in your
hand -- so it can enter the battle zone again. All
this kind of deck lacks is a smaller, cheaper
of Gigargon - that can return one creature from the
graveyard to your hand.
In a deck that recalls all the dead creatures from
the graveyard - Amber Piercer might not be the game
winner, but it will be necessary to keep the fresh
supply of Darkness minions ready to enter the field
of battle to wreak maximum carnage. All that is
lacking for Amber Piercer to become an MVP is a few
additional cards with the grave digging ability. In
a Draft environment, committing to the sacrifice
creatures in the early packs in hopes of drafting an
Amber Piercer out of a Crushinator pack is only done
by the very brave of very stupid. If it is there,
makes it into your deck, and then makes it into the
battlezone, it could be supplying you with an
endless stream of small creatures.
Constructed 4/5 (strictly on potential)
Limited 2/5
Stegyman |
Amber Piercer
Hmm.. what to say..
Amber Piercer: Darkness Creature, 4-Mana, 2000
Attack. Pretty bad, huh? Whenever it attacks, you
may return a creature from your graveyard to your
hand. That's interesting.
Is this card good? I'm not too sure. I've seen a lot
of decklists with Darkness in them and I have yet to
see an Amber Piercer in them. Personally I don't
like this card because you can just play a Dark
Reversal for two less Mana. So, Dark Reversal >
Amber Piercer IMO.
Pros: get creatures from graveyard, chump creature
Cons: 4-Mana for 2000 Attack, only one creature at a
I dunno about this card. It's pretty much a one-shot
deal if your opponent doesn't destroy it right away.
In Limited this card is okay as it can nab an
important creature that was just destroyed.
Tournament: 2/5
Limited: 2.5/5