Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Poison Worm
Evo Crushinators of Doom
Date Reviewed: 6.24.04
Average Rating: 2.25
Limited Average Rating: 2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Gordon Kane |
Poison Worm -- Some
of the online forums have had a
hot and heavy discuss about this card. The main
complaint seems to revolve around the fact that if
there is not a 3000 or less creature on the side of
the player casting the Poison Worm, the Poison Worm
arrives in the Battle Zone and the player loses no
creatures. Do I think that is unfair - no. Do I
think it is a cheap card trick - no. If you can pull
it off - more power to you. However, I suspect that
the Darkness player will have a Marrow Ooze, Bone
Ghoul, or Horrid Worm in play, and a creature of
size will be a target for Poison Worm's "comes into
play" sacrifice requirement. Most of the time, if a
player has a Poison Worm in their opening hand and
they want to get it into the Battle Zone without
losing a creature - they'll be waiting until Turn 4
cast anything - which is dangerous in the current
"speed / rush" environment. However, there are ways
around the Poison Worm's penalty - all you need is a
really lucky draw.
Turn 1 - play mana
Turn 2 - play mana, summon Bloody Squito (4000)
Turn 3 - play mana, summon Bone Spider (5000)
Turn 4 - play mana, summon Poison Worm -- no one
or under, everyone lives!
Constructed - 2.5 / 5
Limited - 2 / 5
Stegyman |
Poison Worm
Awesome picture, even if it is a worm.
Poison Worm: Darkness Creature, 4-Mana, 4000 Attack.
Vanilla, huh? When you put this creature into the
battle zone, destroy one of YOUR own creatures with
3000 or less power. Yeah, ouch.
Is this card good? I think that it is only good in a
Darkness/Nature deck where you can kill off a
Mighter Shouter or a Coiling Vines and have it sent
to the Mana zone--other than that this card just
does more harm than good. You might as well as play
two Withering Ghoul on turn four rather than a 4000
Attack creature that will destroy one of your own
creatures, and you may only have one other creature
on the field. IF you don't have any other creatures
then you can get a 4-Mana, 4000 Attack creature for
free, but why wouldn't you have any creatures by
turn four? The other reason is to have it for
evolution for either Chaos or Ultracide Worm as they
are both pretty good. It totally depends on what
deck you're playing to make Poison Worm useful.
Pros: vanilla creature, can combo with some Nature
cards, evolves into two great evolutions
Cons: destroys own creature
This isn't the greatest card in on itself, but it is
useful for evolving. I would personally rather play
two Withering Ghoul over a Poison Worm in a normal
deck without Worm evolutions. In Limited if you
managed to pull a few Chaos Worms then draft ANY and
ALL Worms you see, even Poison Worm.
Tournament: 2/5
Limited: 2/5