Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Faerie Child Base Set
Date Reviewed: 6.30.04
Average Rating: 1.6
Limited Average Rating: 2.6
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Gordon Kane |
Faerie Child -
In the beginning, there was
"Unblockable", and it was good.
Decks maced out on
Water Blockers and 4 each of
Faerie Child and Candy
Drop. But as the Base set got
a couple months old, "Unblockable" was not the
preferred theme of a deck that ran the Water Civ.
Why, because Water could bounce it; Darkness could
kill it outright; and Light, Fire, and Nature could
run into it when it was tapped (because "Unblockable"
does not mean it is untouchable). We might see a
renewed interest when the game rewards "all Water"
decks or when ther is a Cyber Virus evolution.
However, in Limited - "Unblockable" might score you
a couple broken shields before your opponent can
deal with it.
Constructed 2.5 / 5
Limited 3 / 5
Stegyman |
Faerie Child
woo, go unblockables! ;x
Faerie Child: Water Creature, 4-Mana, 2000 Attack.
It's an unblockable. woot! ;x
Is this good? Well, not really--not in
tournament-level decks. I was just at Origins, I
KNOW what tournament-level decks are =P It's a great
draft card.. but that's about it. Candy Drop >
'Child, and King Depthcon > all unblockables =D
I'd play this in a casual deck, but I'd say it's a
nice high draft pick. If your opponent has no
shields left, you can drop this creature and expect
to win next turn. There are a lot of Blockers that
are common/uncommon, so you can protect it.
Tournament: 1.5/5
Limited: 3/5
Rob Miller |
Faerie Child-Water
Civilization, 4 mana, 2000 attack, and “This
creature can’t be
This card would have been much better if it had 3000
attack…even if that meant it had to cost 5 mana to
bring out. The main problem with this and its little
brother Candy Drop is that they can be the target of
Crimson Hammer, a card which is near staple in any
deck which uses the fire civilization. Even though
this creature can’t be blocked there is a good
chance he won’t attack more than once, albeit it is
a guaranteed free shot barring the use of a removal
card. In a mono blue deck this card could see play,
but with all the other much better cards to use
instead it wouldn’t make sense to use this card. If
you were to try to make a completely unblockable
deck, which if you do so should not be used in a
tournament, this card would be the third best
choice, falling far behind Crystal Lancer and King
Depthcon. If you think about it, there are good,
lower-costing water civilization creatures that have
the bounce ability, that almost guarantees a free
shot. If you want a definite free shot use Crystal
Paladin. Maybe in future releases we’ll get a
semi-playable version of this card.
So in review, not being able to be blocked is a big
thing, just not with this little of a creature.
1/5-Constructed: Many much better choices.
2/5-Limited: If you have enough other blue cards to
support it this would be an ok