Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Duel Master site
Storm Shell Base Set
Date Reviewed: 3.26.04
Average Rating: 1.92
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Storm Shell
Green's version of Swamp Worm. It's main problem is
its cost. The questions are: will you even make it
to 7 mana before the game is over? And if you do,
how valuable is a 2000 creature at that point? And
at that stage of the game, how devastating is it to
lose one creature out of probably many. This ability
is more suited to the Swamp Worm, as the Worm has
removal back up in it's color. So you're already
removing things here and there, and losing one more
with Swamp Worm fits the synergy. In green, the
removal factor is random, and much less likely to
impact your opponent in any significant way. So they
toss some early creature that can't attack anymore
anyhow. Woohoo. If you were combining Green with
Black, maybe, but I still feel the cost factor
devalues the card too much.
In draft, removal of any type isn't horrible.
Drafting lowers the synergy and effectiveness of a
deck as the card pool is so limited. Things like
removal and evasion become more premium abilities as
your opponent is much less likely to be able to deal
with them. In draft, you are looking for ANYTHING
that can tip the scales, and even a random card like
this can help.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 3.5

* Scrye writer since 2002
Storm Shell
This ability is highly useful. Anytime you can get a
creature And take one away from your opponent, life
is good. But to be honest, seven mana is a bit
pricey to pay for that. If you don't have many cards
on the high end, it is perfectly OK to play this
one. It serves a duel purpose, so that's fine.
Rating: 2.5 |

Ray "Monk"
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's
Edge) |
Storm Shell
Storm Shell is one of the many cards that are
Nature, but emulate a Darkness ability, but
instead of removing a creature, they just move
it to the Mana Zone. This particular card mimics
Swamp Worm in every way except Swamp Worm
actually kills the creature, while Storm Shell
merely turns it into Mana, which in some cases
can HELP your opponent. In general, I think the
card is too expensive for what it does. Your
opponent gets to choose the creature, so they
can just choose a weak early drop they were
doing nothing with anyways. On the purely
strategic standpoint, it’s not even a one card
advantage, as it makes them lose a creature, but
add a mana, evening it out. If a Nature deck
wants creature removal that badly, I suggest the
add Darkness to their deck.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2
Limited: 2

Otaku |
Storm Shell
Colony Beetle
When you put this creature into the battle zone, your opponent chooses 1 of
his creatures in the battle zone and puts in his mana zone.
Flavor Text:
A Colony Beetle’s spawning is a virtual nightmare. It covers the earth with a
hail of bullet like eggs.
Base Set, #106/110
Storm shell is a Creature of Nature, specifically a Colony Beetle. There are
no cards to my knowledge that specify the Colony Beetle for anything yet, so
that doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that it has a cost of 7, but
only a Power of 2000. It had better have a good effect.
Its effect is that your opponent chooses a creature in his battle zone and
sends it to his mana zone. This isn’t too bad an effect, but right now we are
pricing it at five mana. Me, I’d rather spend 6 on
Natural Snare so I can do the same effect but with me choosing the creature,
then summon a Burning Mane: in the long run I am about as well off, and it
only costs one more mana. Plus, Natural Snare is a Shield Trigger, making it
much more attractive in my opinion.
I guess if you
really need some more Nature cards for your deck, or are trying to avoid using
Spell cards, this is for you.
Newbie Format:
3/5-Like mana cards, it can be decent here. Chances are,
you can’t be too picky on what you use, so if you have it, it can be a poor
man’s Nature’s Snare, which is in turn a poor Terror Pit.
2/5-Only if you really need more Nature Monsters in your deck.
3/5-Removal is removal here, though be careful since this could be a break for
your opponent if they pulled a heavy-it would help them get that card into
play one turn sooner.
One of
those good ideas (making a creature with a Spell effect) that didn’t work out
right. If it
were stronger or cheaper, then maybe it would be good: as is, avoid it.
Hydromorph |
Storm Shell
I’m not a huge fan of Storm Shell. Most people get
mad when they see the rare they just cracked costs 7
and has subliminal attack power. But the effect
might just be worth the cost. It’s kind of like a
one sided Rothus, and your opponent gets an extra
mana, but by this point an extra mana should be next
to meaningless, so long as the creature’s off the
board. Creature removal is a key thing, but you have
to think about what the board will look like at that
stage in the game. If you’re dominating the board,
than this card will mostly just be the unnecessary
icing on the cake. If there’s a creature that needs
to be killed, it probably has some sacrificial
compadres with it. And the after package looks like
a random 2000 attack sub-optimal creature. Even a
bounce engine with this and Saucer Head Shark is
probably too slow. But since Nature can ramp up on
mana, it might see some play as an additional late
game removal spell. Natural Snare is much better
Storm Shell - 2/5
Swensen |
Alright, I
don't think this card is playable.... at all, casual
would probably say no to this guy, for 7 you get a
weenie 2000 guy, his
ability that is aparently, based on the cost,
suppose to be good just
really isn't, it could conditionally be good if your
opponent has 1
creature but I would bet there will be several out
by the time you get 7
mana together. I really wonder about this card, most
of the rares, very
rares, and super rares look pretty solid but this
guy is just
ridiculously bad, perhaps this means he will combo
with something
later? probably not, im doubting a creature with
"when your opponent
picks one of his monsters and puts it in his mana
zone he removes 5
shields from the game" card is coming anytime soon
(or ever for that
matter). For 7 mana, green (as well as every other
color) has alot
better cards, many easier to find, and this guys
ability just isn't a
substitute for true creature removal, half the time
you play this guy
you may be oding your opponent a favor on mana.
So my simple advice to you would be not to play this
guy, don't even
look at him, turn him upside-down in your trade
binder, looking at him
for prolonged periods of time might be fatal to your
health. In draft
it would be appropriate to make a joke about this
guy once it comes back
around the table to you, but definatly not
appropriate to take him above
any other card in the pack, including the puzzle
Okay, after saying all that against this card I have
decided to provide
you with a positive usage:
a bookmark
Constructed: 1
Limited: 1
ssj2_dork |
Storm Shell
This card has me torn between being a good card, and
being one of those cards that just helps your
Storm Shell: Nature Creature, 7-Mana, 2000 attack.
Kind of awful, huh? It's effect says that when you
put this creature into the battle zone, your
opponent puts one of his/her creatures into their
Mana Zone. Hmm.
What do I think? Personally, I would suggest that
you don't play this card. Why? Well, sure, its
effect puts one of your opponent's creatures into
the Mana Zone, but by turn seven or so (it IS a
Nature card), who says your opponent won't have a
1000/2000 attack creatures out? They could use that
extra Mana to play something like Holy Awe or a
Bolshack Dragon next turn. The only good aspect for
this card is that you clear the board of one of your
opponent's creatures, giving less creatures to
attack or to through so you can hit your opponent's
shields. Nature does have fast Mana acceleration, so
you may get lucky enough to play a Storm Shell in
the mid-game, but I doubt it would help THAT much.
Pros: clears board of one of your opponent's
Cons: 2000 attack for 7-Mana, effect only works
once, benefits opponent in a way
I would not play Storm Shell. There are much better
cards out there.
Casual: 2/5
Tournament: 2/5 |