Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Seamine Base Set
Date Reviewed: 5.05.04
Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Here you have an attacking blocker. He's 4000 for 6,
so not great economy, but that's because it can
block AND attack at will. The trouble is, a 4000
creature may not be the ticket when it comes to a 6
drop. Your opponent may be dropping some bombs at
this point, and in that case, a 4000 blocker isn't
going to fare much better than a 1000 blocker. Yes,
he can pick up some slack from your opponent's early
drops, but while you just dropped a 4000, your
opponent just let loose an Urth, or a Zagaan on you.
Ouch. Seamine just doesn't measure up.
In limited, it's a decent pick if you're going blue.
6 drops are hard to come by, and this isn't the
worst pick for you. Large blockers are much better
in a limited environment where big fatties are much
harder to come by.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 3.5
Stegyman |
Blockers are good, but there can be exceptions.
Seamine: Water Creature, 6-Mana, 4000 Attack
Blocker. AND there's no text.
Is this a good card? Well, maybe in draft, but in
the Tournament scene, there are MUCH better cards. I
mean, seriously; a 6-Mana Blocker with ONLY 4000
Attack? Shouldn't it be a 4-Mana creature with 6000
Attack? I guess the positive aspect of this card is
that it can also attack like any other normal
creature card, and block at the same time. But
Pros: Blocker, can attack
Cons: 6-Mana for a 4000 Blocker? And it's a "very
rare", so it would be hard to get
I'd only really draft this card if I had nothing
else to pick from. For Tournaments, there are much
better Water Blockers. I really don't think this
card is any good.
Tournament: 1.5/5
Draft: 2/5
The Antman |
Seamine- Very Rare-
Hi people today I have a short review for the card,
Ok there is just something I dont get about this
card. A 4000
blocker for 6? I would easily rather use Phantom
Fish. After I
thought that I noticed that it could attack players.
Then I thought,
"It's still crap". A 4000 blocker is a decent card,
but with it you
will probably only be either attacking OR blocking,
not both. Plus
by the time this dude comes out your opponent will
have already
played stronger creatures that could squash your
Constructed- 1/5 play a King Ripped-Hide instead. It
has 1000 more
power, a more useful effect and only costs one more.
Limited- 2/5 it is a little better here because it
is a blocker that
is versatile.
Final Thought- Just try your best not to play this
card, there are
better choices. It almost sickens me to think that a
very rare spot
was taken up by this card =/.