Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Poison Mushroom Base Set
Date Reviewed: 5.12.04
Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
The Antman |
Poison Mushroom -
Today we have poison mushroom
I actually like this card even though he promotes
card disadvantage.
Greens ability to get mana speed comes in many ways,
and I think this
one is only second to Bronze-Arm Tribe. His cheep
way to get your mana
out is great. By the time you get him out (most
likely the second turn)
you will probably have enough cards in your hand.
The only disadvantage
is when you get him late in the game he is useless,
you probably wont
need him for mana and your useless cards in the hand
will decrease.
Even though this can be easily be countered by
either not putting 4 in
the deck, or by just putting him in the mana zone
instead of in play.
Constructed: 3/5- just use him if you are going
heavy green
Limited- 3.5/5 his resourcefulness increases here
since you will
probably use more colors here.
Final Thought- Use him but be careful on how you use
him otherwise you
will regret it
Stegyman |
Poisonous Mushroom
Gotta love that Mana acceleration.
Poisonous Mushroom-Nature Creature, 2-Mana, 1000
Attack. Awful, huh? The text says that when you put
this card into play, you may put one card from your
hand into your Mana field. Pretty nifty, huh?
I personally like this card. It provides a solid
source of Mana acceleration. For example, on your
second turn you could play this card, and on your
third turn you would have four Mana in your Mana
zone (provided you play a Mana). This would
essentially give you a huge burst in Mana and allow
you to play larger creatures sooner than before.
And, since this card is so cheap, you could swarm
with it AND double your Mana (one regular Mana, one
from Mushroom). This is a great card in multiples.
Pros: cheap cost, adds Mana
Cons: reduces hand size, only 1000 attack
I would suggest playing this card, at least two,
since it provides a nice source of Mana
acceleration. In Draft this card isn't so well as
you would probably want to play the cards in your
hand (unless your hand has a lot of high-Mana
Tournament: 3/5
Limited: 2.5/5