Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Diamond Cutter
Evo Crushinators of Doom
Date Reviewed: 5.28.04
Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Diamond Cutter
How interesting. I haven't had the chance to see
this in play, but I would suspect it could be fun to
watch. Diamond Cutter gives ALL your creatures (yes,
blockers included) a chance to whoop on your
opponent. White is known for having excellent, well-costed
blockers that can whollop on creatures. Cutter gives
them a turn to smack an opponent up side the head.
Cool. Just remember, just because you can attack
with your non attackers doesn't mean your opponent
can't block them.
In limited, Cutter's usefullness will depend on your
deck. If you have some great blockers, you can use
Cutter for a surprise assault with correct timing.
Again, your opponent can always block, so time your
attack accordingly.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 2.5
Meeeee |
Diamond Cutter-
This card needs its own deck to be effective. With
that said, three cards screw up the type of deck
Diamond Cutter goes into. Scarlet Skyterror kills
all blockers. Crystal Paladin bounces all blockers.
Then Critical Blade kills off a blocker. Assuming
you not playing a player with one of these, hope you
don't play my Paladins, lol, a deck based around
Diamond Cutter can be killer. Check out Hydro's
article, he built a pretty solid Cutter deck. But
without it's own based deck, Diamond Cutter is
horrible. Your probably not going to have the mana
to play Diamond Cutter after something like
Deathliger. So its solid in its own deck, but
horrible outside-
in its deck- 3.5/5
outside- 1.5/5
This can help alot, because some players always go
the blocker route. So all those limited blockers now
attack. Although, I'd have to say I'd rather pick
something else over this. Lights blockers can attack
creatures, so I'm content. So unless your not that
kid/guy that takes all the blockers, don't waste
your pick.
Limited- 1/5
Stegyman |
Diamond Cutter
Man, Light Spells are awesome.
Diamond Cutter: Light Spell, 5-Mana. This the exact
text: This turn, ignore any effects that would
prevent your creatures from attacking your opponent.
(For example, ignore summoning sickness and card
effects that say "This creature can't attack" or
"This creature can't attack players." Your creatures
can't attack creatures this way.) Hmm...
Is this card good? I want to say yes; I mean, look
at the darn thing! To me it reads: "All Creatures
can attack, no matter what." How is that not good?
This card absolutely owns the late game if there are
any Blockers hanging around or you just played that
King Depthcon and you want to finish your opponent.
I really can't think of any drawbacks to this card.
This and Holy Awe make Light a very formidable deck
color. This card is awesome in a Light/Water
Defensive deck. I'm sure you can figure out why ;x
I would play four of these if I was running a
Light/Water Defensive deck and wanted to surprise my
opponent. In Limited this card is still really good
with all the Blockers around. But this card is only
for certain decks, so my Tournament rating is based
on that (Light/Water, Darkness)
Tournament: 4/5
Limited: 4/5