Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Sniper Mosquito
Card #54
Date Reviewed: 11.02.04
Average Rating: 2.9
Limited Average Rating: 1
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

The Antman |
Sniper Mosquito -
Hi everyone today we have Sniper Mosquito
Sniper Mosquito (to put it bluntly) stinks. sure you
got a turn 1 2000 attacker for 1, but is it worth
returning your only mana to your hand for it? I
think not =/. If the opponet gets a turn 1 blocker
out you got a dead creature on the field. The only
use I see for this is with Gigamantis evo.
constructed- 2.9/5 this is generous of a rating and
it only gets this high because it is cheep
Gigamantis evo. bait
limited- 1/5 it is useless unless you get a
Gigamantis which is very unlikely.
Final Thought- Don't use it in any format, and only
use it with Gigamantis and even then only if you
have to.
Knives101 |
Now here's a card that I know. You see one day I
just got tired of running Barkwhip in my Mono-Nature
deck. Barkwhip was just dealt with too easily, and I
felt that I needed draw power. Evolutions can really
sap a guy's hand lol. Anyway I decided to try out
the insect evo line just for kicks. That and I
wanted draw power from Sniper. After using Sniper
for quite a while I discovered that he's not the
"attack and draw ten times a game card" that I
thought he was. He usually just attacks once and
then dies. So you get to trade Sniper for pretty
much anything in your mana zone. That's a very good
trade-off when you kill Sniper to grab a Dash Horn
or FDF. One of the greatest things about Sniper
Mosquito is that you can play a rumbling Terahorn,
then search your deck for Sniper, and play it all in
one turn. All for only six mana. Sniper offers good
versatility for Mono-Nature.
Rating: 4
cecillbill |
Sniper Mosquito
The Beast Folk get all the love and the Giant
Insects get...sprayed with bug repellent. Sniper
Mosquito may not be as famous as its folksy cousins,
but it can turn "excess mana" into "draws."
1. Nature has a 1 drop. Yippie-kai-yaay! Oh,
wait..it's not so great in the early game, but
coming on the cheap to fish out a card form the mana
zone later on is a neat asset.
2. Cheap evo bait for Gigamantis. That's another
mana-making critter. Not bad.
3. Can help you grab a needed creature or spell that
you can't seem to draw from your deck but did manage
to plop down as mana earlier--especially true if
Bronze or Fighter made you do it.
1. As your first attacker out the gate, it can set
you back on mana generation by 1 every time in
manages to swing. Not too harsh if your next play is
Steel Smasher or Burning Mane, but still not the
best thing in the world. Best used to fish something
out the mana zone when the mana's at a comfortable
level and when there's something you really need
like FDF or Nature Snare. This is not the guy you
want swinging a lot unless it's late game and you
have so much mana that you hate the color green.
Most often it's played to get to Gigamantis. And,
that's not a bad thing.
2. 2000 power is very easy to deal with. I kinda
feel better when this guy swings and hits a
shield--but if you remember when it's best to use
it--to fish something you need from the mana
zone--then not hitting a shield isn't so bad. Oh,
and it's better to fish something out that you can
use fairly quickly rather than holding onto it for
too long--lest it be prone to hand discard.
3/5. Sniper offers something that you don't see as
being worth it at first until you've cast you whole
hand due to all the plentiful mana and start top
decking the little Nature guys. At that point you
just want to evolve one of them with the Fifgter you
see in your mana zone or get back that Snare.
Enter Sniper...