Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Wailing Shadow
Card #33
Date Reviewed: 11.05.04
Constructed Average Rating: 4.16
Limited Average Rating: 3.33
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

(Top 4 at
2004 GenCon
Championship) |
Wailing Shadow
Why is this creature crying? He should be happy that
he could take something off the board with him. Or
perhaps being a Grim Reaper isn't all it's cracked
up to be. Let's check out the job description below:
1. Slayer ability presents your opponent with tough
decisions like: 1. Your opponent loses a shield or a
blocker, and 2. If he hits with a fattie that can't
be untapped and Wailing's on the job, then he'll
lose his big guy.
2. Cheap cost. 3 mana is the lowest price going for
slayers to date. Good deal.
3. Jack Viper evo bait. It's always in Jack Viper
decks. Always. Well, unless something better comes
along in the future.
4. Versatile. Due to its affordable cost and ability
Wailing can fit in most decks running Darkness.
1. 1000 power. This matters when you're trying to
keep it out to hit something because it's Hammer and
Smoke bait. Otherwise, when you slam another
creature its power doesn't matter.
5/5 in Jack Viper. Duh! Who doesn't like the chance
to keep on slaying?
4.5/5. I play this creature in many decks with
Darkness. What can I say, I liked Bone Assassin Base
Set (formerly a Darkness/Water Control player), and
this slayer is more versatile than the Assassin.

(Top 4 -
2004 GenCon
Championship) |
Wailing Shadow
As far as slayers go, Wailing Shadow is the best one
because of its low cost of 3. Slayers have a place
in any dark deck because of their destructive
capabilities and because of their mere presence on
the table. For example, if you have a slayer in
play, your opponent might not want to attack with
anything big for fear of Belbetphlo slamming into
the tapped creature. Your opponent will usually wait
until he can kill it with a spell or a lesser
The card is also one of the few good ghost cards
(along with Gray Balloon), which makes him ideal in
a Jack Viper deck. Not only can he evolve, but
Belbetphlo can slay something with Viper in play and
come back to your hand after he dies for more
slaying fun.
Constructed: 4.5/5
Limited: 4/5

The Antman |
Wailing Shadow
Belbetphlo- Common-#33(DM-03)
Well today we have the weirdly named Wailing Shadow
Belbetphlo. I'll give 5 bucks to anyone who can say
that right. (but you need to send me 7 dollars for
the enterance fee ^.^)
Wailing Shadow Belbetphlo is well... some what of a
over costed slayer, but I'd have to say I don't
expect many slayers to have over 1000 power. It
wouldn't matter if he was 1000 for 3 or 3000 for 3,
the slayer sort of cancels out the power part. This
card realy doesn't belong in any deck except 1, and
that is a Jack Viper deck. He is a continuous threat
for the opponet if jack is out. Think of it, you
attack with your Wailing Shadow Belbetphlo and your
opponet has to think ~if I block this than my
creature will die and he will get his creature back,
but if I don't a shield will set off~ if your
opponet decides not to block than they have one less
shield, and if this keeps on going they will be
running out of answers.
constructed- 4/5 this rating is only for Jack Viper
limited- 2/5 If you are extreamly lucky to get a
jack viper, more power to ya
Final Thought- A ok card over all, has a nice combo
with Jack/mongrel man
Knives101 |
Wailing Shadow Belbetphlo
Wailing Shadow is the best slayer to date. It's
cheap. It evolves into a great evolution. It comes
in play soon enough to counter Barkwhip, and Valdios.
Unless your opponent kills it with a spell then it's
always going to take another creature with it to the
grave. So your opponent might not be keen to attack
him while he's tapped, or block him. If you're
running Mono-Darkness then he's worth considering.
Rating: 4
Fish & Chips |
Here's the review.
Chips doesn't want to do this one. (Wailing
Shadow Belbetphlo)
Hey Everyone!
Wailing Shadow Belbetphlo is a pretty good card.
It doesn't matter how much power it has because
it's good at what it does. of course, this means
that even Bronze-Arm Tribe can kill it, so be
careful. I think this card is a good late-game
card, because of the mana-cost. The other
slayers cost more for the same effect. Overall,
it's above average.
Constructed: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5