Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Card 32
Date Reviewed: 11.15.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

(Top 4 at
2004 GenCon
Championship) |
Okay, that annoying "do the locomotion" song pops in
my head everytime I look at this card. That's what
you get for having been a kid in the 80's who
listened to a lot of bad pop music. But, luckily
this occurance hasn't sullied my appreciation for
With Locomotiver we’re looking at a 4 mana Ghost
Touch with feet. It's power leaves a lot to be
desired, but it’s the creature’s effect that
matters. I don’t expect creatures like Masked
Horror, Shadow of Scorn and Meteosaur to stick
around to hit shields. Those creatures give me their
effects, which have hopefully been timed closely
with similar cards like Crimson Hammer and Ghost
Touch, and whatever else I squeeze out of their
existence is a bonus.
Mid-game a hard-cast Locomotiver could help chew
away at hands, leaving your opponent with fewer
options and sending him into topdeck mode if he's
been fairly cast-happy. Off the trigger you get an
additional hitter that gives you some mana
advantage, plus one that may send a nasty card
flying from your opponent's hand unexpectedly. This
is a creature that control builds will want to
experiment with and run in conjunction with other
discard. For fun I’d slap Train Man in a heavy
discard deck with some creature destruction, some
slayers, a few blockers…and just discard & kill all
--Makes your opponent discard a card, you don’t have
to attack to run the discard --Has shield trigger
ability, so a hitter and discard could come for free
--1000 power makes it “easy as 1-2-3” to kill --If
triggered & summoned when you’re opponent is top
decking then you rob nothing (but you still gain a
Rating: 3/5.
Knives101 |
Well hand disruption before your opponent is
topdecking is great. Killing cards from the hand is
just like killing cards from the mana, zone and vice
versa. Even if you hit a useless card you will still
mess your opponent up, because the card you hit was
likely to be his next mana. So now he has to go and
mana a better card. Hand disruption is best done
when your opponent still has cards in his hand, and
when a creature is not threatening your sheilds. If
you use this while your opponent is still attacking
your sheilds with a creature you will regret it.
Anyway this card is pretty nice in the right deck.
You could use Ghost Touch, Horrid Worm, and this in
a deck to mess your opponent up.
Rating: 3