Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Re Bil,
Seeker of Archery
Card 15
Date Reviewed: 11.19.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Knives101 |
Re Phil
Seven Mana for a 6000 powered creature, and a +2000
bonus to all Light Creatures. That's pretty good...
if you can keep it out long enough to matter. At any
rate this card makes a good power up when your
opponent just attacked with all his creatures last
turn. Need to deal with a barkwhip?
Just drop this, power up your Jade Tree and swing.
Ohh. This sucker may replace Dia Nork in my Light
build. Have just one blocker at 4000 and up power,
or have them all at 4000 and up power? Even if it's
for a turn it'll still be cool. Hrmm. Maybe some
hand kill would keep Re Phil in play longer than one
turn, by killing spells.... anyway... Re Phil isn't
strong enough to kill the 8000 powered evolutions,
that are good. (Dual Fang, Lancer, Rock Beast, etc.)
Also Re Phil is kinda costly for only 6000 power.
It's an ok creature, that might just see a lot of
Rating: 4
Rob Miller |
Re Bil, Seeker of
Archery-Light Civ, Mecha Thunder race, 7 mana,
6000 attack, and "Each other light creature in
the battle zone gets +2000 power. Double
Before I start my
actual review I'd like everyone to know that
today...11/19/2004 is my 19th birthday...so
Happy Birthday to me, now on to the review.
I personally do not
like this card, had it been an Angel Command he
may have been ok to use as Alcadeias bait but
now he is simply a high costed light version of
Shadow Moon, Cursed Shade. The fact that he is
double breaker is pretty good, but coming out
turn 7 isn't gonna help much if your darkness
opponent already has 3 or 4 shadow moons on you
(I've had this happen to me, it was the worst
duel ever). Re Bil might not be a bad filler
card if you don't have the other cards needed
for a good yellow deck, but I mean I wouldn't
use him...however in limited he is great, since
he is uncommon you could quite possibly get more
than one increasing his usefullness.
Overall this card
isn't the worst card out there but there are
many, many others that are way better.
Constructed: 2/5
Limited 4/5
Machina X |
Hello folks! I'm
Jordyce, and from now on I'll be helping out with
the card
of the day. I'll try and make a good and indepth
review each time, but I
know I can't please everyone. So sit back and enjoy
my first review!
Let's see what we have on the table today...
Re Bil, Seeker of Archery - A 7 mana light card,
which I personally don't
think carries the Shadowclash theme too well. 7 for
6000 double breaker is a
pretty hefty cost for it's power, but considering a
main deck type
'promoted' by Shadowclash is light/nature, it can
probably come out a turn
or so faster. But playing light/nature does clash
with this cards second
Re Bil gives all other light creatures in the battle
zone +2000 power which
is massive considering that (main) light cards are
blockers that you play
that can attack creatures. I don't see people
playing Szubs Kin much
anymore, but seeing a Senatine Jade Tree pumped up
to 6000 would be allot
better. Light's blockers and this card work hand in
Light has it's speciality in stall, so this card
would probably work best in
a deck that is mono-light, Diamond Cutter + Holy
Awe. The usual light deck.
Bust this guy onto the field, next turn play Holy
Awe, wipe the field of all
the opposing creatures (with help from a +2000
boost), then next turn
Diamond Cutter to blast it away. Then again, it's
still just a Double
Breaker that powers up it's friend.
(all ratings out of 5)
Constructed: 3.0 - Partner to Screaming Sunburst.
Limited: 4.0 - Bigguns are rare, and this guys just
uncommon. His powering
up effect won't get as much use though.
Artwork: 3.5 - A muddled up picture, but with
awesome electric effects.
The Antman |
Re Bil, Seeker of
Archery- Uncommon-#15(DM-04)
Hi everyone today your favoite review is reviewing
Re Bil, Seeker of
While the rest of the set is trying to make you play
Multi-decks, this card
is trying to make you play mono. This guy can get
insane in some light
decks with his pumping power and he has double
breaker. If you manage to
get 2 out and you loose, you should just stop
playing DM now and go live in
shame. I would love to see this card in the playing
feld. There is no
stopping light as far as I can see.
constructed- 3.3/5 this card realy doesn't have a
place in dimond cutter,
but in other rouge light decks this card will hit
limited- 5/5 if you manage to get enough light you
should have no trouble
final thought- and hes only a uncommon!!! man im
happy with the cards this
week... c ya next week people
-The Antman