Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Gregorian Worm
Card #31
Date Reviewed: 11.30.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.85
Limited Average Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Knives101 |
Gregorian Worm--Shadowclash
of Blinding Night
Gregorian Worm is one of the reasons that you'll
start to see more and more of Chaos Worm. Alcadies
is the other reason (Chaos Worm isn't a spell so it
can still be used when Alcadies is out). ST
creatures make very good evo bait. Just imagine
getting this guy as a ST, while you have Chaos Worm
in your hand. First your opponent attacks and breaks
your sheild. Then you get Gregorian Worm as a ST.
Now it's your turn so you evolve Gregorian Worm,
into Chaos Worm. You choose to kill an untapped
creature. Next Chaos Worm swings to kill the tapped
creature that just attaked your sheilds. Your
opponent is now down two creatures, and you are up
one creature. (This rarely happens but it is
extremely helpful when it does.) Gregorian Worm also
makes awesome evo bait for Ultracide Worm. Having an
11,0000 strong creature in play for only six mana is
very preferable. Just think what you can do VS a
Mono-Nature deck. They play Dash-Horn, or FDF and
attack with it. Next your Ultracide Worm eats their
FDF or Dash-Horn. How evil!! Well anyway Gregorian
Worm is one of the best Worm evo baits around.
Rating: 4

Monte Eads
a.k.a. NFG
Too Poor
to Go to GenCon...
but would have won. ;) |
"Gregorian Worm"
Its been quite a
while since I've posted on here. Thats what
happens when your ethernet adapter gets screwed
up. Anyways, I'm back, so rejoice, and name your
children after me. Also, before I begin, I must
make a shout out to a friend of mine that came
to my store and played me. I won but he was
cool. So a little shout to Eric T. (I think that
was it) Yeah. Anyways, on to the review. I am
really liking these new shield trigger
creatures, but I am glad that they have not seen
much popularity at my store, as they can be
breaking. Imagine you have your opponent down to
no shields, and they just nuked you with a Hydro
Hurricane (this happened to me just last week),
they attack all your shields and you get a
Shield Trigger monster for game. Ouch. But, I
don't like the idea of drawing this creature (obv~)
because of the 4 for 3000 stats. It is a
Parasite Worm though, which opens up the
possibilities of a dead draw Chaos Worm actually
getting played. Woot. Well, thats it kids. Until
next time, say no to drugs. Goulet!
8391 |
Gregorian Worm
This guy is fun. A 4 for 3000 isn’t impressive, but
summoning him as a shield trigger can be incredible.
Shield trigger creatures can be very helpful in evo-bait
and swarming, making this guy perfect for the job.
His creature type, Parasite Worm, is what makes this
guy really playable. Parasite Worms were lacking in
evolution bait, making Chaos Worm and Ultracide Worm
less playable. Now that you’ve got Gregorian Worm
and Horrid Worm, getting them out fast is easy!
In aggressive black, this worm can be really
helpful. He’s got a nice strength, he (can be) free,
and he’s bait for Chaos Worm. In control black,
Locomotiver would be the better choice for your
creature lineup because of the discard.
If you don’t hit this guy as a shield trigger, he’s
not really that helpful. Four for 3000 is pretty
bad. It can be nice to play once in a while though
for the waiting Chaos Worm.
In limited, he’s a 4 for 3000 that can be brought
out for free. I don’t have limited experience, but
that sounds pretty cool.
Constructed: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5

(Top 4 at
2004 GenCon
Championship) |
Gregorian Worm
At last we have another Chaos Worm evo bait worth
Shield Trigger--Sometimes it's free...and mana
advantage is hard to come by in Darkness. Coming off
the trigger can speed up Chaos or Ultracide
summoning, not to mention it gives your opponent
something to contend with unexpectedly. This is
going to be the second pick for evolving Chaos/Ultracide.
Horrid Worm is the first, but you knew that already.
Effect Ratings:
Constructed: 4/5. In a deck built around bringing
out Parasite Worm evolutions. There are better 4
spot creatures to run in a mono-D control deck that
doesn't focus on Worms like Shadow Moon, Scratchclaw,
and Locomotiver.
Limited: 4/5. Shield trigger creatures are nice in
Sealed. Just about everything you're tossed in this
format is non-ideal, so hard casting some creatures
deemed lousy for Constructed play turns out not to
be bad in Sealed. Getting a hitter for free can turn
the tide of the game and increase your field much
faster than your opponent is able to handle. In
Draft, it really depends on what civs you're
drafting and what strategy you're going for, but
G-Worm isn't a horrible pick here either--just not a
4000 for 3 mana isn't good, and it means G-Worm
won't see much play outside decks geared towards
playing Chaos/Ultracide Worm that run at least 4
copies of the evolution.
Power Ratings:
Constructed: 2.5/5. Not good, but okay for what it
could give you--Chaos Worm.
Limited: 4/5. Still not the greatest thing, but what
G-Worm really has to worry about here are other
creatures. 3000 can be enough to take out other
hitters that come earlier/for the same cost or
escape being hit when tapped for a moment or two.
[Other Considerations]
Evolution Bait: Here's where I repeat myself.
Gregorian Worm is going to be the second pick for
evolving Chaos/Ultracide. Chaos Worm is an extra
Terror Pit for your deck that can actually deliver
more if there's a tapped 5000 or below body in you
opponent's field that doesn't have Drakness evasion.
If a Shadow Moon lurks about, then Chaos Worm can
slam a tapped fattie up to 7000 strong. Ultracide is
just a fat hitter, and versus some decks that can
facilitate a scoop for your opponent.
Evo Rating: 4/5. Nice bait after its race-mate
Horrid Worm. It's nearly everything I hoped Hang
Worm would be, since that creature's main drawback
is its cost and not some ill-effect, though G-Worm's
low power leaves something to be desired.
[Where To Deck]
In decks hoping to evolve Chaos Worm, Ultracide Worm
or both that have room for it in the lineup. Maybe
in a shield trigger deck, but I've yet to see the
viability of an all ST deck--tho it sure sounds fun.
I don't see a very compelling reason to run this
creature if you're not trying to bring out the big
boys. So, yeah, in a Parasite Worm is it's best fit.
Try it also in a Jack Viper-ish deck that runs beats
with a Shadow Moon pump and recursion.
[Some Cards To Deck With It]
Besides the obvious Parasite Worm lot, Shadow Moon
Cursed Shade could give this critter some staying
power versus plays like Searing Wave. If you pair
Darkness with other civs and have room for G-Worm,
then cards like Mana Nexus could help put this guy
in the shield zone if you don't have an ideal
[Format Ratings Overall]
Constructed: 3.5/5. Solid Parasite Worm evo bait.
Limited: 4/5. Soild here, too.