Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Mist Rias,
Sonic Guardian
Date Reviewed: 10.08.04
Average Rating: 3.6
Limited Average Rating: 4.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

This is an
interesting card. It's basically worthless as
a creature for it's cost, but rather works nicely as
a card drawing machine. I think it's a bit
underpowered and slow for constructed play. In
limited, though, I think it might be exactly what
you need to win the match. I would most
definitely play it in any light deck
Limited: 4.5 |

(Top 4 -
2004 GenCon
Championship) |
Mist Rias, Sonic
Finally, we’ve got some solid card drawing for
light. Previously light only had stuff that could
search for spells (and if every light spell searches
for another light spell, what do you wind up with?).
Mist Rias will be required for every light deck out
there with its massive card drawing. The only real
problem is that this 2000 critter is easy to kill.
Ideally, you’ll play him and then a couple of small
blockers on the same turn to net some cards before
your opponent can crimson hammer it.
Constructed: 4/5 (cards = good)
Limited: 4/5 (cards still = good) |
Knives101 |
Mist Rias is going to be one of the most influential
cards of the Shadowclash set. Whenever you or your
opponent puts a creature into play you get to draw a
card. So your opponent won't exactly enjoy playing
creatures when this card is out. In fact most
players will aviod putting other creatures into play
as long as Mist Rias is in the field. One of the
greatest things about Mist Rias is that it allows
you to rush during the late game. You play a
creature. Then you draw another creature. Then you
play that creature to draw another, and another etc,
etc. This is very good for a Diamond Cutter deck
that wants to swarm with blockers. It is also very
good for a Light/Fire deck that wants to swarm with
low cost creatures. Mist Rias is a little better
than Trash Man. Trash Man requires creatures to
already be in play for you to draw a card. Mist Rias
on the other hand does not. Mist Rias is way better
than Syforce. Mainly because it is better to draw
into your Holy Awe than to recover it from the mana
zone. Mist Rias is a much faster way to grab a Holy
Awe. Of course I could really care less, because
four Angel Songs + four Holy Awes = all the tapping
power you'll ever need. Mist Rias' power is only
2000. Meaning that almost any tap/destruction card
can kill it off with ease. This is a slight
drawback, but hand advantage is one of the best (if
not the very best) thing that you can have in a
Rating: 5 |
Fish &
Chips |
Hey everyone!
Mist Rias is like Toel, Vizier of Hope. They
both cost 5, have 2000 power, and have a
good effect. 5 mana is not too expensive for
a card like this. Everyone needs creatures
to win the game, why not benifit from it?
This card can give you much needed draw
power in a light deck, where stalling and
waiting is key. use this in combination with
some blockers, and you just might be able to
attack with him as well. I highly recommend
this card.
Hello! Today I
have a review of Mist Rias, Sonic Guardian.
This creature is a 5 for 2000 creature.
Not very good is it. Then you see it's
special ability of whenever a creature gets
put into the battle zone, you get to draw
one card. With a nature deck and high amount
of mana. You can draw almost up to three
extra cards per turn.