Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Creeping Plague
Card 49
Date Reviewed: 10.22.04
Average Rating: 3.33
Limited Average Rating: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Fish &
Chips |
Here's the review of
Creeping Plauge. Chips isn't doing this one.
Hey everyone!
Creeping Plauge is a good card against Light
decks. It only costs 1 mana to play, which is
good if you need to do other things with your
mana that turn. Using this card is a good way to
break your opponents shields, or deliver a heavy
blow to his creatures. It has it's downsided
though. Your creatures only get slayer if
they're blocked, so it's not always effective.
In limited, this card might not be so good. For
one thing, black in the base set is horrible.
Another thing, you might not see as many
blockers. Overall, it's a good card that might
get you out of a jam once in a while.
Constructed: 3.5/5
Limited: 2/5
Knives101 |
Creeping Plague
This is one of those cards that has a nice power.
Yet it isn't seen in very many decks at all. What's
this card good for? Well it does have one purpose.
Some decks are just full of nothing, but 1000 and
2000 powered creatures. Mono-Water is a good
example. When you've got a ton of wimpy creatures in
your deck, then blockers will be your bane. You can
attack all you want with your super small creatures.
They will just get blocked and die. Creeping Plague
what you use to make sure that your super weak
creatures won't die in vain. Creeping Plague is
something that my Jack Viper build has. First I cast
Creeping Plague and then I cast Snake Attack. Now my
opponent has to choose between losing sheilds, or
losing creatures. I don't lose any creatures, thanks
to Jack Viper. It's very fun.
Rating: 3 (4 in a Jack Viper deck)

(Top 4 at
2004 GenCon
Championship) |
Revised Rating, seeing
as how it really helps in Darkness/Fire:
Creeping Plague
It's not for the great majority of decks running
rampant nowadays, and it hasn't been a component of
any top decks at the last 2 Championships. Even so,
I believe there's a place for Creeping Plague under
the sun. Read on...
1. Turns all your attacking creatures into slayers
until the end of the turn, but only when they're
2. Costs 1 mana. It's cheap. If you can't pay that
price, then...wow.
3. Can force your opponent to make a tough decision:
lose needed defense to some dinky creatures or lose
shields to some dinky creatures.
1. No, this spell does not work when you want to
attack a tapped Lancer with Writhing Bone Ghoul.
Your creatures have to be blocked by blocker
creatures for the slayer effect to activate.
2. Can result in losing your field (or a sizable
portion) without taking away shields. That's
something to worry about because your opponent can
restock his field of blockers/hitters or slam you
without worry of your creatures attaking his tapped
creatures for a turn.
3. Best coupled with a deck running many cheap
hitters (like 1-3 mana cost) because you can restock
your field (since your guys bite the dust if they
slay) sooner--something you'll want to do if you
lose your field to Plague.
4. Plague requires multiple attacks to be maximized.
You could simply use Critical Blade if you're only
pressing an attack with one creature.
3.5/5 in Darkness/Fire Weenie Rush. Some players of
this build find Creeping Plague to be a bit more
synergistic with the overall strength of their
deck's strategy than Critical Blade.
3/5 Mono-Darkness. If your build packs some
recursion--especially if you have other hitters with
the slayer ability already. Just adds more slaying
although Plague targets blockers and Darkness can be
slow to pack a field.
Not always a fit here, but something to try in the
right build.