Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Natural Snare
Date Reviewed: 9.07.04
Average Rating: 4.66
Limited Average Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

(Top 4 -
2004 GenCon
Championship) |
Natural Snare
I like this card. It’s
nature’s version of Terror Pit, only this time the
creature gets blasted senseless into the mana zone.
While this may seem like a disadvantage giving your
opponent more mana, the Snare has its uses. For
example, it gets around that annoying “When this
creature is destroyed do this,” because it
technically doesn’t kill the creature; the Snare
just sends it to a better place. Another plus for
the Snare: it’s a shield trigger, and those are good
for Mana Nexus and for screwing up your opponent’s
strategy. Take my word for it. I run 4 of these in
every nature deck.
Constructed: 5/5
Limited: 5/5

(Top 4 at
2004 GenCon
Championship) |
You've all heard the agrument: Natural Snare isn't
good because it gives your opponent mana. True, it
gives your opponent mana and this can help him.
But think of that mana-gain along these lines:
Crystal Lancer is much better
for your shields if it's 2 sources of mana for your
opponent." Many players who run Natural Snare view
it something liek this: "creature's out of sight,
creature's out of mind." At one time Natural Snare
was the only permenant removal without the
possibility of creature recovery. Snare's not that
way now because of cards like Flood Valve, but it's
still praise-worthy.
#1. Creature Removal. It can get rid of an
opponent's creature? Yes, I'll have more please.
This is the only removal option for mono-Nature in
spell form. The only other means is through direct
creature attacking. Snare is like 4 chances at a 5
minute snack break for Mono-Nature.
#2. Shield Trigger. 6 mana can be hefty--but is
usually not a huge thing for
Nature's mana production to tackle early. Still,
getting something for free in this game is sweet.
Love to run Snare in conjunction with Mana Nexus and
Terror Pit/Holy Awe.
#3. Hits those bouncing freaks. Yes, guys like
Solider and Knight are going somewhere other than
their owner's hand. Sw33t.
#1. Gives your opponent mana. Makes it a bit easier
for his threats to hit the field.
#2. Costs 6 mana if not off the trigger. Not a big
issue in mono-Nature where the mana can fly. In
multi-civ decks might freeze up a fattie drop.
I've always loved Natural Snare. Yes, even before
mono-Nature was top tier.
i'm talking back in Base Set when it played second
fiddle to Terror Pit in B/U/G
Mono-Nature: 5/5. Duh! Pack 4 and give your shield
zone something cool to do.
Multi-Civ: 5/5. If you're running Nature adds more
removal options. Pack in Nexus too for some
silly-shield setting fun.
Limited: 4/5 Like removal here. If it clears off
something good it's worth the drop.

The Antman |
Natural Snare - Rare
- #66 (base set)
Well today we have a (IMO) a nature staple, Natural
Ahhh the beuty of nature... able to to give wonders
or to grab you and turn you into mana with out
notice, which is exatly what Natural Snare does.
This is greens main answer to the enemies over sized
fatties who come out of the distance, and one of
natures few answers too. When nature fails in its
attempt to out speed the opponet it will have to try
a differant tactic.
That is where Natural Snare comes in. I think the
best thing about this card is its shield trigger,
because who would want to pay six to turn a enemy
monster into mana food? not me ^.^ I would much
rather pay 1 shield to munch the monster into mana
food. 6 may seem a lot for the effect but by the
time the you have six mana your opponet should have
a big fatty out so all that you have to do it tap
six and its mana food^.^
constructed- 4/5 very nice here but needs a good
green deck to go with it
limited- 2/5 not as useful, sure removal is nice but
its made to go on big dudes and those are harder to
come by in draft.
final thought- its Greens version of Terror Pit.
Knives101 |
Today we are reviewing Nature's only removal card.
(Pouch Shell doesn't count lol.) Back in base set I
remember a lot of people hating this card for one
reason. It sends your opponent's creatures to the
mana zone, and not the grave. So you are giving your
opponent extra mana. My response to that: Who cares?
I'd rather remove one of my opponent's more annoying
creatures than let it sit in play. Mana Nexus makes
Natural Snare even better. Now you can chain a Nexus
and a Snare together to really annoy your opponent.
Sometimes sending your opponent's creature to the
mana zone is better than sending it to the grave.
Anyway Natural Snare is obv. good.
Rating: 5