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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Brain Serum


Date Reviewed: 9.17.04

Constructed Average Rating: 3.75
Limited Average Rating: 3.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

The Antman
Brain Serum - Uncommon-#27(base)

Well well kiddies today we have the card drawing brain serum.

Ahh brain serum, just tap 4 and u have 2 new cards in your hand, and in some cases you can have it in your shields and you could get 2 cards for free. I personaly love brain serum, it is currently in my own deck, but it has one problem. Its cost. to tell you the truth brain serum stinks now adays since the format has gotten faster and when you play brain serum it is most likely the only card you will play for your turn. That is why some decks (around where I live) just take it out and rely mainly on Crystal Memory and creatures like Aqua Hulcus to do the job instead, sure they get you less cards but Crystal Memory gets you any card and Hulcus gets you one card for less.

constructed- 2.5 still useful but not as useful as it used to be
limited- 3.5/5 card advantage isnt as important here, but getting more cards is always nice

final thought- use this card as a space filler for a blue or blue/green deck

Bill Gill
(aka Pojo)
There’s a reason why Pot of Greed got restricted in YuGiOh, and Bill was banned in Pokemon, trading 2 cards for 1 is too good of a deal to pass up. Card drawing is sooo important in Trading Card Games. This card thins out your deck, making it easier to get your powerful cards, as well as filling up your hand.

Plus this puppy is a shield trigger. Four of these will easily fit in most water decks, and Brain Serum can be splashed into other decks as well.

Constructed Rating: 5.00

Limited Rating: 4.00


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