* Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
Multiple M:TG Pro Tour Appearances |
Ra Vu - Seeker of
I'm not gonna lie - I don't like Rampage. You'll
hear this from me early and often. Then again, I'm
also the creator of "The Rainbow Connection". This
is a deck I built and love - it is who I am in deck
building. Rampage did absolutely nothing for the
deck except make other decks better and more viable.
Okay, I'm digressing and griping a little, but this
card is one of my points. This is a light card that
rewards more light play by being able to return a
light card from grave to hand. Honestly, it's hard
not to like it. It's cost is a little much for a
4000, but it can get the job done. There's nothing
wrong with being able to go infinite with your Holy
Awe every turn. *shudder*. I feel dirty even talking
good about this card as cheap as I find light to be,
but for the sake of journalistic integrity, it's
hard not to talk good about it. It's a good card
that has a great ability. You can't play it in every
deck, but light will find more than enough ways to
abuse this thing.
In limited, it might be even better. Spells are at a
premium, and being able to re-use even bad ones, can
be ridiculously good.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 4.5